Olivia, Druids, and Peltarch's arrest

  • _Word quickly spreads of Olivia's arrest infront of the Sisterhood house after having battled the druid named Wolf. Those who witnessed the battle, prior to the arrest by Peltarch officials, say that it wasn't even a battle at all since Olivia never struck the attacking druid and didn't seem like she wanted to. Melody and Bryn were there but rumors say they were told by Olivia to leave her and druid to their business. The two sisters were not happy by the whole situation but were ready to help out Olivia if need be.

    It is also said that Olivia kept receiving blows after blows from the polymorphed druid after she could no longer defend herself with her sword. Luckly, he did not send a finishing blow. During this time, Melody was seen trying to fight off the overly agressive druid which almost led to more serious bloodshed.

    According to those who saw the event say that this is when Peltarch officials, who were by chance walking by at the moment, saw what was happening and when learning who Olivia was, they decided to arrest the poor warrior who was nearly scratched and bitten to death. Melody, during the arrest was seen trying to take Olivia's sword at her request but was attacked by the Peltarch officials who did not permit any of Olivia's possesions to be taken. Those who could hear what was happening say that the black armored woman wanted her sword to go into the hands of someone named Sywyn.

    she was then taken to Peltarch where she will face trial for the accounts of theft._

    ((thanks to Darkpowder for controlling the whole thing 😄 ))

  • The Halfling Defence League

    All I want is to know what was going on.

    I'm not a big fan of Olivia's. We all know this. And I, for one, have no problem with the fact that members of my family were trying to make her pay for what she did. Nor do I have any sympathy for her situation, since, having experienced everything I have with her. I know that, if she had found me or any other circle members in a situation where they were unarmored and unarmed, she would've done the same. I don't care what her allegiances are now, but I haven't seen any proof that she deserves any consideration. She's just a horrible person.

    That said, it has been many years since I've seen her last. I don't know what might've transpired in those years, and I know that, for humans, much can change in a few years' time. So she might've changed. She also may still be the same wicked, horrible wretch that she was when she brutally attacked the glenn. In this situation, though…I would've preferred to find out how, if at all, she had changed since then. She may even have been repentant of her crimes against our circle's gods, for all I know.

    She shakes her head

    Sadly, none of those from my family who were involved have been willing to even discuss it with me. I can only go on my own feelings and what those outside the circle tell me.

    She then kneels down, and pulls tiggles close to her in a big, motherly huggle

    You seem to have some knowledge of her recent activities, dear. Maybe you could shed more light on the kind of person she was more recently?

  • Chuckles to dwin

    Ah, but I always butt it. It is but the Bards duty to give social commentary. I just am pointing out that those that tell people to not butt into things should not do so themselves.

  • The bald and weak woman speaks again quietly and slowly to the same speaker.

    For me…. Oreth... isn't the ... one who... acted... evil.

  • @75fce43835=Zyphlin:

    Sorry. I agree with Oreth. I guess people around here have never seen grag down a heal potion and suddenly get back to full health. Or no one's ever used an invisibility potion in thier life. Guess they havn't realized that for some reason people will just be horribly stubborn cause they dislike peltarch or dislike druids and thus anything they do is bad, so will just heal someone out of no where. From what it sounds he knocked her back down to make sure she doesn't try anything like she's tried a long number of times.

    We've got numerous stories from both sides. Oreth I've known to be truthful and generally speak level headed and not try to get on a pulpit constantly telling everyone how bad and horrible they are. I guess that's fine to do when its an issue you want to butt yourself into.

    and…..who's butting in here?


  • The druid/witch Raisa is seen but rarely of late. Whether due to the situation with Olivia or other circumstances, she has kept to herself, often retreating to her room in the inn or leaving for the Gypsy Camp without a word.

  • Sorry. I agree with Oreth. I guess people around here have never seen grag down a heal potion and suddenly get back to full health. Or no one's ever used an invisibility potion in thier life. Guess they havn't realized that for some reason people will just be horribly stubborn cause they dislike peltarch or dislike druids and thus anything they do is bad, so will just heal someone out of no where. From what it sounds he knocked her back down to make sure she doesn't try anything like she's tried a long number of times.

    We've got numerous stories from both sides. Oreth I've known to be truthful and generally speak level headed and not try to get on a pulpit constantly telling everyone how bad and horrible they are. I guess that's fine to do when its an issue you want to butt yourself into.

  • Also in the back of the group, a pale and bald woman whispers with a meak voice and slowly in the previous commentator's ear

    Evil deeds are evil deeds. By thinking you can behave like bad people when dealing with them you just become a bad person yourself.

  • Continues to sit to the back of this argument, just smiling and laughing a bit

    Murder Children and its okay cause they have a little bit of scales on them, give an extra kick to a woman that has tried to kill you and your family a half a dozen time…now that, THAT, is evil i tell you.

  • Vrue, wandering around aimlessly as usual, listens to all of the arguments with a stoic face. He says nothing in response to anything nor can anyone tell what he thinks about the whole situation. He merely stands and listens to the whole procession then wanders off when it is over and he had heard everything that had been said.

  • Alvar Blackwood walks by, listens to the arguments to make sure he got it all, and then replies to no one in particular:

    "Seems like a private matter."

    He then shrugs and continues along his way.

  • Tiggles seems openly upset almost to the point of tears when she hears the rumors, muttering something about not wanting her families to fight.

  • Lyte, speaks to Fadia in a serious, concerned tone

    _"Well, sister, I was there.

    Your husband didnt "subdue her for the guards".

    Wolf subdued her, though she never ever fought back or resisted or drew a weapon. He was in bear form, and it took him quite a while, but he eventually bit and scratched her to the ground as she just stood there in one spot.

    She could not have been more subdued by the end of it. The guards had possession of her and no one had healed her, and people had just gotten her to her feet so that the guards could take her, and she made no attempt to resist them taking her.

    Raryldor, myself and others did our best to make it clear to everyone to stop the violence, as there was absolutely, undeniably no need for any further stupid attacks.

    Wolf was still right there, he had stopped attacking her, and was making sure she wasnt going anywhere…not that she could, having already been concussed, and knocked unconsious and beaten within an inch of her life.

    Oreth stood there watching this for some time, and then, out of the blue, charged in and beat her head in some more for no reason whatsoever, as the Peltarch guards yelled for him to stop.

    I wasnt there at the very beginning to see what set Wolf off on her, so perhaps Olivia said or did something to provoke him, and thus I have no lasting issues with Wolf, and I have not spoken against Wolf's actions, other than to initially ask him to stop attacking her, once she was unconcious.

    I arrived before Oreth however, and it is perfectly clear to me that Oreth's attack was simply taking advantage of someone helpless and captured in a vengeful, cowardly way that is every bit evil no matter who it is that does such an act.

    I fought Olivia too, in the past, and did not see any reason to give a defensless, critically injured person a further beating.

    I also asked Oreth multiple times for his reasons, which he never offered, instead stating he needed to "guard the prisoner" that he had mauled, who was near death, tied up, and being carried by two armored armed Peltarch soldiers and Wolf already.

    I suspect that the only thing Olivia needed guarded from was Oreth, at that point.

    I only choose to spoke on this openly because of Oreth's outrageous lies on the incident, and his repeated refusal to discuss what he had done, which of course, he refused to discuss, because there is no excuse for such beating someone helpless for enjoyment."_

    she frowns looking quite perturbed by it all.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fad speaks up, finally

    All of you, please. If you would just look at this situation and try to see things from Oreth's and Wolf's points of view, maybe that would help?

    Olivia has tried to murder me, as well as my entire family, multiple times in the past. We did nothing to her to provoke this. In short…we were attacked solely for our religious beliefs, being that she follows the beastlord and we...well...don't. She violated the sanctity of holy grounds, and of holy creatures, in her attempts to slaughter us all. She even participated in rituals that summoned holy creatures of malar to hunt me, my family, and that also attacked Norwick.

    And all my husband did was subdue her for the guards.

    As for Wolf's actions...I will speak with him as well. I'm afraid I don't know the whole story, however, so bear with me.

    Now then, I know I wasn't there. I know that I don't know the whole story. If we can all discuss this calmly, and without hurling names and threats as she eyes Rando at one another, maybe we could come to some sort of conclusion? After all, I know Wolf well, and I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't just up and attack someone for no reason.

  • ICC


    Rando hears later about the assault and turns to Rugg

    "she is Union, the next time i see anyone beating her i am going to step in and hand out some beatings myself. Let me know Rugg if anyone else lays a finger on her and i will go 'visit' them to 'show' them their 'errors'"

    Rando wanders out of the gates and heads back to Norwick

    *Ruggy looks to Rando, then the others and stuffs a cooked potato into the hole under his nose and begins to chew. Moments later, he is seen washing the potato down with a frothy mug of Dolvak Stout

    Hrm.. Ef' Ah see sump'thin happen, Ah s'pose Ah tells ya, lad.

  • //no, seriously, can we get this discussion out of the rumors thread? It doesn't belong here, as it's not a rumor but an argument.

  • _Wolf, now being called a savage and evil druid, stands silent in the background, listening to all of this. He now wanders about, rarely speaking to anyone. Even if they should talk to him, he would walk by or ignore them.

    His expression is distant and he does not look at all happy._

  • Nyda steps forward "I would call for calm. Throwing allegations and accusations around does no-one any good. I agree both that her original crimes against the Circle were bad, and that the retribution sought by Wolf and Oreth was unnecessarily brutal and violent. When the Peltarch officials arrived on the scene what you forget in all this is that Wolf was at the time trying to saw her head off with his scimitar. That is not the act of a rational or sane man trying to bring a criminal to justice. Oreth has assuredme he will personally speak with Wolf and has vowed to prevent further such attacks on Olivia once the charges in Peltarch have been dealt with and she is free again. Please, violence to each other in plain view of the hobgoblins and orcs who daily threaten Jiyyd and the Sisterhood house is ill conceived and makes fools of you all."

  • Just kind of sits back and laughs at the entire situation, doubly loud when rando starts making threats

    Uh-oh. The tyrant lord of Norwick is making threats for her saftey…how could she NOT be a good person.

    looking about a bit more

    You know. You'd think people so adamant about circle buisness would keep to thier own lessons. Heh, odd.

  • Lyte stands waiting finally for the answer to her question, but still, it never comes. As he walks away, she points out his final lie.

    "You lie once more when you claim I call your compatriot names. The names are reserved for the one who earned them."

  • Rando hears later about the assault and turns to Rugg

    "she is Union, the next time i see anyone beating her i am going to step in and hand out some beatings myself. Let me know Rugg if anyone else lays a finger on her and i will go 'visit' them to 'show' them their 'errors'"

    Rando wanders out of the gates and heads back to Norwick