The Docks: Folks worries about the undead

  • DM

    Across the docks, wood, stone and other supples land at the docks, the citys folk hardening their resolve it seems across the relatively deprived poorer districts, and the richer merchants dusting themselves off from the wreckage of some of their homes.


    In a few places, the simple workers of the docks look at the more humbly dressed defender priest Dentin with a slightly strange look, unexpected it seems was his gesture. A few of the workers even give him the briefest of nods in appreciation and the occasional pat on the back where in the past small children used to giggle in alleyways with toy wooden hammers in hand. Now, there is the occasional heavy bang of a hammer upon a nail rebuilding parts of the district with a muttered prayer to gond, as the dock workers determination is expressed in their physical labours.


    Seeing the senator and knight Mariston, and his white robed companion removing the fear from the most fearful brings hope to the young, who seem to suffer the most through the anger and hatred as well as sadness toward lost relatives. Soon the young are enacting games of fights, some pretending to be defenders, others wearing bedsheets pretending to be priests dissolving undead before them.


    A few of the old folk of the docks smile in admiration at Kara at her words, those closest to death finding solace in her faith. The old folk give her small gifts of food in thanks to Kelemvor and comfort those children and folk who are left behind with the years of their wisdom


    A few young and rabble rouser types in the docks share the feelings of Deacon, and soon give the few new guards in the docks, where there were none before dirty looks, but seeminly largely due to the ministrations of the compassionate seem not compelled to do more than throw the odd insult their way

  • Deacon is seen wandering the docks, clad in his usual Black Sails colours, often followed by a number of his men. He never fails to remark that he thinks the "lawsystem" has failed, and that we should be thankful Umberlee has not yet washed away the docks, because past events certainly shown that none of the gods favor the jewel of the north anymore.

  • In Mariston's wake a lady clad in white offers free medical treatment to those that require it, as well as spending some time every three days to help with household chores, such as cleaning, in families that have lost their sole breadwinner, while another member goes to work.

  • _For the next few days, Kara is seen in Kelemvors vestments, merely going back and forth from the familes of the dead in an effort to reassure and console them in the time of their grief. Amongst her efforts, she can also be seen taking the names of the dead and noting down their patron too, then offering a soft song in prayer for the deceased before finally moving on to the next family.

    Little bits and pieces can be heard by passers-by_

    "It was their time…death is not to be feared, it is a path we all must take sooner or later. they will never truely be gone, if they are remembered in the hearts and minds of their loved ones.."

    Then later on, addressing a gathering crowd.

    "I will not lie to you.

    This threat posed by the ghouls is a serious one and it has alot of us weighed down trying to end their evil.

    Know this though :

    We will succeed in ending them. They will be brought to justice for every innocent they have slain. For that, you have my word as a knight."

    After the crowd had dispersed, Kara resumed her duties about the docks, visiting familes in an effort to console them. It would seem she was in for a long night.

  • Aarron offers Corana a small donation for her blessings of the Seafarer ships and guards and gives her a slight smile as she mentions the temple, saying nothing, he goes back to silently observing the docks.

    ((will give some gold when I see you IG))

  • _Clad in her turquoise Umberlant armor and bearing her greataxe on her shoulder, Corana paces the Docks District, often silently with a serious look on her face, looking for remnants of the undead should one poke its head out of the water as so many did the day of the attack.

    She can be seen blessing seafarers and their ships as they repair them in the name of Umberlee. She reminds them that a district so close to Umberlee's domain ought to be providing their offerings to Her for prosperity in their businesses and for protection from the foul creatures that walk the land. She states quite clearly her intentions for a temple in the area to facilitate such offerings, should the Senate be willing to allow it.

    Those individuals who reside in the docks might comment that they now see her nearly every day, and her efforts appear to be out of genuine concern for the residents of the district._

  • In the early morning hours Hjoichi Olsen is seen taking one of his customery chicken and egg dinners and enquiring with Ana about the various families and workers he's known through the years in the Docks district and seeing that a few bottles of ale are delivered to the make-shift fire brigade he had assembled during the attack.

  • Fedar is observed around the Sails warehouse, recovering items damaged by fire and the ghouls. He is heard grumbling about the impact of the attack on the shipping business

  • Mariston spends time talking with the people who live and work in the docks, his words have a calming effect to those who fear the ghouls return. Those that spend time near the young knight seem to grow more resolute and determined. He regales the childern with tales of knights and dragons and deeds of bravery. Yet he remains ever vigilent.

  • Senator Aarron Ashald is seen with the Seafarer Guards most often, conversing with them quite often and watching the activity in the docks with a close eye. He also seems to talk alot with any of the cities guard members that pass by.

  • Tigaro can be seen quite often in the docks, walking around without a clear goal it seems. His small stature often makes him disappear in the crowds, but his clothing draws attention and is likely to make people remember him if they did noticed him. From time to time he looks a seafarers guard in the eyes and nods to them with a strange grin on his face, he does the same to the crossbowmen of the Wavebeakers if he walks into them. Quite often leaving an uneasy feeling on the guards and crossbowmen.

    When visiting the lucky ferret or the pissin' goat he joins a lot of discussions about faith and defenses. "Gods can teach us a lot, but it is up to the people to lead a good defence" and "If you want Gods to show their powers in such a battle, you should start praying to more active deities on Toril, Kelemvor has already his hands full with the dead" are statements of him that are frequently heard from him in these discussion. If Tigaro is asked his oppinion on what should be changed, he useally doesn't give a straight answer, however, often he hints on those leading the defense.

  • _Dentin spends many a day in the docks, wearing a his simple worker's outfit. Those used to seeing him in his Defender plate, or his signiture orange-red armor, might not even have noticed him, if it was not for the mighty warhammer strapped to his back.
    He offers aid to the workers of the docks in whatever form it is needed.
    He gives healing and advice, and gold to those families left without an income. He also takes the time to help many of the workers with their tasks, from loading and unloading ships to repairing the damage that was done to the buildings.

    Although many would expect the priest of Gond to make a public speech, in an attempt to abuse the situation and turn the unfortunate ones to his god or favor with words, he refrains from doing so.

    "I am not a politician, and neither am I a bard. Gond favors action over words, and I will not come here with empty promises and favor-mongering, only to return to waste time in a mansion or another.
    There is more comfort to be given in genuine aid, than even the sweetest of words."_

  • When Belade visits the Jewel of the Icelake for business or pleasure, she tries to spend a couple of hours in the Docks, on the lookout for anything suspicious, helping those who can use it, praying for those who want it, and answering questions from those who ask them.

  • DM

    Seafarer guards, weapons sheathed are seen since the attack standing outside their guildhouse. Wavebreaker captains deploy armed crossbowmen on their ships at anchor in the docks.

    The populace, are rumoured in conversations in the inns to be expressing a mixture of anger at the undead attack, sadness at the loss of loved ones or friends, and comments such as "where was kelemvor at this hour" are often heard on the lips of that district.

    Some folk are asking questions of faith, to those who are known to have it, or represent a faith.

    Whom will take up this vacuum within the Docks District of Peltarch remains to be seen…

    OOC: Post your characters actions concerning this development, and if i see them in the docks reflecting these actions, and about the city then as with everything else in this PW. Things will change in the city, and you will see the results.

  • DM

    The quarantine zone is soon dropped, as the priests of the defenders as well as the temples act to cleanse the area, around a hundred are missing, a mix of commoners, workers, visitors preseumed dead, and the few bodies that remain are quickly burnt.

    Business gets back to normal, and guards are seen now, for the first time in some numbers in the docks district, lining the docks in places and at street corners.

  • Kara has recently been seen in Peltarch, hunting for the elusive captain Talgrath for permission to enter the quarrentine zone and aid with the cleanup, specifically for destroying any remaining ghouls that may be hiding within the city blocks.

  • It is asserted to Danaley that the Defenders have the authority to declare such a thing until or unless the senate counters that order. The order has the authority of Captain Talgrath behind it.

  • While supporting the principle of it, Danaley from the order of the watchfull repose can be seen asking as to on who's authority this barricade has come from as no official pronouncement from either the city guard, or senate seems to have been made.