Mecizq Kidnapped!!

  • Mecizq Kidnapped!!

    Caldors tells all he meets of his grave concern for Mecizq. Appearently he was kidnapped by a powerful undead ogre and taken into caves near Norwick. After several atempts to save him, Caldor, Lyte, Ginger, Zeldor, Lucidious and another most disagreeable Elf were unable to locate him. Lyte found a tunnel which seems to lead to a huge cave…

    A larger attempt must be found to locate him.

  • While passing through town, Hjoichi Olsen notes that the former Mecizq has been sighted more recently about Peltarch

  • Sword and axe at his side, Bub joins his fellow Crafters and others in their search for Mec, first through the sewers, then as part of a larger force intent upon rescuing Master Dwin as well as preeminent Legion members from ghouls in the caves southeast of Norwick. When talk about Mecizq comes up, the squat Crafter's apprentice seems just as eager to find him as any. His eagerness to 'cure' Mecizq borders on the blasphemous, but when asked about how he feels, Bub just shrugs and says,

    "Well, it's gotta be done, an' if it's me what has ta split 'is skull open, den I guess I'll do it."

    A small grin plays across his face after he says this, but whether it's just Bub's natural jovialness or sadistic bloodlust is not apparent.

  • Ginger reluctantly talks of the failed rescue attempts. It is quite obvious that she is disappointed she could not save her friend. She notes that she, Mecizq, and Lucidious were attacked at night by the bridge closest to the cave to Oscura. She tells how Mecizq fought bravely, but finally fell in battle and was carried off by a blue ogre ghoul. She and the would-be rescuers followed the ghoul tracks to an undead stronghold in the old bandit mine just north of Norwick.

    She also mentions that before the group of rescuers fought the blue ogre ghoul, she saw and heard a black-haired human-sized woman in a white dress. The woman carried a staff with a large red glowing gem on its end. Ginger saw her in the darkened mineshaft, and again before encountering the blue ogre ghoul. The woman cast spells on the massive ghoul before their battle, then she disappeared.

  • The disease is curable Keeper. Do not fret.

  • Chaevre' smirks when she hears about Mec

    Don't waste your time, he is already Dead, I saw him in passing yesterday on a visit with the late Raryldor..

  • Ragnhild hears the news and bites her lip in concern. "Uhm…Mec be good man, we fajt undead together in sewers Peltarkk. Ok, maybe he a littel stiff Kitty, but iff he undead he be even stiffer, no? I vill help iff kan. Huh, seem like this axe see more battel than speer lately....stupid undead..." The young warrioress walks off towards the south gate tower to sharpen her axe, muttering a few choice curses in her native tongue.

  • Tiggles actually looks worried and speaks in a quiet voice to no one in particular, "He meanie butt most times..but he nice sometimes. He raise momma badger once just cause it right thing do an she haves little babies…we gots rescue hims."

    A particular resolve comes over the usually cheery hin, checking her daggers, scimitar and slingstones. "needs gets somethings hurts undeads though"

  • Mecizq and I rarely see eye to eye on any matter. He is an officious ass. However I would not leave my worst enemy in the clutches of these beasts, and he is a long way from being my worst enemy. I have successfully turned back a severe case of the Fever without recourse to killing and raising them, so if the worst comes to the worst it can be done, especially with the aid of the good Smiths of the Union since silver is needed.
    Let me know when we leave and I will endeavour to be there.

    Nyda, Priestess of Selune.

    ((just need to know when and I'll try to make it))

  • Dwin suggests that the search party meet at the Norwick crafting hall where he will make sure everyone has proper provisions for the trip.

    We best bring a priest with us as well…when them undead ogres captured me I was just minutes from bein' turned... and I was rescued within a day...

    Who knows what shape the poor lad will be in...

  • _Kael entering the Norwick gates with a sack over his left shoulder and sooth on his face and hands. His armor is covered in more or less dried blood. Kael hearing of the news of Mecizq, get's a grave expression on his face, as he hurridly tosses the sack away

    We need to set up a resque party for the esteemed Knight. He will be rescued no matter the cost.

    he is then seen leaving the Norwick area, still with soot and blood on his armor heading for Peltarch to gather what Knights he can_

  • Not all the visitors to Norwick who hear this seem concerned. Kitty for one seems elated and suggests they leave him to the undead since he was a TOTAL stiff to start with.