Romani Camp contest

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Server crashed in the most exciting activity of the the contest ARGH!!! clutches head

  • I plan them out beforehand, however I play such odd times and am not always as free as I would like. Normally I judge by how many are on at the time. I always send shouts out beforehand, Maybe I will start tossing some up in IRC as well for those who are just lazing around.

  • I rather though LD was holding these games in keeping with the life style of the gypsy peoples. They for the most part , from my experience with them over a 2 almost 3 year span found them to be a spontaneous lot. And random games as I said is more in keeping with what I have known of them in the past.

  • Its been pretty much a spur of the moment thing with LD. So whenever he is off and free…

    given he works all kinds of crazy shifts i am not sure he could give us a schedule... he does make server wide shouts a couple of times before starting the games though.

    Would love to see you all there.

  • @d141de202e=Jarcco:


    Could there be some kind of an announcement of when the games will take place? My gaming times are limited, but I would love to participate

    agrees wholeheartedly with the above statement

    So do I !

  • @108179c974=elor_danna:

    Could there be some kind of an announcement of when the games will take place? My gaming times are limited, but I would love to participate

    agrees wholeheartedly with the above statement

  • Could there be some kind of an announcement of when the games will take place? My gaming times are limited, but I would love to participate

  • It was a lot like capture the flag in RL, surprisingly. Many times you didn't know where the opponent's flag, or even your flag, was. Everyone was really good about the PvP side of it too. Higher levels caught on quickly that they had to focus on the other higher levels, which left lower levels the ability to participate as well. Even if a lower level was squashed in a few hits, you just return to base for healing and you're back at it again. Some points felt like hide and seek, other parts felt like football. Of course it shouldn't be the focus of the server, but these events every now and then keep things fresh.

  • More contests!

    Much fun was had over three rounds of 'capture the torch'. Various differing teams took part, using stealth, guile and viciously padded sticks to subdue the opposing team and win the accolade of… well... winning that round.

    Kara Du'Monte seemed to be the overall victor, appearing on the winning team in all three rounds.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Found out it was an isp drop later on. Couldn't log for around 30 mins so I had thought it was a server crash.

    Yes, I think the games were actually quite organized and fun. The musical chairs part is great, but personally I'm more excited over pc battles because those are rare.

  • The games were great, and alot of fun it is good to see activity in the camp.
    I wish I had been able to stay for the drow darn it . 😢 Anywho, I hope to see more games and contests in the future. That is one thing, when you talk to those who used to visit the camp, the remember the contests and games most . Great job LD it was wonderful and a ton of fun.

  • Yay! Keira showed up, had the crap beaten out of her by legion thugs, marvelled at Jonni's skill with knives, and didn't die to the Drow.

    A good day.

  • It was really fun, thanks LD! And I'm saying that even though I asn't there all the time, but I love having duels and sparring matches, as wel as watching them.

  • Sometimes a definitive end to a event like the Gypsy games is hard to come by. It kinda drags out an d leaves people wandeirng off feeling vaguely disatisfied . . .

    But the gypsy's, ah we do it different.

    The assassins from the Drow made a perfect puntuation to end the event and sent a hardy team of adventureres into search and destroy mode. The Drow were beaten but their message was cleqar. Celebrate all you want . . . but we own the night and ther4 depths below which you walk.

  • Nah. The most exciting part was musical chairs. And the server did not crash. It was just an ISP drop. Oh.. moved this to the Gypsy Camp. Though really…. I did not see the original point of the thread, so instead CRITIQUE! More contests? Did everyone enjoy themselves?