
  • Kara Du'Monte

    Home and Location: Jiyyd

    Level distribution : Fighter 6 / Paladin 11

    Custom equipment
    Full plate mail of the Nephilim
    Armour : +1ac, cure serious wounds 2/day.
    Helm : +1ac, Ioun stone blue 1/day.

    _This magnifienct armour was but a few of the complete set that Nephilim, the chosen of Tyr wore when he faced off against the divine shield after they had saught his path. Though clouded by madness, Nephilim was finally defeated by the order and allowed to finally find his rest after countless years of Torment. Where the knight fell, his equipment remained. It remains kept in mint condition and it is worn as a mark of honour.

    The colours are marked as ancient tyrran colours._

    Hand of Torm.
    Guild item.

    This fine pair of heavy gauntlets were gifted to Kara upon being elevated to the position of champion within the divine shield by Sir Mariston Thel. Two identical tiny symbols of Torm rest on either side of the pair of gauntlets wrist guards.

    Kelemvors Embrace
    1 level 2 paladin spell slot.
    Enchanted item.

    Created from a leather belt, this midriff piece hugs the waist of the wearer tightly, giving the feeling of being 'held'. It was fused with positive magics to bring holy figures closer to their gods and allow slightly more divine power to be chanelled.

    Forgotten Greaves
    +1ac, +5 discipline, +5 Tumble.
    Gobbletom plot item.

    Recovered along with a collection of other items from the knight of the lost City, during and after it's eventual death and peace, these boots seem fairly normal until they start pulsing with dark looking swirls of magic. When active, they reject all positive energy used on the person unlucky enough to be cursed with them.

    Ring of Righteous Might.
    +1 strength, +2 taunt.
    Enchanted item.

    Originally a simple silver band, this ring was an engagement ring given to Kara by Zoma during the civil war that plagued the northern city of Peltarch. Though their relationship later took a turn for the worse and they separated, Kara retained the ring and later imbued it with positive energies as a reminder that inner strength and courage can be found within, even when a situation seems bleak. When worn, it reassures and reinforces faith against the enemies of life. the undead.

    Ring of the Purple dragon knight
    Light (5) Unlimited/day, Detect poison unlimited/day
    Darkangel given item.

    _Though she originally lost her own ring during the battle where she was grievously wounded during her service to Cormyr, this simple brass ring was later given to her by Orinon Dalvin, after helping to recover a sacred artifact belonging to cormyr, that had been stolen and tracked down to nearby Ormpur. More than a magical item, this ring is a sign of rank among the purple dragons, denoting that kara belonged to the order of the purple dragon before mustering out later on.

    It is one of her most prized possesions to date._

    Flameheart, hand and a half broadsword.
    +2 enhancement.
    Enchanted item.

    _Recovered during her trials against the nameless in norwick, this blade was originally named fatal repose and remained by Kara's side for many years, aiding her faithfully until it was shattered during the crisis with the crystals and the emergance of the wild magic that plagued the region following their appearance. The blade was eventually reforged and a single red heart crystal was infused with the crossguard of the finished blade. Dangling from the haft is a chain with the symbol of Kelemvor at the end.

    Named 'fluffy' to follow the tradition of naming blades after loved ones, the sword has served kara faithfully for years, through demonic struggles and other nameless horrors. Eventually renamed 'flameheart', the crystal set into the quillins glows with a soft red glow, granting it's namesake. It is rarely absent from her side. She considers the blade to be her most prized belonging._

    Dragon Scale Kiteshield
    +2ac, 5/- fire resistance.
    Enchanted item.

    _Hardened against fire, this finely crafted steel shield was reforged with loving care and red dragon scale to enhance it's surface against blows and fire alike. The end result was a dark red kite shield with a surface of tough dragon hide to protect the one carrying it.

    Originally a part of Rass, the terrible red dragon of the nars pass, the pieces of scale were separated by three dragon slayers, known to the narfell region as Jirka Larkur, Mingal Kross and Tolin Smallvartkin. Though Rass saught her revenge, she was never given the satisfaction of killing any of them, passing them forever into legend as the three who defeated her successfully.

    Sometime later, during the conflict against the eastland legion, Rass surfaced again when the combined armies of the region were pushing down upon the eastlanders, threatening the final push. It was at this point that kara stepped up , aided with magic and faced the huge beast alone, while the allied force merely looked on, frozen with momentary fear and curiousity. Though the battle was short and ended in her death, it is said that kara was able to wound the beast enough to force it off the battlefield and prevent any further deaths.

    Shortly after the battle and Jirka's fall against orcish hordes, the pieces of dragon scale recovered from Rass were gifted to Kara as a final gift with instructions to put them to good use. It was shortly after Jirka's final passing that her shield was reforged and the scale was infused, lending the strength of dragonkin to keep her safe._

    Holy Symbol of Kelemvor.
    Guild item.

    This ornate holy symbol was gifted to Kara by the knights of the eternal order, after they despatched equipment to aid in the struggle against the forces of undeath. A simple chain holds up Kelemvor's symbol, a skeletal hand gripping the golden set of scales.

    Cloak of the Lionar
    +1 Cha
    DMented reskinned item.

    _Soft and comfortable to the touch, this finely tailored cloth cloak has been cut to fit Kara and Decorated in the colours of the renouned purple dragon knights of Cormyr. Decorated with an ornate looking dragon clasp, this magnificent looking cloak bears the symbol of the order of the purple dragon, worn proudly for all to see.

    Part of her original purple dragon knight armour, this cloak seems well kept considering it's age._

    Spirit Ring.
    Ghostly Visage (3) 1/day.
    Gobbletom Item.

    A small black stone is set into this ring and when gazed into, a swirling dark mist can be seen within the gem, allowing the wearer to shield themselves in mist upon command.

    Riders Breastplate.
    Reskinned Iron full plate.

    _Though not magical, this plate holds alot of memories for Kara and speaks of her past involvement with the purple dragon knights of Cormyr. Though she eventually mustered out, she kept her equipment and has kept it in mint condition ever since. This finely polished suit of armour is well made and allows flexibility when mounted. It carries the emblums of the purple dragon knights on each pauldron, carefully engraved.

    Though old looking, this armour is in excellent condition._

    Golden wedding ring.
    +5 lore, 15m White light.
    (Soon to be) Reskinned item.

    _A reminder of the distant past, this ring was given to Kara by Juno Everheart as a bond of marriage. Even through his fall and eventual death, she has held onto this ring for years. If asked, she refuses to part with it.

    Though only a minor magic, the enchantment buried inside the ring provokes memories and thoughts to boil to the surface when worn serving to both hinter and aid research when there is a need. It often prompts memories of times past to be remembered with clear clarity, lending to distract the one wearing it.

    The ring itself bears a single sparkling diamond, glowing with a gentle white hue in the moonlight._

    Extensive scroll and book collection.

    Over the years, Kara has spent her time collecting a respectable collection of various books and scrolls of potent magical powers. If asked, she merely smiles at the thought of starting a library and goes on her way, ever searching for more knowledge to collect.

    _Standing at approximately five foot six, Kara appears to be well built for the life she leads, having trained and struggled through wearing plate. Before you stands a calm warrior with a bastard sword hanging sheathed at her hip. Usually a peace knot can be found wrapped around the mouth of her scabbard.

    When in armour, she moves with a practiced ease as if the plate were a second skin. Her movements and style of combat appear fluid, as if it were all some extravagant dance. If caught without her helm, her long red hair is tied back with simple leather straps. Her plate is usually kept shining and well covered by a warm dusty woolen cloak draped down her back and wrapped around here.

    When not in armour, the fact she is a woman is readily more apparant. Having trained herself for years, she is in relatively good shape with little wasted muscle and modest womanly curves. Deep green eyes and long firey red hair mark her appearance, topped off with soft fair skin, she does not look unattractive to the passing eye though she is by no rights gorgeous.

    Along with a Cormyrean sounding accent, she proudly wears an amulet of Kelemvor about her neck_

    Positions : Paragon of the Divine Shield, Knight of the Watchful repose and current Knight of the Eternal Order.

    Time Spent in Narfell: Several years, I really can't remember

  • ((Forgot a ring))

  • Updated.

  • Nice big ol' update put in.