Arrest Warrant Issued for person named Star

  • ::chuckles as he walks through one time::

    Damn, where was all this when I was having people coming up and poking me about how "horrible" peltarch was for arresting people for actually shooting folk. Would've made my job sooo much less stressful.

    Wonder if i could get away with assulting and threatening death upon rando like I was kind enough to let him slip by with up north.

    ::just grins as he heads out the south gate::

  • The next time Rando is walking around Norwick he feels a small tapping on his shoulder. When he turns he may be surprised to see the old elf known as Ohtar behind him. The elf squints at Rando and then nods to himself after being sure he has the right person.

    Whats this "stealthing" i hear about? Does that mean walking on your tippy toes…or maybe keeping low to the ground...or oh...maybe just that you didn't notice the person in question even if they are standing next to you....

    The elf looks perplexed as he leans tiredly on his walking stick pondering what kind of answer he will get. He even scratches his own head. It almost seems like he may have been asking himself the questions. Then he suddenly seems to remember more questions.

    Oh…and does this new law mean you have to sit in a cell if you get caught for "stealthing" which means....sneaking? But then...can you be sneaking if you get caught...and if you can...and you DO have to sit in a cell for it...What kind of food could you expect?

    The elf thinks over what he just said a moment after he finishes and then nods with a pleased smile. He seems to have gotten it all correct. He then waits with serious looking anxiousness for Rando's answer

  • Rumour spreads that the sentance was hard, but Rando being mercifull has reduced it to 2 weeks Jail and 1000 in gold.

  • A tall, dark-haired man is seen stomping into town not long after Tala and Star, he curses under his breath in elven out of bad habbit. He immediately seeks out Rando upon arriving, apparently to have words with him, and seeming none to happy about it.

    ((will catch you IG, on IRC, or forum PM if all else fails.))

  • Scheherazade reads the notice, and can't fail to stifle a giggle. She's heard mumbling something about "uptight city folk" as she travels through, shaking her head.

  • A pale elf in red robes is seen pacing back and forth in front of the sign with a series of letters in his hand. He stares at the pages reading them over while rubbing his chin. Upon seeing star taken in, he tucks the papers away in his pack and looks to his feet for a moment lost in thought. He shakes his head and makes his way back to his room at the Boarshead.

  • A druid clad in green leathers and with shaggy blonde hair, notices Star going into the jail. A slight smirk can be seen on his face as he walks by…

  • Upon hearing of this, Erugdish spits on the gorund in Norwick and walks away, muttereing things about no honour, being "tricksey" and othr things.

  • Cike shakes his head and begins to walk around Norwick from now on. He can be heard muttering, "Stand guard over the walls defending as well as any milita why do we bother if this is the result?"

    //If ever Cike is seen walking through Norwick it should be assumed that he is not there and walking around the town unless he replies or states otherwise seeing as how there is no way around the bottleneck that is Norwick.

  • Tala and a very anxious looking Star arrive soon afterwards at the Militia barracks and hand themselves in. Both are placed in the same Cell where Tala sits holding a shaking Star.

    ((OOC Star has no gear on her when she arrives except one outfit, too lazy to sort her inventory twice by giving it to Torin and Celest IG))

    Kerrith takes charge when they arrive with a feral grin and happily shoves them into the cell, searching each first and being slightly disappointed with the results.

  • Within hours, the sign has been modified again, this time with a simple grammar correction. The grafitti artist seems to have added the words "of an" between "defacing" and "official"

  • addition is cross out and a warning is added. Any defacing offical sign is a punishable offence

  • An asterisk appears next to the words "stealthed in town" on the posters at the gates, though not on the barracks. It seems to correspond to a footnote at the bottom

    *New town ordinance: All citizens must wear collars with bells at all times while within town limits.

    Additionally, standing outside of a militia-member's line of sight is now a fineable offense. All citizens will be assessed monthly fines, as there was probably at least SOME point where the Lord Protector couldn't see you, due to such reasons as being inside his house, or asleep. This is your fault, and you owe us money because of it.

  • _In one of his now frequent trips to Norwick Wog can be seen being highly amused by these posters. When some people are gathered somewhere close he turns to them and says:

    " Wells, another point proving Rando has no idea .. "

    He then walks off to somewhere quiet with a faint smile_

  • (please keep all posts IC)

  • // Interpretation of Stealthing In Town: "Annoying the Militia". Whenever something is only borderline illegal, it becomes illegal because it "annoys the militia".

    [Edit by Herrold: Please do not post a comment like this again. Keep it IC. ]

  • //what does "stealthed while in town" even mean, in an IC context? "She stood behind a fence"? Seems like the kind of thing you could never, ever prove as intentional or as a crime, ICly.