At the Entrance to the Druid Grove is found....

  • A young Sauri, still living but eyeballless and pinned to the ground by it's own two shortswords. An attached message has simply three words on it "I'm still waiting."

    Edit for clarity

  • Peppy is seen playing in the woods near the grove, and often asks Zyphlin if he is selling scrolls.

  • After watching the outside of the grove for some days, and saying the proper rites to Finder over the graves of the dead, signs of Zyphlin are seen less and less near the grove

  • Oreth joins Zyphlin at his guard post during pauses in his other duties, and sees to it that he's set for food, blankets, and so forth

    ….Try to take the murderers alive and prisoner. But no great tragedy if they die.

  • Aye Rando, seemin' ta me then damn tings nae care much bout' te fact ya be druid, scout, cook, er a farkin' dog… them lizards go an jus' attack whoe'er be walkin' by. Seein' em all dead be nae a shame ta me.

    ::walks along with Rando, conversing about the state of the sleepy town::

  • Rando on hearing the news from his Captain laughs and says

    " I tell you Mil, that is some good news about them lizards… vermin is what they are.... i can imagine some of the tree huggers are not best pleased, but who cares. Those lizards have killed to many citizens for me to feel even sorry for them...."

  • _Zyphlin was seen passing through Norwick, face stern, his skinning knife and tinder twigs for once at his sign. He heads into the Rawlins, pulling the strange thin grey cloak up around him as it begins to camaflouge to its natural surroundings. He speaks a word of magic and goes unseen. He has rarely been seen since, save to make a kill for food and a fire.

    Druids will notice he has been sleeping on the edge of the druid circle under leaves during most days. He offers aid in the proper burials to finder._

  • Raryldor begins patrolling the region surrounding the druid grove, watching and waiting

  • No arrows were spent, but magic was used

  • The child is quickly buried, and like a rash breaking out, a dozen more trees around the site echo the druid's words

    Damning yourself…

    Damning yourself...

    Damning yourself...

    Meanwhile, in curiousity, Oreth traces the path that the saurial must have been dragged to have been transported miles from its patrol area, looking for any scrap of the murderer's belongings, spent arrows included

  • Further away in the forest, a saurial is hanging upside down under a tree, throat slit

  • ((::wonders why no one of the various druids who live or stay in the glenn (to say nothing of the 15 resident saurial cubs) noticed a saurial being tortured and pinned to the ground right outside::))

    Within hours, the saurial is buried under an improvised symbol of Finder Wyvernspur, and a new note appears, shaped into the living bark of the trees outside the glenn, and repeated over and over from tree to tree, on nearly 40 of them

    "Do whatsoever makes you feel strong, corpse-puppet, with whatever time you have left.

    Your beloved orb will be found, sealed, and crushed, your plans ruined, and when it is all over, we will find you, kill you, and commit your body to the flames. There will be no return.

    The dead god will lie quiet in his grave. He will not claim you. He will not have the strength. And with every wild flailing, every evil, great or small, that you commit, Mystra will be more and more repulsed by you until neither will she save you from the wall.

    Do whatever you like, ghoul. It is not part of our plans to stop you now, but neither will it get you anywhere. The creatures you kill will find rest with their gods. You will not.

    You only damn yourself"

  • ::Milshot happens by the Druid Glenn on a routine patrol of the woods, reading the small note and taking into account the condition of the young creature, finishes it, putting it out of its misery::

    Damn druids be causin' trouble agin' it seemin'… best let te boss know 'bout this...

    :leaving the now dead Sauri with the note still affixed to it, turns and wanders off in the direction of the south gate::