Watching the bids

  • tala watches the bids come in for her the cave next door to hers and smiles when she sees dwin's name

    Wouldn't it be lovely to have dwin as our neighbor. I hope his bid comes out highest. Just think of it dear you wouldn't have to eat another rat wing or rat tail dinner with me. chuckles merrily at the look of horror at the though of rat for dinner on arandor's face

    Maybe I will go start on a wood throne chair for him like yours… eye twinkling she wanders away

  • A small blueish coloured elf with long white hair hopes down from a tree. She walks around giggling at all the people talking about liveing in caves and tents. She looks to a cat sized and that sits on her sholder

    Yuna no sure why dems wants live in cave herberts caves is darks ands colds. Yuna thinks has better place liveing in tree house evens ifs haves fixs somes because is olds tree house. Buts Yuna thinks still better liveing in tree dens on grounds ands also no sure why has pay for. Yuna no hads pay for tree house just mades selfs with sissys help.

    Yuna climbs back up the side of the tree with little effot and back into her little tree house and watches all the people talking about an auction

  • The Halfling Defence League

    I'd be happy to help in that as well.

  • Melanie smiles.

    I like the sound of this. You'd have my support.. It'd be even more wonderful if you considered moving to the camp, Mog.

  • Oreth, expression concealed behind his helm as usual, tilts his head, stance softening a bit

    Mog, if none of the other elders or Cera would mind, I would gladly carve a cave out of the mountains myself. It goes a lot faster when you can just ask the stone to reshape itself….

    Tell you what, if I can get permission from the other Elders, why don't we split the current bid down the middle, and you and I will get to work on digging a new cave. When we're done, we can decide who gets which.

  • Mog tell Oreth what, what if Mog let Oreth have cave and Oreth try talk elders letting mog dig own cave? That way Oreth get cave, Mel happy, and Mog cna make own cave? Course Mog expect Mog making own cave it free….

  • "Tala yeh miss deh point…. Maybe yeh miss yeh 'elder' tell us dat dis was an auction dat only her friend supposed teh win... Well dat reak of bad business anna bad blood..."


    "Nae about deh druid at all... More about deh shite way dis so called auction goin down... Dat lass Melanie nae exactly garnerin yeh friends...."

    • Chuckles *

    "Nae e'en wanted deh cave anyways... shite we might ave e'en rented it to Oreth..."

    • face goes flat *

    "But gud farkin luck now..."

  • Frankly this squabbling over who will be my closest neighbors is disgusting. That goes for the lot of you. I am frankly sick of it and I will have no more part of it till the bids are all in and Cera Jonni and Jeni seek the elders council on the bids place. At that time I will support those I feel most fit and with the most to offer this camp as well as who have done the most for this camp in the past.

    Don't ask me again until that day and take your bitching and yammering somewhere else. I am trying to help my daughter learn to read elven and you lot are making it farking hard.

  • ::nods::

  • I had every intention, Mog.

    And I didn't mean any offense to you…was just playing on what Foilir said about the Guardians, aye?

  • ::looks at Oreth::

    Mog be more impressed Oreth lend Oreth hands to helping Mog fix the Camp crafting area and talking less about Union monopolizing. Want talk about Union, fine, talk while helping.

  • One cave is as good as another to me.

    Melanie, would you be willing to offer your aid on the other one, instead?

    After all, if a single Guardian can "monopolize" the place, imagine two Union. And Gaje, at that.

    • Smiles at Tala *

    Yeh can count on it… It appear the druid will nae be shittin in a cave anytime soon.

  • Oreth laughs at Foilir's latest statement

    Hear that, Mel? I'm a one-man monopoly now. Better be careful I don't let that go to my head.

  • Legion

    just shakes his head and walks back torwards Jiyyd mumbling about rich crafters

  • Dwin bows deeply

    location, location, location!

    tis the rule o real estate! I never woulda overbid on that cave if I didnt know how great the neighbors were… how good their rat stew was... and how much the ale flows! havin an exterminator as a neighbor is always a good benefit too! winks

    Plus, I took pity on ya, because I knew that havin Graggie as a neighbor might be tough with children around... he tends to get a bit loud and rowdy at night...