Norwick Prison Blues

  • A deep voice can be heard bellowing from the Norwick Cells. A voice echoing through the damp, stone halls:

    "I hear the caravan a comin'; it's rollin' 'round the bend,
    And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when.
    I'm stuck at Norwick Prison and time keeps draggin' on.
    But that caravan keeps rollin' on down to places unknown.

    When I was just a baby, my mama told me, 'Son,
    Always be a good boy; don't ever play with hins.'
    But I stabbed a gnome in Peltarch, just to watch him die.
    When I hear that horse neighin' I hang my head and cry.

    I bet there's rich folk eatin' in a fancy tavern afar.
    They're prob'ly drinkin' ales and smokin' big cigars,
    But I know I had it comin', I know I can't be free,
    But those people keep a movin', and that's what tortures me.

    Well, if they freed me from this prison, if that caravan was mine,
    I bet I'd move on over a little farther down the line,
    Far from Norwick Prison, that's where I want to stay,
    And I'd let that lonesome horse a neighin' blow my blues away."

    Now and again a new verse is added to the song.

  • Laughter can be heard from the Militia in the barrack with the odd comment of

    " In you go Bigus"…. "he will be signing the high notes now".... "that will shut him up"...... "Noooo!"

  • Paci passes a bowl of suspicious looking stew into the cell and listens to the singing a while with a wide grin on his face. Upon heading back upstairs, he shakes his head chuckling slightly.

    "The words are witty but the voice is horrid. I hope that fella won't decide to pursue a bardic career."


  • ICC

    Pokes his nose into the musty hallway

    Hrm… whut was that?

    For a brief moment, Rugg thought he might have seen the spirt of a Man in Black

    Bows his head low, in respect and ducks back out of the hall