A flood of interesting posters litter the street

  • In the same manner as posters praising tyr and lathander had been scattered all through the streets, a third poster has been scattered overnight in the city. This one contains not only writing but seems to be covered in intricate artwork around the edges and working between the stanzas. The artwork seems to cover anything from tiny, detailed sitting around a table to fey flying around trees.


    The city's wit has gone too dull.
    The people must all be too full,
    On that dinner spoon fed to you.
    If none place one over two.

    Mischief makers soon will strike,
    with humor you may or may not like.
    The sleeping fingers must awaken,
    Before their newest chance is taken.

    A midnight gambol soon I call,
    To present challenges not too tall.
    But hard enough to get
    Some mischief stirred before they forget

    That we are still here.

    -The Master Of Masks

    ((OOC ON:
    Any reading the posters who know thieves cant can pm me for a little extra info, and any elves who worship dieties of the seldarine (or have knowledge of the seldarine [a.k.a. high lore]) can also pm me for a little extra info

    I hope to hold a little continuous event relating to this starting next sunday if enough people fingure it out :twisted:

    oh yes and just pm me with scrying attempts
    OOC OFF))