Destroyed Caravan

  • An elf and a human came through the gates of Norwick today from the South. They both appeared tired and injured. A large man, the human carried in his arms the body of a smal girl that appeared to have been gutted horrifically. Any who approached to ask were rebuffed by a deathly look from the man, who took the body to the Friar's where he gently laid it down. Later word spreads around of a caravan slaughtered by goblins to the south. Rumour has it the girl seen carried in was taken alive, but rescue efforts were delayed by a half-orc known as Gagor. By the time they got there, the girl had been sacrificed. Apparantly the goblins responsible were killed, yet regardless the large human is seen leaving southwards alone, his face set in an expression only appropriate for killing.

  • Rando hears the word Gagor and looks stern

    "So he has returned"