The Story of the Elf with an Orc name.
Far and distant, from the woods of Norwick, lies a mountian. A very large mountian, named Mt. Frarkuh. On this mountain, a tribe of Barbarian Orcs, and Half-Orcs live. Among there, there is a Half-Orc, by the name, of Borag. Borag, at the current part of this story, was just a small lad.
The way this tribe worked was this. They had the lads, also sometimes called "Rushers" for their war strategies. The lads did all the labor in the villiage, and were ultimatly useless until picked up by a master. Above them, were the "Hunters", who had the duty of hunting, ((as the name implies)) And were also trained as Assasins, for war. Above them, were the "Masters". They choose which lads to train, which would stay in labor. They were also called the "Warriors" for war, because they were the ones trained in many types of weapons and armor. The highest rank any single person could obtain, was "Tribal Council Member" who made all the desicions regarding the tribe, and for war they were called Chefitans.
Anyway, like I said, Borag was a "Rusher". And he labored many days, until finally, on his 17th birthday, a Master named "Deng" took him in, realizing his potential. Deng, a full-orc and personal friend with many of the Tribal Council, taught Borag everything. How to use traps, how to catch fish and how to hunt food. In just two years time, Borag was a full fledged Hunter. ((OOC Note: It would usually take about four years.))
After his hunter iniation "Cerimony" ((Mostly just eating)) Deng just lost interest in Borag. Deng spent many days and nights in his tent. And Borag didn't understand what he was doing. So Borag went about his buisness normally, for about 5 years, checking each day if Deng would do something with him. One day, Deng was not in his tent. Borag thought, "Deng go out, he be back in day." The next day he ran over to Dengs tent, finding no one there. Borag went about his normal buisness, for about 4 years, checking each day, if Deng ever was back in his tent.
Now, I will tell what Deng was doing. Deng, in his tent for those years, was learning the art of Wizardry. Upon his reading books, he came across a powerful artifact; The Orb of Shadow This orb was said to have enough evil power to turn a Paladin bad. When he read about it, He instantly fell in love with it, saying it was his. He set off to get it, in the High Tower of Sorcery. It was said that many evil people tried to get into this tower, but all failed. Well Deng, Barbarian and Wizard, did not fail. He obtained the Orb of Shadow, but could not escape the tower. A dark wizarding guild, sending many of their members to get the Orb, saw him take the Orb. They crowned him as their leader, and helped him escape the tower, killing many of the magic students. He escaped, and the Orb corrupted him. He set his sights upon destroying his old, barbarian tribe. So he marched his new army of Wizards towards the mountain. And get got there, four years after he left. The Tribal Shawman, predicted his comming, and rallied all of the troops. We got in the Goblin War formation ((Our tribe was enemies with many goblin tribes.)) This formation goes in order of ranks, starting with the Rushers, then to the Hunters, then the Warriors, then the Tribal council and Shawmen. They too, were in a similar formation. We made the first attack, sending the Rushers towards the first couple rows of Wizards, killing them all. They proceeded to take on the higher level wizards, and killed none of them. They all cast the Burning Hands spell. The hunters were released, trained to target the high level, and the leaders. The warriors fought, and were again, hit hard by the Burning Hands spell. Borag's tribe was hoplessly out numbered. And all were slain in battle. After They retreated from the mountain. Borag woke up. With many injuries and wounds, Borag walked many miles. Colapsing in the woods, he gave up living, and laid there, for many days. then he thought of Deng, the betrayer. And he swore to kill all of the "Book Magic People." So he kept living, and made it all the wayn to Norwick. While there, he healed, and trained. In training, he would cut down trees, and scared away the Elf wizards who hoped to start their training there. He made many friends, and finally, after traveling with many wizards, gave up his vow to kill them. He realized that not all of "da Book Magic People be bad." One day, while traveling in the east woods, he heard a scream from the South East. He ran in the direction, to find a fallen Cleric. He grunted, and then threw the corpse over his shoulder, And he was carrying a very heavy load. While walking out slowly, he was targeted by a Goblin Assasin, which, under his current weight circumstance, could not out run, or kill. He was slain in battle. He lay in darkness for many long years, it seemed to him anyway. then, a very bright light, and a voice, appeared. "Borag, destroyer of woods, hater of Elves, why do we suffer because of you?" Borag, frightened replied, "Borag do someting wrong?" "Yes," replied the voice "You destroyed many trees, you lead to the death of many Elves." "Borag sorry, but Borag be gone now. Der be noting Borag do." stated Borag.
"No," said the voice. "There is something." "What?!" borag screamed back.
The voice, disapeared. The light was gone. Borag grunted. And awoke, in the city of Norwick, on an Altar. "Help us." The voice whispered.
Borag got up, and looked at himself in the water. He was no longer a Half-Orc. He was now an Elf. Realizing this, Borag cast aside his name, and took a new name of the Orcs. Berag Sys, which in Orc means "Wood Dweller."