Olivia, Druids, and Peltarch's arrest

  • Rando hears later about the assault and turns to Rugg

    "she is Union, the next time i see anyone beating her i am going to step in and hand out some beatings myself. Let me know Rugg if anyone else lays a finger on her and i will go 'visit' them to 'show' them their 'errors'"

    Rando wanders out of the gates and heads back to Norwick

  • I wasn't there for the fight with Wolf. I don't know how many times she could have escaped. I saw a crowd of people, two peltarch officials trying to make an arrest, Olivia, someone I know to be treacherous, dangerous, and cowardly, neither bound nor held, resisting and clamoring her innocence, and a bunch of sisterhood types getting in the way. I simplified the situation, and delivered her into the hands of the law. She is not dead, and she will stand trial for at least one of her crimes.

    I told you at the time that I would explain my actions to you later, if you asked, but that there were more important issues to see to at the time, like the farking prisoner. You never came to see me. You never asked again. Instead you chose to begin calling me and my compatriot names, with all of Jiyyd as your soapbox.

    I am finished discussing this with you, Lyte. All that I have said, stands. If you wish to continue arguing it, argue it with the air.

    Oreth pushes past, disappears into the undergrowth, and is gone

  • @e3c7a87383=Oreth:

    Well then. Since everyone seems to be standing up and giving long testimonials on the subject to the town at large, I may as well join the parade.

    Olivia tried to kill myself, and my family. Apart from that, she's assaulted my wife on two occasions, and myself on one, before we ever raised a hand to her. She robbed a friend of mine of everything she owned, and plotted to have another, good friend of mine killed. Additionally, she had a hand in decorating my home with the wasted entrails of a holy animal for the sheer amusement of it.

    A sound beating about the head a few years ago doesn't wipe out her crimes, or make her less of a danger in the present. I think it's ridiculous to assume so. "Oh, I guess we survived your attack, so it's okay that you tried to kill us all, and will probably do so again as soon as it suits you, better luck next time"? Absurd.

    Furthermore, she was not in custody of the peltarch guards. She was unbound, and standing free. As adventurers, I would think you would all have a bit of sense. I can gulp a potion, return myself from death's doorstep to the picture of health, and be off and running in no time. The best way to prevent an escape is to make sure the prisoner is unconscious and tied. Which I did. Rather effectively, and without any undue injury beyond what was necessary to render her unconscious.

    By any standard, we had every right to kill her. She tried to do the same to us, and more. But we relinquished her, gladly, to the guards of peltarch, and then escorted them and their prisoner north. We were merciful, and cooperative, and you paint us as brutal and bloodthirsty.

    If I wanted to be brutal, she'd be rather painfully dead, rather than nursing a scimitar-hilt-induced headache in a peltarch jail. And if I were bloodthirsty, you can bet your life that a couple blows to the head wouldn't have even begun to slake my thirst.

    As it stands, Olivia is locked away where she can harm nothing and no one, and my conscience is clear.

    And in the future, if you have doubts about the motives and actions of the Circle, or myself in particular, farking well ask, like Grag and Nyda did, before you start blathering on about how we're all savages.

    Oreth walks off shaking his head, muttering to himself in chultan

    Lyte moves in front of him before he can escape from his lies with a cold look about her

    _"I damn well did ask you, specifically, in front of everyone present, including Raryldor and Wolf, your "motives" for attacking the defenseless, already battered to unconsiousness woman.

    You decided not to answer, beyond giving the ludicrous lie that you were preventing her "escape".

    You are a liar now for pretending that I didnt ask you repeatedly, arent you?

    And of course, Fadia is my sister, and I was there at the forefront, fighting Olivia, and who do you think it was standing over dead Arthro when he fell in the Glenn? Who was it that wrested that fiery blade from his dead fingers?

    So, there isnt any difference in the way we feel about Olivia. She has attacked me, she has attacked my friends and family as well, but this was many, many years ago.

    Smacking her like a coward when she is already beaten to a pulp and under arrest accomplished you exactly what?

    Olivia was in the Peltarch soldiers hands when you attacked her. This is a fact. Raryldor and I and others asked for everyone to calm down, and Olivia was in no danger whatsoever of escaping. Even the Peltarch soldiers screamed for you to stop attacking her…this is the simple truth.

    If she was going to run, or fight, she could have done so healthy, when Wolf first attacked her...she didnt. She stood there and took the beating.

    Wolf knocked her unconsious completely bloody, defenseless and beaten. She was no longer a threat to Wolf. He had stopped smacking her. She was no longer a threat to the soldiers, or to you. She was helped up to be taken by the Peltarch Guards who were on either side of her when you decided to beat her more.

    You lie when you claim otherwise, just as you lie when you claim I did not ask you, more than once, to explain you actions.

    It is your actions that are absurd.

    The proof of this is the fact that you are not going to be able to tell me here and now how your needless, cowardly attack on her, after she was defenseless, accomplished anything, except to hurt the reputation of your Circle.

    If you dont want to be treated like a savage, dont act like one, and dont lie about your reasons for pointless attacks on helpless, defeated people.

    So, what, Oreth, did you accomplish in attacking her?

    What, exactly?_

    she crosses her arms and waits with a cold emotionless face

  • ICC

    Listens intently, and nods some

    Well, dis de da kinda thing that folk can easily get all confused aboot' when eva' peoples begin ta' take their own concept of "justice" inta' they' own hands and dish it out.

    Any time folk mix personal emo'shun with "justice" den the law suffers. Ah guess you showed her good how well da law stands on da clear side of whut be rite' by given her a good beatin' an all. Seems like the lass got a personal thing against ya, Ah dunno.

    My advice on dis… If et' be a personal thing, then settles et. Don't jus beat some'un and den hand dem over to the law. Handle yer bid'ness and get on with it.

    If it be an issue of da law, then let the law deal with her. Leave da personal issues outa et'.

    Can't have both and not expect people ta question yer actions, lad. An fer that, Ah think be whut Lyte is talkin bout. Ye wanna come out smellin like a rose, den shows ye can be da bigger feller an not make bend da law to yer personal will.
    shrugs and walks off

  • From the shadow of one of the many houses in Jiyyd, Rhoni stands listening. He does not give his opinion out loud to anyone but are sure to notice the way each person opinion goes. As the day grow old and night falls, he leaves the town, heading north.

  • Well then. Since everyone seems to be standing up and giving long testimonials on the subject to the town at large, I may as well join the parade.

    Olivia tried to kill myself, and my family. Apart from that, she's assaulted my wife on two occasions, and myself on one, before we ever raised a hand to her. She robbed a friend of mine of everything she owned, and plotted to have another, good friend of mine killed. Additionally, she had a hand in decorating my home with the wasted entrails of a holy animal for the sheer amusement of it.

    A sound beating about the head a few years ago doesn't wipe out her crimes, or make her less of a danger in the present. I think it's ridiculous to assume so. "Oh, I guess we survived your attack, so it's okay that you tried to kill us all, and will probably do so again as soon as it suits you, better luck next time"? Absurd.

    Furthermore, she was not in custody of the peltarch guards. She was unbound, and standing free. As adventurers, I would think you would all have a bit of sense. I can gulp a potion, return myself from death's doorstep to the picture of health, and be off and running in no time. The best way to prevent an escape is to make sure the prisoner is unconscious and tied. Which I did. Rather effectively, and without any undue injury beyond what was necessary to render her unconscious.

    By any standard, we had every right to kill her. She tried to do the same to us, and more. But we relinquished her, gladly, to the guards of peltarch, and then escorted them and their prisoner north. We were merciful, and cooperative, and you paint us as brutal and bloodthirsty.

    If I wanted to be brutal, she'd be rather painfully dead, rather than nursing a scimitar-hilt-induced headache in a peltarch jail. And if I were bloodthirsty, you can bet your life that a couple blows to the head wouldn't have even begun to slake my thirst.

    As it stands, Olivia is locked away where she can harm nothing and no one, and my conscience is clear.

    And in the future, if you have doubts about the motives and actions of the Circle, or myself in particular, farking well ask, like Grag and Nyda did, before you start blathering on about how we're all savages.

    Oreth walks off shaking his head, muttering to himself in chultan

  • ICC

    Rugg'var takes a moment to collect his thoughts

    Dis' comes from da same fella who would not even harm a deer or a blade o' grass an claims respect fer all life? Yet dem huggers will try ta kills a person fer huntin animals or choppin wood. Ah knows. Seem dem huggers many a time o'er the years give a sens'less beatin over some'un skinnin a badger or pickin too many berries an such.

    Some huggers are good an' somewhut' decent folk… uthers are plain, dag-nasty evil. Ah cannea says Ah saw whut dis' Orith' feller dids but... som'days him mite' get some taste of that same kinda "justice" an ain no one gona weep fer him. Wait til Rando get' a holda hims fer his crimes in Norwicks.

    wanders off

  • General Lyte backs up Bryn's accounting of Oreth's completely unneccessary brutality against the never resisting, unarmed, already beaten unconscious Olivia, to any who care to hear the story.

    _"When I arrived, Wolf, in a large bear form, was attacking Olivia, who was just standing there at the gates to the Sisterhood's place, unarmed and not fighting back.

    Eventually he knocked her down, gave her a concussion, and rendered her unconscious. She never made a move to run away.

    A couple men from Peltarch stated they wished to bind her, and take her to peltarch from trial for some crime or infraction unrelated to Wolf's interest in her.

    They got her to her feet.

    I asked Wolf what this was about, and he stated it was for the attack on the Glen that she had a part in with Arthro, the evil half orc Malarite, many years ago.

    Now, I took part in that battle in the Druid's Glenn, and was there when Arthro was killed and Olivia was beaten to the ground. How many times does she need knocked unconsious and possibly slain for the same offense?

    Now, Oreth decides he is also going to fracture the defenseless, captive womans skull, even though she is in the custody of Peltarch officers, incapacitated, non resisting, unarmed and incapable of fleeing.

    He beats her mercilessly. until she is unconsious.

    I asked him to what purpose this was, and the best thing he can think of is "She has the reputation of running away."

    Which, of course, she was incapable of doing before Oreth touched her, as Oreth could plainly see.

    I have no love at all for this woman Olivia, being among those who fought against her at the glen, but, there comes a point when such mindless savagery is simply, plainly evil.

    In my opinion, a line was crossed here, and it is the sort of cowardly action that moves someone from being in the right, to being quite solidly in the wrong.

    Oreth seems to not know or care about those things that he actually harmed with his callous, mindless assault, which is quite sad for a man in his position."_

    Finished with her speech Lyte sadly shakes her head quietly, and continues watching Jiyyd's gate, bow in hand

  • In the beginning Wolf threatened Olivia with drawn weapons on the sisterhood grounds. Bryn requested wolf to desist or leave the ground. Wolf pointedly ignored the elf. She then ordered him to cease and desist or leave the grounds at once. Only when Olivia left the grounds did he leave. The so called fight that ensued both baffled and revolted Bryn. Olivia making no move save to block the onslaught was summarily hammered to the ground. Once downed and unable to get up he was attempting to behead her, when he was about to do so the Peltharc defenders arrived and so did Oreth. Olivia beaten and bloodied was helped to her feet , barely standing under her own power. Oreth at this point was quick to jump the woman battering the injured woman to the ground without remorse. The Petharc defenders put a stop to any further abuse as it would seem they wanted a live captive. What all standing there viewed was an open attack on a woman who was unable to defend herself. Muttering could be heard in the crowd about Oreths seemingly unprovoked attack on an already injured person. Not long after the Peltharc defenders dragged Olivia away a harpy threatened the house followed by scores of hobs of increasing strength, concluding with the leader himself. During the onslaught Bryn cast a hold spell on him and Red was shouting for all to stop and tie him up.
    Later Bryn was heard to say "the only thing I regret is we still don't know why they attacked, and no red you do not send an army after one scrawny cow."
    Unable to get answers for to many questions, Bryn walked off to think, muttering " circles within circles, I do not like darkness cast and I hate caves I feel like I am in both ."

  • @5494e95d41=sunshine23:

    Melody, during the arrest was seen trying to take Olivia's sword at her request but was attacked by the Peltarch officials who did not permit any of Olivia's possesions to be taken.

    Of course, many reports also say Melody was the one who attacked in earnest first.