Message posted on the door to the Temple of Helm

  • You spy a parchment nailed to the door of the temple. It is written in sharp strokes:

    To the residents of Jiyyd, good and fair:

    If you would like to enter the temple for prayer to Helm, it is customary to wear the red robes. I have made these robes available to anyone who wishes to use one. There is a cabinet in the office on the south side of the temple. If you would be so kind as to return them to the cabinet after you have used them, it would be appreciated as I am purchasing these items from my own funds.

    There are also some additional items I have placed in the cabinet these are freely available to anyone who wishes, but please, only take what you need and if you truly need it. The items are a torch to light the way; Wine to be used in Helmite ceremonies (i would ask that only worshipers take these as they are important).

    There is also a Poor Box which contains:

    I would ask that only those who are in dire need take from the poor box.


    Damian Colten, Paladin of Helm, Squire to the Order of the Divine Shield

    Helmite Ceremony as follows:
    The worshiper will first don the red Helmite robe
    Obtain the wine from the cabinet (or if you have your own, but it has to be wine of some kind.)
    The worshiper will kneel in front of the altar
    The worshiper will recite the first prayer:
    "Lord Helm, Vigilant One, hear the words of your humble vessel. Watch over the land and its people and protect them from the corruption of evil."
    Place the wine on the ground in front of the alter for a blessing by Helm.
    Recite the second prayer:
    "Lord Helm, bless this wine so i may have your courage and strength of will to fight the forces of evil."
    Pick up the now blessed wine and drink it.
    End the ceremony with the following prayer:
    "Your humble servant thanks thee for thy gift and will continue to live by your teachings."
    Stand and leave, returning the red Helmite robe to the cabinet