A time of preparation

  • The fairhaired barbarian known as Ragnhild can be seen more frequently in Norwick of late. The young woman seems unusually quiet and pensive and spends much of her time in the company of her tribesman, the shaman Einar. She refuses food and drink, claiming to be preparing herself for an upcoming trial. If asked, she'll reply simply that the ritual in question is of a religious nature, blushing slightly for some reason. To her friends, the purpose behind the trial might be rather more obvious. Though pale and drawn, as well as occasionally grumpy from lack of food and ale, Ragnhild seems determined and even expectant to follow through with her ordeal.

    ((Any DM with an interest in things of a tribal nature, please PM me or Hazardous Moose for further details. I would prefer not to let my poor girl starve herself for too long, and would like a time for this to be set up for sunday or possibly Monday afternoon/evening euro time if possible. Players are welcome to respond to this thread ic 🙂 ))

  • With her trial finally over, Ragnhild can be seen eating and drinking as if to make up for lost time. Though the ordeal has weakened her and cost her both her traditional armour and spear, she seems to have no regrets. Both her pride and her playful nature seem restored, and there is also a new kind of sensuality to her movements, as if she's allowing herself to be more of a woman than previously.

    ((many thanks to the players of shaman Einar Sveinsson and guardian angel Vine Gelin, and of course a big thank you to LD for making the ritual that much more thrilling 🙂 ))

  • _It seems that whatever Ragnhild is suffering spiritually is also beginning to effect Zoma. His expression very much somber as well as grim as though heavily burdened by the sight of Ragnhild. Her usual cheeriness turned into a dispirited one, her liveliness replaced with unusual weariness.

    Knowing that there is little he could do to offer help as well as he is also unable to be by her side in every single moment, he could only watch and be by her side to ensure her spirit remains strong.

    Several attempts were made to persuade her to perform the ritual on other better days but ended in futile as Zoma's persuasion did little to budge her firm stubborness to accomplish her goal._

  • Recently Ragnhild is looking increasingly tired and dispirited. Her always unruly hair is an even worse mess than usual, her eyes seem dull and the pride in her posture is lacking. The armour she wears is not her traditional one, her boots, gloves and cloak are missing, as is all her jewellry. Still she persists in her fast, sheer stubbornness holding her together. The actual hunger has faded to a dull ache and fruit juices provided by the kind miss Nyda keeps her body in workable order. In actuality, it is her spirit that seems to have suffered more of late.

  • Ragnhild spends most of her time in Norwick, practising her spear for hours at a time. Adventurers eating near the south fire are often compelled to cut their meal short, disturbed by the young womans ravenous stares.

    To Zoma she reluctantly entrusts a heavy wooden box, filled with various ales and spirits. Though increasingly tired, her friends support clearly boosts her morale. Ragnhild gives Mark a grin and a nudge, reminding him to have that keg of ale ready for her when the trials are over.

    ((still no idea when that will be though, as I am away for the weekend. I'll be home by Monday evening, and hopefully can start plotting more then))

  • _When Zoma is seen together with the woman barbarian, he is always seen carrying an expression mixed with worry and guilt, as though responsible for her current starved state.

    However, like Mark he attempts to encourage as best as he could to her though it always seemed to end up looking unnatural considering when it comes to encouraging others, the one eyed man tends to do it in an overly formal manner which may seemed cold to the others._

  • Whenever Mark is around her, he smiles encouragingly and tells her she's keeping up fine despite her lack of eating and drinking.

    He is also very mindful about not eating or drinking when he's around her, himself.