Message on the door of the Regal Whore

  • Scribbled into the margin in steeply slanting cursive.

    The Lady E'leftynen may have time to speak briefly about one of the mentioned deities.

  • //Just because I'm a typography poo-bah I need point out that none of you without a printing-press are using a "font" but are instead writing with a nice flowing script. Fonts are a creation of modern computer software more-or-less. There were first scripts (written by hand) then there were typefaces (printed) to which a single "font" (i.e. 14 pt Didot) belongs.

  • Marked under Maristons

    Ah yes. Forgot about my basement. Sorry about that one.

  • Beside Deacon's writing is the following:

    For Umberlant church matters, seek me outside these walls. Within the walls some can be less than accomodating to open discussion. ~Corana Lyonsen

  • In a delicate handwriting, followed by the black and golden insigna known to many in Peltarch, the following is written:

    We of the Black Sails are able to inform you of Umberlee and her ways, should you wish to be enlightened.

  • In a careful and concise hand

    It should be noted there is a temple to Torm beneath Jiyyd.

    Sir Mariston Thel

  • Zyphlin smiles as he see's the note sprawled

    And that is why he is our Master Abroad. Lets see what else I can add.

    Added on in with a practiced flowing font

    • Jiyyd's temple is actually to Helm.
    • Shrines to mutliple Hin gods can be found in the silver vally.
    • Peltarch also has a small shrine to Torm and Ilmater in the Tyrian Temple

    Please feel free to visit the illustrious Bardic College of Peltarch. We have information on nearly every god that watches over this realm. If you can not find the necessary books in the public library, speak with an apprentice or higher to supply you with the books you need temporarily by order of Headmaster Zyphlin Re'cual.

    If you need information on Tymora, I will be happy to aid you beyond the books as I do not know any actual priests in the area.

    If you need information on Finder Wyvernspur I will be glad to help where I may, though if apprentice Sierra ever returns she would be the one to speak to.

    • Lady Amissa of the Phoenix is the key person in the region to speak to about Mystra
    • The cleric Hanadros or Paladin Kara for Kelemvor.
    • Senator Evendur would be a smart one for Azuth.
    • With Watcher Amana gone, I would advise Senator Roland Brynmor the Paladin for Helm
    • Defender Shannon in Peltarch would be wise for Torm
    • Vino Sten, if you can find him, would be an expert on Tyr if not Daisy.
    • Krig the Dwarf or Defender Eowein would be someone to find for Tempus
    • Lilin if you wish to learn about Sharess…who is no longer in the mulhurrand pantheon.
    • Meril, for just about anyone, as the man is a fount of knowledge.
    • Lady Rith for Lathander
    • Khaya if you wish to know of the Lord of Knowledge Oghma
    • The dwarf Jirka for Haela Brightaxe
    • Miss Anna Sigerlson if you wish to know of The Lady of the Lanceboard, Red Knight

    Hope this gives you a start.


  • "Maybe we should write something in his journal, then Eo ? There are also some temples scattered about the Lands that he may like to visit.
    Besides, I see he's left one off the list that I know at least some of the circle used to venerate. I'll just jot down a few notes and join you at a table anon….. order my usual from Drudo

    *Ad then bends down and and writes in a delicate scrawl *

    Temples in the Lands
    Lathander - Norwick
    Kelemvor - Nars pass outside norwick
    Torm - Jiyyd
    Tyr - Peltarch

    Other Shrines and places of worship
    Druid grove - East Rawlins ( Various nature deities including Khalreshaar…the elven aspect of Mielikki)
    Old druid circle - Southwest Rawlins (Unknown...assumed nature deities)
    Chapel - Friar Fred's, Norwick (Unknown)
    Grivel's tree - The Wolves Den, Nars pass (Mielikki)

    Other Places containing information
    The Library of the Bardic college - Peltarch

    He stands up and sucks the end of his quill

    "Hmmm…seems my knowledge spans the south only . I must ask Eo if she known of more shrines in the north...." with that he dissappears into the inn

  • "The Theology section of the Bardic College Library has information on most Deities, perhaps this fellow should look us up…", Eowiel remarks on reading the notice on her way into the Inn, though she doesn't bother writing any messages or such.

  • "I can tell you many things of Gond, should you wish it.

    Dentin Strauss"

  • "Speak with me in person. I can talk for ages of Ubtao, but it would be helpful to know what, in particular, you are interested in learning.

    If needed, I can fill in some gaps in reference to Eldath, as well, as I have not seen many of her faithful here.


    There follows a sketch of a labyrinth that matches the one on the amulet Oreth wears

  • below the note, a small stylized lilly flower is drawn, apparently as a signature.