Mog is Dead

  • ((continued from here:

    Mog's lifeless body lays next to the new forge. In one hand he clutches a holy symbol of Moradin. he was discovered here by Tala, who found him slumped over the forge, almost as if he died during prayer… a final conversation with Moradin before joining his Golden Halls...


    Get a farkin' healer! Get a priest! NOW! I am sure we can bring 'im back!

    _*Dwin and the others are gathered around their old friend who appears to be quite content in his eternal rest.

    Later, Dwin told others that the "ole farker even had a bit of a smile on his lips…tis how I know he's with the Soulforger..."_*

  • Dwin arrives in the camp one evening, still showing a sad expression about Mog's departure

    After consultin' wit several priests, we have decided to not burn his body, but to seal it up in a crypt instead…tis the rightful burial fer a Samryn like ole' Mog.

    With the pyre-wood, we can have a nice ceremonial fire. A celebration fer Mog an all his friends. I have commissioned a statue of Mog to be placed in Jiyyd as well.

  • tala cuts trees for the pyre getting Smudge to drag many sledges as well as dragging some herself. Some whisper that elm and cherry are too dear for a funeral pyre Tala ignores them.


    Belin is seen outside the temple with Dwin doing her part as a priest of moradin. Sniffling occasionallly as it turns out over the years Mog and Belin had fought together and shared more than a couple of ales.

  • After having several priests visit and look at Mog, it is determined that he has made his last trip to the anvil. "His soul wishes to stay with Moradin"… or at least that is what the priests tell Dwin.

    Dwin sadly gathers up Mog's possessions and makes arrangements for his body to be carried back with full honor to Jiyyd. Dwin tells the others that he and General Grag will be oraganizing a tribute, and that most likely he will receive a traditional Dwarven funeral as any true follower of Moradin would. Preparations for a funeral pire near the dwarven temple in Jiyyd begin. The temple that was built more by Mog's 2 hands than any other.

    Dwin and several other dwarves are seen spending more time around the temple. Whether this is related or not, no one knows.