NWN 2 and You!

  • Discussions about NWN 2 and what the Staff of Narfell are planning to do has been going on for some time. Sadly, I have to report that some people have chosen to go their own seperate ways once NWN 2 is released. I wish those people the best of luck on their projects and I hope to see them around, as I will sorely miss them.

    For those of us who remain and are willing to work together, we have decided to go with ….

    drum roll

    The City of LUSKAN!

    round of applause and cheering from the crowd

    The gears have already started to roll on this project, and those of us who are working on it, are extremely excited about it. With your guys help in shaping this world we will surpass the popularity of what Narfell has enjoyed over the past nearly 4yrs.

    I have setup a forum for you guys to get information on the project as we progress, and for you guys to give us your thoughts and suggestions as well. As the release date draws closer, expect to see a lot of movement on the forums requesting help and/or suggestions on things.

    I do hope to see all of you on Luskan once we open the doors!