The traitor

  • The town cryer gives a message to the people of Norwick

    "It was Witnessed that the mage, Tolin was seen aiding the ghouls in the attack on Norwick. He is there for by order of the Lord Protector and enemy of Norwick and is to be granted no mercy and killed on sight."

  • Rando looks to Moe and his wheel barrow to see if its taxed and road legal

  • ((Dwin holds up the dictionary entry for "expendible" which has a smiling head shot of Moe clearly printed next to it))

  • moe pipes up from his now trust all-terrain 2 wheel wheelbarrow transportation device
    "wrong Dwin…..what we need are expendible forces number in the thousands.....1 ant biting don't hurt but a million sure do or some farkin shite like that, savvy?"

  • Rando just looks bored after hearing Hedia's comments and turns to Dwin

    "some people just never have anything interesting to say and just moan".

  • The ((sarcasticly spoken)) "Mighty Rary-Ghoul" fell without as much as a whimper. Why should this one be any different?

    I have no doubt that we of Norwick can bring him down, if we stand united to do so. ALl these nay-sayers… step aside if you plan to just mock the situation! What we need now are true warriors, not forked-tongues!

  • Kerrith of the Militia listens to her wifes words with a slight frown. Then wordlessly sits and begins to sharpen her axe.

  • Hedia smiles some before speaking

    Sure you can say that if he comes near norwick he will be killed. But no offence i dont even think all of the norwick milita and guard together could defeat him. We have all seen his power so try if you want rando. Just dont complain if you end up being killed trying to kill him.

    She just shrugs and walks off

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fadia simply shakes her head, and heads back into the forest

    And they wonder why I'd rather fight alone…

  • Rando speaks to those gathered after the crier has spoken

    To be honest i am not interested.. if i have to burn the body to kill this ghoul them so be it….. to many times people have done half measures and its only got worse.... he comes near town he will be killed and if needed burnt... don't like it, kill him before he gets to Norwick

  • Theaon replies after hearing Dentin speak

    "Let's keep in mind that the undead are only using Tolin's body and his powers. They are not using Tolin himself though. The real Tolin, the goodly Tolin, is dead. Killed by a monster who is now using his body for nothing but evil. The reason Tolin…... or should I say, what's left of Tolin isn't finding a cure is because he's not Tolin at all. The same goes for Raryldor. You cannot blame Tolin or Raryldor for this. It's not their doings. Only the doings of the monsters that took them."

  • Dentin takes note of the message, nodding grimly. When hearing of Kara's request, he replies.
    "He is no longer a friend. He is corrupted. He has slain many and is nothing more than a major threat to all. If he was still self-aware and had any motion of goodness in him, he would have sought out the cure already.
    The only "cure" he deserves is a return to Unmaking, and his corpse turned to ash."

  • Early during the next day, Kara descends from the temple steps with a robe over her armour to head for the gates of Norwick and then seek out Rando in his office to have a word, regarding the recent announcement


    Remember one thing about these ghouls, we need the bodies of our fallen friends intact. If you do manage to slay the ghouls of those taken, don't burn their bodies, they will be required to return our comrades.

    If you do manage to recover his body, bring it to the shrine and we can tend his restoration.