
  • Legion

    Notice goes out ot all residents in Jiyyd
    Citizens of Jiyyd seems we have a problem with the undead trying to take over our humble town. I am advising everyone to go see Vroka and purchase some Holy water and keep it on them at all times. Citizens be on your guard look out for strange symptoms grey tongues, very tired looking citizens. If you question one to be undead come find a legionarre or a town guard. Signed*
    Head of Defense
    General Grag

  • Over the course of the next few days dozens of people are brought to be cured. More often than not they aren't infected but are being brought in for 'odd behavior' A number of ghouled citizens are brought forth and fight the 'curing'. Once cured some seem happy, others melancholy with a wide range of in between. Reports of citizens trying to be brought in are heard, some cases the victim escapes over the wall or into the swamp.

  • Belade Galadon, another paladin of Sune, is in Jiyyd almost constantly, patrolling the streets. She also spreads the tale of how she and friends were able to treat someone who was inflicted with ghoul disease, and offers her skill at removing diseases to everyone in need of them.

  • Having helped treat someone for ghoul fever recently, Keira will offer her services in support to the paladins and healers dealing with the afflicted.

    She suggests that a reasonable quantity of silver will also be useful for curative rituals and the crafters would do well to stockpile it locally.

  • The general tension level in Jiyyd has risen considerably. Parents are keeping children in arms reach, adults are eyeing strangers with cautionary silence. A goodly number of citizens have begun pairing off when workign or running errands about town. Even the gaurds are keep their hands close to their weapons.

  • _Rico Swift, self-proclaimed Knight of Sune, asks that those infected and still in possession of their wits seek him or other paladins out. Those who suspect infection of friend of loved one should do the same. As long as possible, he promises no harm will come to them.

    Rico attempts to catalyze the town's morale with the story of Laerlily's success in fending off the disease_

    ((If you wish to roll for impressiveness, Rico's got a +7 Persuade.))

  • _Shane Andryl let's it be known that while the threat lasts, she will remain more within the walls of Jiyyd, both to help and keep the threat at bay as well as possible, as to aid the townguard in keeping the fragile peace.

    She expresses her concern for this disease that seems to be taking more and more victims, but duefully reminds everyone that the detected state of undeath that some people seem to become gradually inflicted with, appears to have it's roots in a disease, and not a defilement of a deceased person. Where there appears to be possibility of a cure, people should effort to localize and contain said inflicted persons, as opposed to forthright killing them. This all in the hopes of being able to cure these poor souls and offer them a chance to a normal life again, while efforting the contain the spreading of this disease.

    At the same time, she sends a letter to the Legion Halls, encouraging the Legion to allow their jails to be used for the purpose of locking and containing any persons found to be bearers of the ghoullish infliction. As well, she mentions a possibility of martial law to help contain the peace within the town if needed._

  • Dentin leaves word with the town guard, and the Legion, about how he encountered an undead summoning portal on two seperate occasions, once in the Norwick crypts and once in the Jiyyd cave. The Jiyyd cave portal by Gond's Mending, however, and he believes that the servants of any god may close similar vile portals by channeling their own variations of Mending into the portal, effectively stopping it from channeling death into the world.

  • //Lyte has asked around but hasnt yet found anyone who knows what happened to Raryldor.//

    *General Lyte, concerned with news of Hedia killing an undercover undead apparently masquerading as a townsfolk in Jiyyd, has been asking questions about this matter to those who might know of such things, and has been specifically looking for Raryldor, who she knows is mighty in dealing with such matters.

    She checks often at the lake in town, knowing Raryldor often prays there, and begins to grow concerned at her good friends absence, and might be seen inquiring around town as to his last being spotted.*

  • No word yet has been had of Raryldor since his capture by the undead. He has been missing for some months now.

  • Lilly can be seen on guard either in Jiyyd itself or more often in front of the sisterhood house, she seems to look stronger, and stands more like the Lilly of old. Usually staying armored, a hand near one of her weapons, but seldom drawing unless she sees a threat. She still seems ready to smile at anyone and ready to lend a comforting word.