For Sale

  • _A note is hung up in the Peltarch Crafting Hall.
    **Dentin Strauss offers for Sale to Highest Bidder.
    Any or All of the Following:

    4x Large Animal Hide
    4x Silver Ore
    3x Platinum Ore**

    Below the note is left room for written offers._

  • ((it was written on the piece of paper asking for bids, at the top of the blank space Dentin left, I presume te subsequent bids were written on the same sheet below it))

  • @494e59be8e=Katebush:

    In a scrawl of dried blood and ichor someone writes beneath the note:

    "I bid one enchanted warhammer, sparks electricity upon striking, for all the ore,


    While visiting the hall, Kara Willendt of the Cerulean Knights spies this response posted under the for sale advert. With as much care as she can (assuming it is on a piece of parchment, paper, or cloth), she takes the bloody note off the wall while leaving everything else intact. She then takes then leaves quickly, and heads straight for the Cerulean Knights' headquarters.

    ((Assuming I can take the note, there will likely be a scry attempt forthcoming. Might need to talk to the note's author or a DM OOC on adjudicating the scrying. If I am unable to take the note (like it was written directly on the wall), then Kara will ask the crafting masters not to clean up the note so that the Knights can try to scry with it first.))

  • grunts

    [d] picky farker [/d]

    ALL the farkin ore. Silver and Platinum. 200 coins.

  • Please list what exactly you are offering to buy.
    "The Ore" doesn't quite say which ore, and how many.

  • 200 for the ore.

  • "I bid 200 for the hide, pending knowledge of the animal from which it was harvested"


  • In a scrawl of dried blood and ichor someone writes beneath the note:

    "I bid one enchanted warhammer, sparks electricity upon striking, for all the ore,
