NJKT, player of Meredoc Trapspringer

  • I have to elect him, he has such a great character. Meredoc has a bad habbit of "borrowing", but seems to have a good heart. He also has a wide spectrum of very believable emotions. Very unique. NJKT plays him very well. What really got me was his extreme distress when Eli fell in combat, turning him helpless and screaming. I don't know what it is exactly, but he seems like such a believable and lovable character.

    I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a token, but I could be wrong.

    "I found this dagger" -Meredoc
    "Rolls eyes with a grin Where at?" -Eli
    "In a leather sheath" -Meredoc

  • :oops:

  • yes excellent character but he has his ctoken already from one of his other characters 😄