The undead posse
Good examples for me:
I'm a cleric of Kelemvor and want to destroy this abomination before me.
I'm undead and haven't eaten in 3 days, I'm starving and <insert name="">looks like a good meal.
<insert name="">has been insulting me for 3 months. They have finally thrown down the last straw and my patience has snapped. (This one only works with a known history of insults)
I'm a bounty hunter and bringing <insert name="">in for justice. (And if ye don't bring that person in for justice, expect to get penalized xp)
<insert name="">is destroying the forest. I'm a druid and want to stop them.
These are only examples of what I allow for PvP. Some of these have actually happened.</insert></insert></insert></insert>
Isn't this getting a tad close to the concept of making a psychopathic character as a reason to PK anyone you want? I thought that kind of character creation was frowned upon… like drow.
Example: I am chatting with Grimolf, since there is little or no chance of me recognizing him for what he is (depending on who you talk to)... we head out of town together and (from my perspective) he slaps me with a stunning fist out of the blue and proceeds to munch on my head and take my character into a direction I may not want to go. I would hope that something like this would require the permission of the one having his/her brain sucked.
Also... if someone is infected.. you're saying they instantly hate the living? I assume there is a significant alteration in alignment with this process, yes? Because is this is the circumstance, and Kharbeh gets infected by this process, and she has an option before her personality is ripped from her... she'd look for the nearest paladin or good cleric and have herself put out of her misery... end of character. Which would suck if I didn't have any choice in the decision.
Just ask for permission first. If ye heal one not knowing they are undead, and ye do damage to them with the heal, ask for permission then before pressing the attack.
Lucky for me Malentine is likly to use heals and turn undead rather than a big stick to beat on the undead so it won't PK them but I bet they would run away howling in pain
but when/if they get tokens to make heals do damage and the like I can't see any IC reason why I shouldnt try to kill them with heals being a dedicated cleric of Kelemvor.
With PvP permission, ye can attack anyone. Ye just have to have a real good reason for most of us DM's to give ye that permission.
And yes Kerby, even the Undead Gang need permission to recruit. Because before they can bite someone, they have to subdue them. Once subdued though, yer fair game for a quick snack.
Scutum, that works. If yer looking for a way to not attack them, more power to ye.
As of now I don't know any reason why you wouldn't attack us unless you like undead and wish to help us.
Ah, but there's the rub. We wouldn't attack you, because we are not allowed to attack you.
So as per Magi, what I can do, is sit next to Grimolf (for example) and say, "Geez, Grim… ye should get out and get a bit of sun... yer lookin a bit pale. And take a bath, will you? Yer flesh is starting to rot. And what have you done to your teeth-- ah. Well, I should be getting on with a few errands... bye!"
The reason I say this is because IC, Scutie would see zombies, stomp them all, and let Yondalla sort 'em out. But that just isn't feasible (or desirable) when the zombies in question are PCs. But not wanting to violate the integrity of her character, I just wanted to hear why I wouldn't attack them IC.
As for talking to them, ye can try, but they may try to lead ye somewhere to get yer guard down and grab a meal. chuckles
That is "grab a meal" WITH PK permission… right Magi?
Yes, ye can recognize them as who they are. When they talk, their teeth are now pointy, great for rending flesh. The skin is slightly paler, like they've been out of the sun for a week or two.
As for talking to them, ye can try, but they may try to lead ye somewhere to get yer guard down and grab a meal. chuckles
Scutum to help answer yer concern, it's not a natural disease, which a monk would be immune to, but a magical one, which they aren't immune to.
Yes, I understood this when Mas mentioned it was a magical disease.
As far as answering my question…
Am I supposed to have my character act as though seeing any of these "zombie-posse" folks is the same as seeing any "Norwickian Cleric Zombie" or whatever they're called? Or are these magical zombies recognizable? Can Scut say "Eat hin fist, fiend-- wait a minute, that looks like Grimolf... I better not attack him until I find out what's going on!"
I'm just looking for an excuse NOT to attack them. Help me out, here.
aside: what are some common non-combat solutions that people use when they are in a situation that almost begs for PvP only there are no DMs on to ok it?
Creativity. PK is often the last restort of those who have tried no other avenue.
aside, the second: What if the PCs both agree ooc? Is that sufficient? Both PCs can hit Print_screen to use as confirmation…
This is dodgy ground to be honest. As LA says it has been used in the past, however, imho the players would both have to be very well known and trusted players and if you did chose to go down that route I would also advise sub dual.
I happen to fall into the category of players that feels that there is no such thing as a 'necessary' PK, approriate yes, necessary no.
Magi, can a paladin sense the intense evil of these zombies? Do they feel more evil than, say, a greedy LE wizard?
Well assuming they are zombies they are powered by negative energy which does detect as evil..
What I'm getting at…if Kanen walks by one of these zombies, wouldn't his spidey-sense go nutz and thus instigate a battle?
detect evil requires active use - sorry spidey.
aside: what are some common non-combat solutions that people use when they are in a situation that almost begs for PvP only there are no DMs on to ok it?
run, dice roll, mutual pk agreement.
aside, the second: What if the PCs both agree ooc? Is that sufficient? Both PCs can hit Print_screen to use as confirmation…
Yep this has always been sufficient. But screen print is good insurance against a retraction.
…unless they lead that paladin first down a path of ruin to strip him/her of their abilities.
Which would be fun anyway.
Magi, can a paladin sense the intense evil of these zombies? Do they feel more evil than, say, a greedy LE wizard?
What I'm getting at…if Kanen walks by one of these zombies, wouldn't his spidey-sense go nutz and thus instigate a battle?
aside: what are some common non-combat solutions that people use when they are in a situation that almost begs for PvP only there are no DMs on to ok it?
aside, the second: What if the PCs both agree ooc? Is that sufficient? Both PCs can hit Print_screen to use as confirmation...
They aren't good.
Scutum to help answer yer concern, it's not a natural disease, which a monk would be immune to, but a magical one, which they aren't immune to. Now however, it being a disease, this means they won't be making any paladins into critters unless they lead that paladin first down a path of ruin to strip him/her of their abilities.
Maybe they are good zombies
Following the history of this server, I see your point.
Maybe they are good zombies
(Please read the following in the good spirit I intended.
I hate to even ask since I am now trying to avoid PvP at all costs, but if we see "zombies" roaming around looking for flesh, I am going to need an IC reason not to rip them to pieces. I know that any cleric worth his salt is going to want to Turn them, too. Should probably be able to destroy them, in fact, with the turn ability.
And so far, while monks have immunity to disease at L5, so far it has only been good for resisting common colds in Narfell, because any disease they would REALLY want to be immune to they aren't.
I know about PvP server rules, and I am not trying to buck the system, but "zombies"?
oh okay we can have any smacktard who decides to play drow killed by sewer monsters then
I can tell you right now your forum name is going to cause confusion
oh okay we can have any smacktard who decides to play drow killed by sewer monsters then