Making something clear

  • Dwin is family to some that have live here for decades Oreth.

    Please all of you remember that dwin is as much my family as Arandor, Star and Sarah are.

  • Once Foilir has gone, Oreth sighs, and looks to Dwin. He lifts his helm off, looking more tired than anything else, and speaks

    Until now, I've tried to stay out of this whole discussion, in no small part because I have a stake in it myself, and there was no way anything I said was going to be seen as anything but biased.

    As I've come to what I hope will be an equitable arrangement with Mog, I no longer hold any stake in this, so now I'm speaking up.

    I'm tired of listening to this Trike-Shite.

    Mel isn't rigging anything. Rigging the auction would involve discounting your higher bids, and handing it to a lower bidder. What Melanie is doing is more what I would characterize as "Bidding". With her coin. Is she not allowed to do that?

    You and your cousin aren't being discriminated against. You're not being pushed out. And you're not being mistreated. You're being bid against. It's an auction. That happens.

    We're glad to welcome the both of you here as Gali, and I say this with no malice, but you, and your cousin especially, are going to have to free yourselves from this sense of entitlement. It won't serve you here.

    Claiming you're being discriminated against for being a dwarf every time something doesn't go your way may have gotten you somewhere in Norwick or Peltarch, where no one pays attention to anyone else, but we all know each other here. Among your new brothers and sisters, that routine will wear thin very, very quickly, especially when you're using it against them.

    You deal honestly, fairly, and openly with us, and we'll do the same with you. No tricks. No lies. No ploys or word tricks.

    He then leans very, very close, and mutters so that only Dwin can hear

    We save the effort for swindling the Gaje, aye?

  • grunts

    "Me said rent after yeh clearly nae want us eer…. But me is nae retractin me bid on principle..

    Yeh have un lass Stern, tryin teh dictate an auction so her friends win. Den yeh all ask why we would buy a cave.....

    Yeh all assume it fer deh Union er it goin teh be un warehouse..."

    • Looks sour *

    "...explain teh me how yeh is makin me feel welcome in me own cave if me happen to win dis auction?"

    • Looks red *

    "....Dis sort of shite ne'er happened afore, when deh elders needed help from deh council of Moradin er deh udder dwarves...

    When me led a party of gypsy folk to rid deh under camp of undead..."

    • Looks clearly pissed *

    "Dis how yeh make me feel welcome? Cus me bid on a cave at an auction?"

    • Recomposes himself *

    "Nae matter... Me nae blame yeh, me only blame dis Stern lass, who seem to have a taste of power go to her head..."

    • Chuckles *

    "Afore yeh go questionin me further... why yeh nae ask her what she expect frumma dis camp tossin all dis coin around, ownin all dis property? eh? Or you juss got un beef wit us Dolvak?"

    • Walks off towards Peltarch *

    " <d>time to make sure nae un taking me sales in deh City er in Jiyyd fer dat matter..."

    • As he walks he can be seen taking out a dusty smithing hammer *

    " <d>nae matter how gud dat apprentice think she be, now she pissed off an accomplished master at his trade…. time to stop folk frumma buyin her spoons.."

    • chuckles *</d></d>

  • grunts

    The rentin' bit was a joke. This is gonna be MY place o residence. I buy me property in the name of the company so there aint no misunderstandins if I should come to an … untimely end.

    grunts again and walks off, clearly offended by this whole ordeal

  • "Please, do not twist my words. If you are sincere Dwin, I'm sorry to have misinterpreted your words, but placing your bid in the name of the Mercantile League and or Folir's statement, since you are now co-bidders on the property, thatyou were going to let Oreth rent it does make it seem less like you are buying it for a family and more for the Union. I'm not trying to be your enemy here, do not think I am instantly trying to shoot you down or that I am absolutely on Oreth's side because I am not. What I am interested in is making sure the people who truly need the space get it."

  • Dwin looks shocked

    Tis gonna be me home, sister! ….a storage room? a Union hall?

    he slowly pulls out his signed-oath papers and holds them up

    I've had these fer over a week now! Are new brothers and sisters routinely insulted like this?

    Dwin sits on the ground and looks as if he might be very very upset.

    Tis obvious that there is still an anti-Dwarven sentiment here...

  • "well.. live in it.. Anna when did yeh start associatin me wit Union? Me buy things wit me personal money fer me personal use… Aye deh door will be locked.... But dat cus me things inside!"


    "nothin else.. Me have a shop anna home in Peltarch, nae like the book thumpin town, Norwick juss farkin Norwick, anna me friends live eer... "

    • Looks around *

    "...and still do, long afore yeh folk moved in anna told me, dat me bid was unwanted... We has ne'er asked the camp for anythin.. Anna we has provided support in coin anna blood more dan un time..."


    "Also, and I'm sure you'll understand that the inner camp will more than likely be closed off to outsiders again someday. Therefore, if you are very interested in owning property in the camp, I would like you to kindly honor the traditions of the Rom and take the oath."

    • Grins slightly *

    "Is dat so? Me was led to believe dat dis was ne'er goin to happen, wit all dem promises of keepin deh forges open for all.. Hmmm me suppose me was misled der as well…"

    • Furrows his brow *

    "Fer deh first in dis camp, me is startin to feel unwelcome.."

  • "If I may kindly ask, what is the Dolvak Mercantile League planning to do with the cave space? Truly we must consider that we would like our camp to be homes and not storage space or a duplicate of what we have, if you were planning on turning it into a Union Hall."

    She pauses

    "Also, and I'm sure you'll understand that the inner camp will more than likely be closed off to outsiders again someday. Therefore, if you are very interested in owning property in the camp, I would like you to kindly honor the traditions of the Rom and take the oath."

    "Please understand, we value our families and Gali brothers and sisters more than a gold peice here."

  • "Well den dis nae an auction at all is it?"

    • Foilir chuckles as he watches Melanie's little speech *

    "Well its gud teh know how deh new elders goin teh run deh camp… Yeh little playground is it?"

    • Wags a finger *

    "An auction is an auction... Yeh has played yeh cards, anna lost... Now dis eer juss poor form..."

    • Motions to her *

    "Get yehself tegedder er summa more coin in yeh pockets... Dis be business, nae personal. Anna me nae consider properties selling at ohh, 15000 to 20000 coin cheap.."

    • Chuckles and walks off and says to Mog *

    " <d>Nae took long to see what direction deh camp headin in... Wonder where she gettin all dat coin to toss around too..."

    "nae knew it was an auction where yeh friends were supposed teh win... Yeh should have told us..."</d>

  • I like you Mog.. You're kind an I can understand you wanting it. I can also understand why Oreth wants one. To make Fadia an himself a home.

    Now to avoid any arguments or debates which seem to be common place lately.. I'll give my straight up honest opinion.

    There are two caves, I would like one for Oreth together with Fadia an any other gali first. At the moment, I can not think of any other gali who would enjoy a cave as a home.

    With this, I would not mind you living in one if no other gali would have it..

  • Mog just always wanted cave. Mog been saying that for years. This first cave Mog found for sale.

  • Star nods from the shadows.
    "Let R-rom and G-gali buy f-f-first. An-nything n-not sold l-let oth-thers b-bid on. And S-Star m-m-means old g-gali, n-not new ones."