• Dwin stands on a bench near the square when there is a large group about

    Lads, lasses, and the rest!

    We all know that the Undead folks got a special dislike to anythin' silver! Silver blades hurt em more, and Silver armor taps his own plate protects ya more from em!

    The Union has some high quality silver at its disposal and will be takin' orders. Because we understand the problem of the undead… I meself have been taken by them twice now... we are going to be offerin' a discount on all silver items.

    For the time bein', all silver items will sell at UNION COST. We aint lookin to make any extra coin on this, folks... no mark-up.

    So, come find your local Union crafters and ask em about an order! Our supply o silver wont last forever, so act quick!

    ((PM me, IC, if you want to place an order... ))

    Dwin then posts the following price list on the Union Hall door

    item | regular/MW cost
    bastard sword 195/1460
    dagger 120/1385
    great axe 160/1425
    great sword 230/1495
    longsword 150/1415
    mace 125/1490
    scimitar 150/1415
    short sword 140/1400
    warhammer 140/1400

    helm 400/750
    tower shield 1045/6500
    chain mail 2270/6725
    fullplate 6450/19215

    note: All prices are final. Whiners need not inquire. Volume discounts available, please inquire within. The Union has the right to revoke this sale at any time.

  • A hin finds Ariel and informs her that the order has been accepted and she will be notified when it is complete.

    ((if you guys could forum-PM me the orders that would help me keep track of them, thanks))

  • Ariel Gredova leaves a signed note at Jiyyd's guild hall promising the listed payment up front in return for one masterworked bastard sword

  • rapiers are 160/1425

    I'll have to get back to ya on the arrows…

  • Olsen sends a letter to the Dolvaks requesting pricing on silver-tipped arrows and rapiers. He expects to place an order for the Far Scouts within the next month

  • Morning Star: 140/1300

  • Jerr leaves a note asking for a quote for a morning star

  • @89d74ab568=Nyda:

    Nyda enquires as to whether Katana are also available, it being her weapon of choice, and Silver being holy to Selune.

    • Yawns and Stretches *

    "Sure lass.. me makes em in me sleep.."

    • Grogily walks off scratching his arse *

  • aye, I listed the most popular items.

    I shoulda mentioned that everything that can be made is available.

    Katana will see for 210/1470.

    If ya see sumtim that aint up here, just ask

    ((post here if you want))

  • Nyda enquires as to whether Katana are also available, it being her weapon of choice, and Silver being holy to Selune.