Rumors of Murder

  • Raryldor not only wanders the Nars, waiting and watching not only for his vampire stalker, but for Dentin. He speaks in hushes tones at the Regal Whore on quiet evenings before sunset about the Dentin's supposed actions, and that as a ghoul Raryldor himself commited acts so heinous. Could this man be mind controlled by the ghouls? Peltarch has some blatantly obvious evidence that those who were defeated as ghouls and returned to life are still under the command of the People….is it so far a stretch, if that is a case, that Dentin could be a living pawn of the people? What happened to the body? Taken for feasting by the People? Or did he eat it all by himself?

  • Hjoichi hears the rumors and chuckles to himself

    People seem not to recognize what Defenders exist to kill. Murder is for civilians. Likely engineer Strauss did put down some enemy of Peltarch or whatnot and now their sissy schoolgirls are callin it murder. shrugs

    Keep the the politics to the politicians I say.

  • A delegation wearing the tabbards of the Lord Protector enters the city and heads to Magistrate Barrim office

    All can be heard before his door closes is the word

    "Greetings from the Lord Protector we come on serious matters…...."

  • DM

    The Magistrate looks up from his pile of work on his desk, takes a nickel goblet of wine from one side, and puts it to his lips… "Ahh fine vintage" he remarks..

    "Reports of murder..." he mutters to himself, looking over the scores of crimes murders and military reports... "murder..?" he says ironically.. "i can see no murders..."

    Eventually he steps out of his office, and goes to see various defenders and known contacts of his to see when someone is going to actually inform him what supposedly went on....

    ((Borrowed from the famous phrase "I see no ships..."))

  • Continues to just have a good laugh at the absurdity of the Norwick rumor, enjoying a nice glass of elven wine in the mermaid

  • Rumor continue to spread upon the wind, twisting and turning with every telling, til Dentin is rumored to have not only killed the man in cold blood but to have dismembered him and laughed manically as he burned all evidence of his deeds

  • Dwin is enjoying himself when he sees a crazed bard stomping around throwing a tantrum about some odd rumor

    Wow, for a bard that tiny dancer really react strongly to RUMORS. me thinks he ought to know better! Fark, I thought he was the one that STARTED rumors!

    Dwin goes back to his approved blueprints for the new Crafting Hall

  • Wait…

    Norwick. Barbarian town Norwick. Norwick whose people KIDNAPPED a Knight of Peltarch, manipulated his mind, casts spells on him, all inside thier city, and then refused to extradite anyone becuase it was outside of peltarch land......want a Defender of Peltarch extradited because he attacked someone, who no one has brought proof yet if it was justified or not in EITHER way, in the middle of the nars pass.


    That is the most assine, idiotic, stupidest thing I've ever heard, beyond the obvious reasons that Sam's Hill isn't Norwicks Terroritory. If anything, the Senate should be wary of the fact that it seems Norwick is trying to extend its claim on the land.

  • _Rumors make their way around the city the Norwick Militia has requested Dentin's extridition to stand trial for the cold-blooded murder that took place.

    There is also a rumor that there were several Norwick residents that witnessed this tragedy, and they have recently come forward to relate the horrors they saw._

  • Corana simply smirks at the news and goes back to her blessings and prayers on the shore of the Icelace.

  • Nyda looks to Belade and nods slightly "I would agree.. though as yet there has been no evidence that the man killed was evil at all. Dentin acted as he thought best, perhaps, but this is a land with laws and due process and no proof has been offered as yet. Dentin is no Paladin who can feel the evil in men's hearts."

  • Belade comments that in the duty of protecting those who are good, evil must die.

  • Clandra hears of the rumor while sitting in the Ashald park with some youngish boys around.

    "Oh dear! A defender -killed- something?! … wow. Must be slow news day."

    She chuckles, then continues her nearly endless flirting with the men of the city.

  • _Deacon remarks: "Dentin again?! The man ain' makin' himself very popular around here, I reckon one these days he be windin' up dead 'an burned in one o' the lesser well-lit parts o' de city, catch me drift?

    Bah, the law force of this city is as corrupt as the bleedin' seafarers, been saying it for years on end now. When will someone finally listen ta the bleedin' citizens of this town, eh? .. Well, not the whole lawforce, there be some exceptions. But few. Very few. Very, very few aye. An' Dentin? He be the King o' corrupt. Lemme tell ye 'at!_

  • Dentin, catching wind of the rumours, simply shakes his head.
    "I am a soldier. You expect me to throw flowers?"