A Call to arms.
Peppy. Though under condition of no holy water soaking till after scrolls are recovered. Scrolls first.
A sinple but elegant sketch of a drum with "Jerr" Written below it
in a flowery, slightly unstable looking script next to Peppy's handwriting They are an undead army. Of course they have scrolls.
Raisa Dyernina, and presumably the entire Circle
in small script North Springwater, alternate ways in.
General Lyte signs in her elegant elvish script and adds a note
"I am sure many in the Legion will help as they can. We will gladly pitch in to end this unnatural threat to Jiyyd and to innocent folks who live nearby."
Belade Galadon, ready for duty as always
Major Theaon Thorn
Mark Kelben
"Dentin Strauss"
Hedia signs her name in a deep red ink with her seal of sharess next to it
In a beautifully flowing script is written "I will bring Selune's Light tothe Dark places, Nyda. (and perhaps Peppy, some of them are magic users)"
Peppy writes simply:
Do they have scrolls?
The word is accompanied by her seal to its right; a simple line depiction of an arrowhead and the first half of its shaft pressed into green wax.
Written in harsh strong strokes:
Damian Colten pledges his sword to the cause