A Watcher Watches

  • Dalron stands at his post, drips of water running off his armour. It was nights like this that always made him wonder why he still did this job. The moon slowly appeared from behind the passing storm clouds and shadows leapt from the darkness. Glints of moonlight from the puddles of water all around him bring a slight smile to his lips.
    “Ah, that’s better. Now I can at least see something”
    A flash of light to his left catches his eye.
    Peering over in its direction his heart skips a beat.
    "It can’t be. He's dead!" Thought Dalron.
    Across the road from him in a place, once worn, now covered up with grass, stood the faint outline of a man.
    His armour tinged red, a patch across his right eye.
    Dalron muttered a pray to the Watcher, as the figure turned its head towards him and gave a rare smile. The figure glided forward onto the road and turned towards the gate. The night air was still and silent as it approached the gate but Dalron didn’t notice as he stood rooted to his spot, his eyes watching the figure as it approached him.
    The figure reached to its waist and withdrew a bastard sword, the edge glowing in the moonlight. Its head turned towards Dalron and though its lips showed no movement, he heard the words none the less.
    “ Raise the Alarm lad. Quickly now. Even I cant hold them for long”
    Dalron felt the order and found himself moving quickly towards the gong. Behind him sudden shouts came from over the wall, as the gates burst open and Duergar poured in. He hesitated, as he saw them run through, his instinct to hold the gate, but then he saw the figure just inside the gateway. It was fighting them, holding them. He watched the first two Duergar fall, then turned and ran to the gong.

    The gong through the night air rousing the townsfolk out of their beds. Dalron turned from the gong and ran back to the gate. Beyond the gateway he could see more Duergar massing for another attack. Of the fight in the gateway there was nothing to be seen but bodies. No sign of the ghostly figure seemed to be about, not even a footprint in the mud.
    As the guards, adventurers and townsfolk came running to the gate to meet the second wave of the attack, Dalron saw it.

    There upon the body of a Duergar priest, carved in its body were the words;

    A Watcher never abandons his Duty!

    A cry went up form the charging Duergar and the night was once more filled with the sounds of battle.

  • Eluriel scours the land around Jiyyd searching for sign of her friend in whatever form he may now be.

  • Although being retired from active duty, Rolan can be seen on occasion standing on the dirt spot Amana used to. After hearing the rumors, he respectfully moves off the dirt spot and keeps his guard upon the gate as always, standing a few feet away from the Watchers position. Occasionally he looks at the dirt spot and smiles.

    "Death can't stop duty my friend…."

  • Hearing the rumours Mariston journeys to Jiyyd to investigate. Looking both joyfull and concerned

  • The weeks following the attack rumours ran through the town of Jiyyd about the appearance of the Watcher.
    Was he really dead?
    Was that even him?
    Had he returned for some form of revenge.
    One thing was certain, he was not yet finished with the town and was proven two weeks later when a trade caravan entering Jiyyd reported seeing a ghostly figure walk beside them form the time they left the Nars pass till they reached Jiyyd. IT made no move to attack them and for once the caravan was not bothered by the regions hobgoblins.
    Recently more and more sightings of the ghostly figure have been seen about the town and surrounding area. It never wavers from its path and makes no sound, yet those who get close get the feeling it knows they are there as it radiates an aura of safety.

    The Watcher is watching.