Housing - Tent Ehk

  • 2x2 Tent Ehk = 10,000 minimum bid

    As the former residence of king Horgan, it perhaps was and still is the most posh place to live in Camp, cave or tent. part of the high minimum bid covers the cache of owning the former royal quarters, the rest goes to restoring the tent and its furnishings to its previous glory. If that bid proves to be too high and no one bids upon Tent Ehk, lower bids will be accepted but only after all OTHER tents are sold off and the King's old things will be taken out and put in storage to be restored later.

  • Winner of the bidding is Jerr (Nars Skald) and Amith with a closing bid of 11,000. They are the winners since the winning bid was made in his name. Though since it is gift bid, if they want to claim the tent, they must collect the gold from their benefactors and then one of them on their behalf must present ALL of the bid gold to receive their key.

    ((In other words, either Jerr or Amith must get the 11,000 bid by the Sisterhood and hand it over themselves when getting their keys from me or or the DM they manage to contact in game. If one of them is not the one who hands over the gold to the DM then no tent for them. It is just much more simple to track ONE exchange rather than several.))

    ((Catch me or any DM for that matter in game for your key. As always ask nicely. Goes without saying of course ^.^ And then PM me when you've gotten your key if you get from someone else like LowerD., so I can note down that key has been handed out. I'd say I'll give the keys out and hopefully I will give them out, but I do not want peoples to have to wait to catch me in game. That is not likely with RL as it is right now, so yeah…just remember to PM when you get the key if you get it from another DM so I know. ^.^ Like I already said. Anyway. Congrats to the winners! Minor tents are still available. OH and lest I forget...no key should be forthcoming until the gold is first handed over but i expect that is easiest done at hte time of getting the key, so IF you do have to ask another DM for the key please try to go through LowerD since he is Camp ADM or include the name fo the DM you gave the gold to and got the key from so i may confirm the exchange if need be with said DM. I do not really expect tomfoolery from anyone but it should still be known..Mojo will NOT be happy if she find sout any winner got their key without first handing over the amount of their bid in gold first. =^.^=.))

    • Foilir hears of the bid and mutters along as he is leaving camp *

    "hope she cleared dat wit Melanie ferst, afore anudder fit ensue."

  • A crimson haired woman strolls into the camp, nodding to those she knows, a warm smile always on her lips. She walks over to King Horgans tent and says:

    "Two friends of mine have been living with me at the Sisterhood nearly since the day the doors opened. Both Gali, they have risked their lives to keep our home and the many women and children that live there safe. That said, I would like to make the bid of 11,000 to purchase this home for Jerr and his wife Amith. May the children they have taken into their lives have a forest retreat to come to. And may my friends know how much I truly appreciate everything they have done."

    With that she smiles to Jerr and Amith, then looks to the crowd to who else may bidding upon this tent.

  • Out of respect for the king, I bid ten thousand gold.

    If any gali wish the tent without competition, come see me an we can talk it over.