A Night of Geenies and Undead

  • It should have been noted, in hind-sight, that something was wrong deep in the peaceful haven of the Rawlins.

    A caravan of unfortunate traders was ambushed in the woods as they tried in vain to make their way to into Norwick. The goblins attacked them relentlessly untill the two fell to the onslaught; their bodies ravaged and their wares stolen. A group of adventurers happened across the slaughter only to have the attackers turn on them and give chase all the way to the south gates. The militia Captain, the Lord Protectorate and the First Lieutenant Dwin happend to be on patrol, making rounds and surveying the readiness of the guard when the adventurers came with the goblins in chase.

    A defense was set and battle ensued. Their numbers were astonishing but the group of 10 or so managed to keep the goblins at bay. Soldiers, Bashers, Archers, Shamen, Elite, Grenadiers… all fell at the hands of the defenders with great determination. The ground, once white with freshly fallen snow, was turned a sickly red color as the blood of the attackers spilled to the ground. The smell of charred flesh was prominent as fire was unleashed both by the attackers and the defenders. In all, the scene was one to behold in the name of battle.

    The tide turned, unfortunately, in the favor of the attackers as they seemed to work in unison with the profaned undead. A wave of goblin attackers drew the defence out from the gate a bit and, as if by magic, the profaned ogres managed to occupy the south tower, barring the gate from the very defenders themselves!

    A plot was laid to climb the cliff face to the west and a small group was to make its way behind the barricaded gate and attack from behind while yet another group was to occupy the attention of the creatures by trying to break through at the wall where it crosses the stream. All was going well when suddenly the gong was rang from INSIDE the town as the guard tried with all their might to hold the north gate as well... indeed a full-on attempt to take Norwick in the name of the undead was underway.

    A young lass by the name of Celina was assisted in topping the wall by the east tower and once inside, was greeted by Niccah who had been sneaking about trying to size up the invaders from within. Celina managed to make her way to the top of the hill on the west side and threw down a rope, giving life to the next pahse of the plan.

    Rando, Mark, and Milshot managed their way up the rope and collected themselves for the attack. The plan was for them to make their way down the slope and bring the creatures back to them, forcing a bottleneck up the slope and attacking from above.. sure to work.

    All was unfolding as planned and then the lass Celina fell to the hands of the undead and the dirty fighting they used but the invaders fell to their blows as bolt and blade both struck true time and time again. Save the young life of Celina and several of the town guard, the south gate was successfully taken back after a bloody fight.

    Here, the account of the battle to take back Norwick grows unsure with exception to the following as a two prong attack unfolded. The south gate was besieged yet again by what was described as beetles and other creatures. The adventurer known as Wolf was reported to have fallen but my eye did not see this as its attention was focused to the north.

    Rando, Milshot and two of the town guard not yet severly hurt made their way to the north gate where they were met by Hedia. The five stood at great risk and faced the numerous profaned creatures awaiting them at the north gate. The guard set in first quickly supported by the 3 and one at a time, the creatures fell. Blood flew as the creatures attacked relentlessly... falling the guard in short order and turning their full attention to the defenders. Beaten, bloodied, diseased and weakened, the 3 managed to fall them all after some time... all coming close to death themselves.

    Norwick was once again as it should be. The count of no less than 12 of the guard paid the ultimate price with no less than 2 other defenders, Celina and Wolf, falling to the creatures as well.

    the adventurers gathered the dead and collected them at the Friar's as Hedia tended to them in turn, bringing them back from the icy grip of the dark.

    A memorial service was held in the town hall for the guard and the families of the guard given the respect due them as they were awarded the deeds to their houses in some attempt to compensate them for their loss... though this was a small gesture compared to the enormity of the loss.

    True to the ways of the barbarians... Norwick lives on!


    ///well played by all... truley what Narfell is all about. I tip my hat to DM's and players alike for an AWESOME adventure.

  • The Lord Protector is seen wandering the town after the attack overseeing the repair work and talking to the families of the fallen. He is over heard saying to the dead guards families

    " they are hero's… they died fighting for the town.... I am proud of them... I will make sure you the families are looked after with a widows pension... I am sorry for your loss, but the town is once again under control"

    Rando heads back to the barracks to help sort out the personal effects of the fallen for it to be returned to their families

    *On a more sinister note the Mage Tolin was seen to be in league with the undead, aiding them in the attack of Norwick. If seen Within sight of the town walls he is to be killed on sight for Treason

  • It is known that Wolf did not fall in this battle… though he had nearly fallen to Tolin's might.

    //dont try to take away my only ghoul battle I survived! Anyway, I agree, was a great battle and enjoyed it. Thank you May and Salsa!