1000's of Goblins

  • Talk is of a large battle that took place towards the south of Norwick. A large goblin force of maybe a 1000 troops marched and laid siege to the south gate of Norwick.

    The defenders lead by the Lord Protector fought with great courage and against massive and nearly over powering numbers. The goblins were able to bring up siege engineers to plant large explosives against the hill and the gate. It seemed they were trying to bring down the hill near Vinos fire so they could attack there. This attack was repulsed, but not before a serious amount of damage had been done to the hill side.

    Whilst this was going on the Goblin army under heavy arrow fire from the defenders managed to get explosives against the gate.. it cost them very dear but they were able to ignite the explosives causing a huge explosion that ripped the gates and part of the wall to small shards and splinters.

    The Goblin Army had a breach and they attacked in full force. The defenders fought with great passion repelling wave after wave of goblins.

    Suddenly it seemed that the goblins were appearing out of the ground when in fact they had dug large tunnels to be able to bring up more troops without being subjected to arrow fire. It was getting to the point that the gate would be over run, but the defenders held firm.

    A few of the defenders under great danger sallied forth to destroy these tunnels which they managed to do.

    The goblins realising that the defenders were still holding the gate entrance brought up some of their heavy forces. A unit of Bugbears attacked followed by a large wave of Umbers. A few of the defender fell with serious wounds, but the healers managed to tend to them before it was too late.

    The battle raged on through the night and most of the next day. the defenders coming close to being over run a few times, but held strong. The goblin army had taken serious casualties decided to call the retreat and pulled back in good order. The defenders unable to pursue due to wounds stayed near the gates as the army retreated.

    Another glorious battle had taken place and one that would be sung by bards for years to come.

    (thanks Maythor and LD for a great event)

  • Rando get the report and tells Milshot

    Triple the guards on the south gate from now on and i want patrols just south of the gate also."

  • Drelan tells the norwick Militia that goblins have been trying to burrow into norwick from below. Two holes opened up near the gate one in front and one behind. The sails and a one farscout were able to remove the mass of goblins below and proceed into their tunnels to clear them out. Eventually the goblins sealed their own tunnels with kegs, sealing the way to Norwick. The group had to leave through the tunnels point of Origin that was in a cave out in the Rawlins. While the way was sealed it should be noted that they could probably burrow a similar path again and as such the town should be wary.

  • And it was not too long after the defenders managed to find a pillow at the inn to lay their weary heads upon that, once again, there was another attempt, albeit smaller in size, to take the gate by several goblins of various rank and skill.

    Casting upon the nearby portal was witnessed by the southern guards and no sooner had the captain been briefed on the assault did the concusion from no less than 10 powderkegs let loose from atop the western archer tower… killing the goblins that set them and nearly crumbling the tower to the ground.

    A small wave of soldiers was repelled without much effort and save the random grenadiers, there was llittle inthe way of harm that befell the several that had gathered to defend the gate yet again.

  • One of the defenders is heard to remark "Once again, Garagos has been proven wrong, praise be to the Knight, and all the gods watching over us during that battle.