* The Blacksmith Master Nails a note to the Guild Door *

  • _The blacksmith master for the Norwick trade market, deliberately walks outside the smithy, a large hammer in his right hand and four iron nails peeking out of the corner of his mouth.

    With his well calloused armored hands he shuts the door securely, and reaches into his leather smithing apron. With his left hand he pulls a nail from the corner of his mouth and with his right hand still holding the hammer, smooths out the notice. Holding the notice in place with the nail, he straightens up and with a few door rattling blows from his hammer, drives the nail into the wood door. The process is repeated for the three remaining corners, the farmers animals jumping with each resounding hammer blow.

    Once satisfied that the notice is secure, he takes a step back to admire his work. He quickly nods to the Lord Protector before returning into the smithy.

    The notice reads:_


    To enter these premises your name must appear on the Crafter's Guild rolls.

    If you are an apprentice, you must be accompanied by a member who's name appears on these rolls.

    Trespassers will be branded with a mark identifying them as such to prevent them from entering Crafter's Guild property without notice.

    If you wish to inquire about the Crafter's Guild, please see any member who wears this mark:

    • The mark that appears on the member's ring is burned into the hide ***

  • Dwin is seen talking to Rugg and writing a list

  • ICC

    * Rugg bumps into Dwin and Foilir and asks a question*

    Ah been noticin' lots a' non union minin trips by groups of folk who are nay Union, but dem take one or two union folk along with 'em an' then our Union folk be use'n Union forges to melt down da ores and make da split outside the shop doors.

    Mite tell folk that if it ain' a Union sanctioned trip fer ores… don't be usin' the forge.

    It's ok ta go minin. Just, make the split with the ores, NOT the ingots.

    Give dem non union folk their ores. Union can go inside and smelt their ores all they want. Ah be gettin pissed the fark offs seein so many folk usin our forges who ain Union, simply cause dem got friends who are.

    Dis be an outrage!

    [Edit by Herrold: I am going to edit this because IG actions are going to have IG repercussions. I would hate to lose that would apply by forewarning them]

  • Dwin sees Jirka in her Legion colors and inquires as to why she has not respnded to his "signup" list for union members that are also members of other groups.

  • Council of Moradin

    Jirka is seen entering and leaving the hall with the legion couours. Anyone that tries to get her to leave gets their teath removed by a smithighammer

  • Mog has a long talk with the master smith about this new rule.

    • Whistling as he walks out to the door, the Master Smith appends a notice under the one stating the rules for private property. *


    Legion colors must be removed before entering these premises.

    Failure to comply will have you removed from the premises by force.**

  • Dwin thanks the master blacksmith for posting that, and offers to watch his shop while he travels to Jiyyd and places an identical note there.

    Lad, here..

    Dwin tosses him a small sack of coins

    …take yer time gettin back. I hear yer overdue for a visit with Chesty...

  • Rando Reads the sign and nods in agreement with the reply

    " let me know if anyone is caught within the halls, they will be arrested for breaking and entering and burglery"