A Big Bang

  • Seth is not seen for almost a week after the event. Though some say he was seen in the Inn in Jiyyd.

    If any see Seth they will hardly recognise him. His face is horrible burnt and scarred and his right arm is quite badly affected also.

    If any ask Seth what happened he reluctantly tells the story of his experience with the guards of Nowick and Rando's actions.

    "Nicahh informed Milshot of my situation… and I told the daft idiots half a dozen times I couldnt remove my helmet or else I would die, I told them I was a Knights of the Cerulean Stars and that I would leave and even showed them my Defenders Badge. Clearly they get their kicks by displaying what power is afforded to them in their little village. I only wish the blast killed that farker Rando as well."

    Seth starts to grind his teeth and he mentions Rando

  • @9f59e02748=elor_danna:

    Belade sighs when she hears of this

    Maybe you could try asking for a reason why they wear a helmet? Or do yourself a favour, and buy a brain…it was pretty common knowledge that the helm was fused to Kenton's head.

    Aye and the laws o Norwick are purty common knowledge as well. E'en moreso I'd say. Aint our fault he tried bypassin em without warnin us.

  • ((was belade in the barracks? might be important to ask before having her arrested for something you couldn't hear.))

  • (and how did the bird get inside a building dwin was in the barracks when we started to talk oreth, so it all took place inside)

  • _In the moments after the Lord protector's order, there follows a storm of black feathers and mad croaking laughter, as a large black bird, its wingspan nearly 5 feet across, glides down from the sky and smashes face-first into the Paladin of Sune's chest. As she (presumedly) reflexively pulls her arms in toward her torso at the sudden impact, the bird drops a small vial from its claws, containing a thick orange liquid, with a piece of parchment clearly labelled "Invisibility" wrapped around it.

    Its payload delivered, the bird twists away and flaps off as quickly as it can, dodging around a building as soon as possible and gliding low to the ground. for long enough to consider himself safe, before flapping to gain altitude and veering to the west, flapping off into the distance_

    ((If some DM could take that potion off of me, that would be awesome))

  • nods to the guards to arrest Bel

    "Take her to the cells"

  • Oh, you gonna shoot me in the back like last time? Good boy

  • looks to Dwin

    _" looks like it, make sure you have a 'chat' with her the next time you see her.

    It came off in the end…. these things normally do. Its normally people just trying to get around the rules... he didn't"_

    rando smirks

  • Dwin makes note of the verbal abuse that Belade makes towards the benevolent Norwick Militia

    Sounds like she's threatenin' us, eh boys?

  • Belade sighs when she hears of this

    Maybe you could try asking for a reason why they wear a helmet? Or do yourself a favour, and buy a brain…it was pretty common knowledge that the helm was fused to Kenton's head.

  • @93531e4159:

    Clan Dolvak wrote:
    Dwin, with his feet up on the table at the barracks, comments

    Seems we might want to add some rules about explodin' helms, eh? what a loophole!

    ROFL. 😄

  • Dentin, after hearing about what happened, goes to see the Lord Protector.

  • Dwin, with his feet up on the table at the barracks, comments

    Seems we might want to add some rules about explodin' helms, eh? what a loophole!