Wedding feast preparations!

  • a happy looking but somewhat frantic Ragnhild can be scurrying back and forth in town, spreading the word of an upcoming wedding feast for herself and Zoma

    "We be alredi married, but actual ceremony vhas sort…private, juss a handful guests apart from all the gobbalins. So, we thought best have big party too, so all kan khum celebrate! No one need feel left out, everione vho vhant khum be invited. Vill be lots food and drink for all, music too I hope, and of course might be some wrestling. grins wide I thought ask Maythor set up Mayville again, be good place for feast...Foilir promise handel the ale....Horbag cater? Hmm....hope Jerr kan play something too...."

    she begins checking things off her mental list, scratching her already hopelessly tangled hair and walks off to invite more of her friends

    ((I suggest the feast be held this thurday, starting at around 7 pm central european time, but I am open to other suggestions if a lot of people can't make it - feel free to reply to this thread))

  • ((Party will be held this friday starting around 8 o'clock GMT))