LLach & chipmunk

  • He ran from the fire, and from her, fighting back the tears of frustration. If anybody could understand him he had hoped it would be that one. She knew what it meant to be silent and to try to communicate. But he couldn't say enough. Sticks and stones were great for little models but how to use them to tell a philosophy that he had spent a good part of his life learning.

    But it might be worth trying

    Her eyes were always sparkling and she faded in and out of the woods with a skill that left him in awe. It was like the shadows opened up to greet one of their own. She watched him and would be willing to sit quietly. She knew better than to ask questions that could not be easily answered and if she did ask that sort of question she was patient with the time that the answer took

    He sighed and reached out a hand to pat a chipmunk that had wandered up to see him. Digging in his pouch he dropped a few nuts on the ground and then set the twigs up again as he tried to explain to the chipmunk the reasons why he did not talk.

    When the nuts were done the chipmunk watched with a head tilted sideways at the elven druid who seemed so intent on trying to convey information. Deciding that there would be no more nuts given out he eventually wandered off. Llach glanced around almost nervously, she could be here right now!

    He followed the chipmunk deeper into the foest until he found a quiet place to rest. Then he wandered back out through the camp, wondering if she was there, until he hit the road and found his cousin. Sighing and putting on his best grin and tagged along . . . . but inside, deep inside, he was still waving his hands and laying sticks on the ground, trying to get Star to understand