Torch's Home

  • Legion

    Haven't been around lately. But Torch still lives in his home. His activity is going to increase now that the camp is open again.


  • Locking this.

  • There was a policy made and several announcements. Take this to PM's again please.

  • Legion

    I can't believe Torch's house was taken over by Oreth when I posted that I was here.

    What is going on here?


  • Take the conversation to PMs or IRC please.

  • Legion

    Could you please find it in your heart to let me keep it?

    I really spent an endless amount of time and effort rping and setting it up.

    I hope you will be cool about letting me keep it.

    Sorry for not paying a closer eye on the forums.


  • Talk to bubbles, I guess, then.

  • Legion

    I mean in the past Oreth. Until four weeks ago there was no such policy.

    It took a full year getting permission and design and implement it in game in the first place and it was sold in a span of 4 weeks.

    I have been in game all week and I wasn't even notified. I was not even sent an email.

    Of course I would have stopped the bidding on my house.

    I feel devastated.


  • @54ada51ace=Acmefalls:

    For the PC homes no one at all says anything about after about 4 weeks from today, those homes will be put back on the market.


    Okkay it's been more than four weeks so it's overdue I move this along to the next phase which I am glad to say I'm at last ready to do. All Camp housing except Tala and Arandor's shall go up for sale. If those who own homes show up and make a claim BEFORE anyone else makes a bid for that space then they may still retain it. But once someone else has laid down a bid for that space it's gone. The old owner must either outbid the new claimant within one week of the new claimant's opening bid or make arrangements with the new owner to buy it back or simply bid on another open living spaces.