GATH MESER.........long awaited history!!

  • Username: Akragon
    PC name : Gath. Meser

    Originally from the depths of waterdeep, Gath has served the Vincent Family for well over a century, once a simple servant, kind and loving, happy to tend to the needs of his employer. One night at one of the Lord Vincents Infamous Gatherings, Gath drank a bit too much (way too much) and managed to insult a dark mage. the mage was powerful and laughed at Gath calling him simple and " just a servant Slave". Being a servant Gath was able to get close to him and took a cheap shot at the Mage breaking his nose. Unknowingly Gath has broken the nose of a Dark Arch mage and a curse was put of Gath. It was a curse of eternal hate. Gaths heart was very pure but the mages power was far Greater The curse turned the once passive unagressive gnome into a confontational killer with a short fuse and a sharp tongue. He thirsts for the sight of blood, pain and the tension of a good fight! He is a true antagonist, very self destructive and will take advantage of any weakness he sees in the general public.

    Gath has recently found comfort in the power and destruction of Talos Lord of the Storms, and preaches his Faith to those who he deems worthy. Though Chaotic Evil Gaths Purity of heart has prevailed on occasion and a glimmer of Goodness will shine through depending on the situation/mood/relationship. He is known to hold a grudge and is not affraid to die for his causes, beliefs or revenge. He's completely vicious in battle and will come back as many times as it takes to destroy those who oppose Talos and his followers!!!

  • Reviewed - XP Pending.

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