A Note Drafted to the Council and delivered by messenger

  • Esteemed Jiyyd Council,

    I send you salutations. As we are all aware the Banites have been banned from Jiyyd due to certain factions within the clergy. Now that those factions are dead by Jiyyd law, I request that the banning be lifted for the rest of the Banites that have obeyed your laws. I understand such a request is a large one given the actions of some of the church in the past but I ask of the Council not to judge the Banite church as a whole by the actions of a few. I assure you that a new faction has taken over given the demise of the recent offenders, one that is much more concerned with law and less with needless violence.

    I ask of you to extend your hand in a gesture of goodwill by opening the gates once more to your quiet town. I know there is a number who distrust us which I can respect given previous interactions. As such I am sure we can come to an understanding and even have a represenitive be available for you at all times. We of course will continue to abide by all the laws of your fair town and expect justice to be served if any laws are broken.

    I hope you will consider this request with a fair mind and even hand. My messenger will be more than happy to return any decision you make.

    Always mindful of the law,


  • @28be894dec=Clan:



    ((a Jiiyd Council Member may have shared this information with a fellow dwarf over ale and taters at the Whore….

    IMO, if it is posted here, then it should be assumed it is public domain info, whatever its origin))

    ((sorry thought the post title made it apparent it was sent to the council))

    I certainly dont want to make a big deal about this, but we know what an IC rumor mill Narf is..it is not inconcievable to me that Dwin (a council member) would have seen this note and shared the contents (correctly or not) with a friend over some beers. Thats how gossip works! 🙂

    ((I have no problems if it is rumor mill, that is fine, just it isn't public domain, IE responses should be to the rumors, not to the actual letters. See the difference? And, being as it is gossip, I expect Dwin to write everything he is going to say as he isn't going to repeat the letters verbatim. You want gossip, you gossip.))

  • @d7b0b34ba9=Salsadoom:


    ((a Jiiyd Council Member may have shared this information with a fellow dwarf over ale and taters at the Whore….

    IMO, if it is posted here, then it should be assumed it is public domain info, whatever its origin))

    ((sorry thought the post title made it apparent it was sent to the council))

    I certainly dont want to make a big deal about this, but we know what an IC rumor mill Narf is..it is not inconcievable to me that Dwin (a council member) would have seen this note and shared the contents (correctly or not) with a friend over some beers. Thats how gossip works! 🙂

  • //Could you use PMs for that, then? It makes it difficult to remember what I read about ICly, and what I read about OOCly. Thanks.

  • @09312fd433=Clan:

    ((a Jiiyd Council Member may have shared this information with a fellow dwarf over ale and taters at the Whore….

    IMO, if it is posted here, then it should be assumed it is public domain info, whatever its origin))

    ((sorry thought the post title made it apparent it was sent to the council))

  • ICC


    ((a Jiiyd Council Member may have shared this information with a fellow dwarf over ale and taters at the Whore….

    IMO, if it is posted here, then it should be assumed it is public domain info, whatever its origin))

    ///ooc- hmm.. yeah, unless I read otherwise, I consider this common info///

  • ((a Jiiyd Council Member may have shared this information with a fellow dwarf over ale and taters at the Whore….

    IMO, if it is posted here, then it should be assumed it is public domain info, whatever its origin))

  • Legion

    (( Rugg would never see thsis letter and if he did you would clearly see that I made no deal :P))

  • ICC

    ::snorts and mutters to himself in the tavern::

    So many deals wit' the devils these days in dees' parts. Whut's dis' place turnin into? Next thing ya' know we be parden'in Rass too and electin' an Eastlander as mayor.

    ::stuffs another potato into his mouth and washes it down with a tall mug of ale::

  • Esteemed Council,

    I am hereby requesting all Jiyydian and Legion forces have a cease fire with the Banite forces so the Banite forces may aid Jiyyd in it's ongoing and costly war with the surrounding humanoids. Our forces will try to alleviate as much pressure from these humanoids as we can in hopes to save Jiyydian lives and instill goodwill between us. Our forces will not enter the town of Jiyyd but we will need to have access to orc and hobgolbin infestations.

    The sooner these assurances are made the quicker we will be able to help.

    Ever mindful


  • ((LMAO))

    [dissapears into the woodwork once more]

  • Legion

    shakes his head and gives to lens Guys a luun, should we send a kegg inthe next letta?"

  • Council,

    I perfectly understand your anger. The church will be more than happy to try to prove it's intentions to you. The church is trying to fix the bad blood from previous interactions. I would submit that the fact I turned myself in willingly for breaking the ban law of your town when your town did not even know I had as proof that the church is mending it's ways.

    The church will endeavor to 'prove' it's intentions as your defense minister has requested though such action is difficult if we are unable to be near Jiyyd. I suggest allowng a select few or one of our members be allowed entry with your guards present to try to work on a solution. Our envoy will be more than happy to discuss what needs to be done to help mend the breach between our people.

    I eagerly await your decision on this matter.


  • Legion

    Head of Defense symbol on letterhead

    Dear Banehole,

    The town of Jiyyd has shown mercy in more then enough ways to you and yours including sparring your life! Do you really think it wise to lift a banning only months after such a crime was commited. I think not! Be glad ye live. The commonwealth of Jiyyd gave the banites too many chances ye wish to lift yer bann then I say actions not words shall be the determinin factor….
    General Grag
    Head of Defense