Whisp attack

  • Late at the evening that thay ive been siting near the warm fire at the western gate of jiyyd when i have herd sounds of fight and combat screams. Attracted by this noise i walked to jiyyd swamp entrance where i have found several people fighting a plague of glowing bugs which in common are called whips. I activly joined the defending men and helped them to stop incoming bugs. After smashing all of them adventireres tryed to figure what atracted theyr attention so hard to swarm Jiyyd in such uncommon number. no one died during attack which is most fortune these days. I think more gurds should pe put on guard near swamp.

    Mard Detson

    "May Gods have mercy upon my enemies becose i will have not"

  • some drunk person in the bar who watched some of the situation through a crack in the door pipes up

    I don't think the old man ever requested your help, though.

  • //The next day, Peter discusses the wisp attack over a pint (or six) with the other patrons at the Regal Whore.

    _Aye, I was there all right. Wog an' I were sittin' by the fire when some guy came running up and asked if we could help someone fight off a couple wisps that had gotten into town. snorts A couple my arse. We got over there to find some old guy tryin' to fight off a couple angry wisps… Simple enough. But when we killed 'em, another swarm came flyin' outta the swamp. That was no problem either... But then the crazy old man went back out INTO the damn swamp, only to reappear a few moments later being chased by what appeared, at a distance, to be a great damn glowin' cloud. Only it wasn't no cloud, but the biggest damn farkin' swarm of pissed-off wisps you could ever imagine. Wog an' I tore into 'em, and luckily the commotion and noise had drawn a bunch of other folks... Lucky for me, especially, since I woulda probably fallen dead if my friend Elyl hadn't shown up and healed me. Aye, you heard me: Dead to farkin' wisps. A couple of 'em ain't a problem, and a small swarm ain't too bad, either... But when you've got those little things pourin' over you like a swarm 'o big-arse bees, the little wounds they dish out add up fast. shakes his head in disgust

    Well, we killed 'em all... It took what seemed like forever to do it, though. An' truth be told, my arms felt so damn dead tired after all that wisp-whackin' that I could barely lift 'em. But finally it was done, and we were all sittin' there, trying to catch our breath... And then the crazy old farker who started all this went back out into the damn farkin' swamp AGAIN... But this time, he didn't come back for a while. Eventually, that one druid named Sil went back out there and fetched him... And you know what the old nutter had the farkin' nerve to say? pitches his voice in a rough imitation of Hijochi's "Looks like there ain't no more wisps out there! Hey, lets go stir up the farkin' WORGS!"

    grumbles disgustedly Folks said the old bald guy was one 'o them Far-Scouts outta Peltarch, too... In which case he shoulda' known better. Hells, ANYONE shoulda known better. shakes his head and takes a pull of his ale_

    //Good times! 😄

  • Raisa makes a mental note when she gets word, and resolves to tell Naiya.