Rabies Wolfbane Somewhat Psychotic Halfling Barbarian

  • Account – Katebush
    Character – Rabies Wolfsbane

    Rabies is a stocky, bearded and often smelly individual who was once told about bathing but having grown up as part of a tribe of mountain halflings decided that getting undressed and plunging into snowmelt streams was an idea that even he could grasp as being less than smart. He was brought up, along with three brothers and two sisters, by an overbearing matriarch of a mother whose answer to anything she didn’t like was a severe ear-bashing and to anything she REALLY didn’t like with a clip round the ear. Rabies was a disappointment to her from birth. The tribe she travelled with earnt their livings selling home made wooden pegs and poorly tanned mountain animal hides to anyone they ran across whilst sneaking in at night to relieve travellers of even more hard-earned money and goods before disappearing into the night. In fact it may have been an overly risky demonstration of this skill to a tribe of mountain orcs that lead to the tribes eventual downfall. Rabies however was never very good at trading, incompetent at curing hides, even badly, and when hunting tended to combine bringing down animals with rendering them into easily cook-able joints, meaning the hides were ruined before the tribes skinners even got a look in. He was also totally useless at sneaking around and tended to react to any signs of movement from potential thieving victims by apologizing loudly for disturbing them and then heading home to receive his most recent verbal abuse from his old mam.
    Living with disappointment was something his mother had to do until the orcs attacked. Rabies natural affinity with random acts of defensive violence kept him alive when the first two orcs entered his tent, and then, showing natural cunning usually well outside his grasp, he hid in the camps refuse heap until the orcs left. He was very unhappy to find the camp entirely deserted bar a few corpses upon emerging and after a couple of cold nights vigil and prayer to Uthgar he headed down from the mountains to do what his old mam often told him to and ‘go away and bother the bigfolks you stupid dumb smelly oik’ Arriving in town he discovered that several of the tall’uns actually called him sir and he seemed to fit in pretty well since people there often needed someone to run ahead and keep goblins distracted whilst they shot them with bows. He has recently achieved his ambition of a sword big enough to camp under to avoid all the rain he’s encountered in Norwick. He’s also finally replaced his badly cured hide armour for some studded armour from a goblin and with all the rain some of the grime is starting to wash off of him. He’s always ready to laugh at himself, and anyone else he thinks is being funny. His puns are atrocious, though he finds them hilarious and is oddly proud of them. When he sees little folk or women getting picked on he’ll always step up to defend them, though his ready wit is pretty much non-existant so he tends to rely on a sharp stamp on the instep and then punching the nose of any offender. Odds are beyond him, as for the most part is counting, so he tends to charge into fights that he shouldn’t and then look surprised when he has to run, but when it comes to defending ‘normal sized’ people he doesn’t care what the odds are and he’ll smack any tall’un that insults him, no matter who they are or how big they are. He was recently seen attacking superior goblin forces in order to draw them off of an elven woman who seemed to be in trouble, he survived, just, and is on the lookout for the elf in question to check she got away o.k.

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