Close the GATES!

  • ::The Militia Captain is seen over the course of a few days walking about town with a bucket of red paint and a brush sticking out of it. He spends most of his time at the gates, mainly the north and south but also at the gate to graveyard. He scrawls the words "CLOSE THE GATE" on the wooden doors, both sides of them so that those coming and going can remember to do this most complicated of tasks. He has also been heard mentioning that those unable to perform this difficult task, if seen by himself, will receive a red mark upon their heads and also a simple little fine::

    CLOSE te damn tings and quit farkin leavin em open! An befur all yas git up on yer crates an start yellin fer te guards ta do te same, them nae yer concern an me's already 'ad a word wit em so juss keep yer thinkins bout tha ta yerselfs.

    ::Red paint brush in hand, he then waits::

  • Tindra shakes her head at any people she sees grumbling about having to close the gate. She shakes her head and comments while leaving town, "You'd think the these people all believe the town neverr sufferrs prroblems frrom the bugbearrs and goblins with the way they complain about closing the gate." Once outside, she closes the gate after herself.

  • On his way back from a trip to Jiyyd, Lucidious finds the gates wide open yet again. He sighs and as he closes the gates, notices the red paint. He frowns and rubs his chin for a moment.

    "Well, red paint on the gates…that’s a bit much I would say. Posting a sign would have done well enough I think..."

    He then turns and heads to the Boarshead mumbling something about not being "pasty" ...

  • @4a4d7e1445:

    Sol, walking through the gates, see's the message painted in red and chuckles to himself…

    Farkin fisticates…. all dese dumb laws and der coplainin goin on all da time, soons dey have no one livin ere to pay der meals for em...

    Sol walks through the gates headed North towards Pelt leaving them open behind him.


    Calendel, upon hearing about the messages scrawled on the gates makes a note to ensure that he always keeps them closed but still mumbles to himself…

    I see that Rando is finding more ways to "tax" his citizens with talk of fines and fees.


    Crome, walking towards the closed gates at the South of Norwick notices the message painted in red and while he's trying to read it and make sense of the words scrawled across them… he walks straight into the torch pole and knocks himself out cold!! A few minutes later as he comes too, he gets up, curses, and rubs mud over the paint so as to not confuse himself or others again. Satisfied, Crome heads into the Rawlingswood looking to "smash sum o'dem gobbies!"