Elven Activity in the Southern Rawlinswood

  • //bah, doublepost

  • Before Oreth leaves, Alvar hands him a bottle of wine as he says, "It will be alright, I'll do my best to make sure the saurial cubs are unharmed."

  • The elf sighs as she watches Oreth leave. She looks a little tired. Those who know her might conceive that newfound responsibility is weighing on her free spirit.

  • Oreth tilts his head, and nods slowly, pursing his lips, and answers, pitching his voice so as to be quite loud enough to be overheard

    And as long as cleaning up and honoring the dead is all you plan on doing, you have my aid, as I have said. And since you have said that that is all you and the Shesae are doing, I suppose I shall take my leave.

    I would question why so many took issue, since I already said that once… but that's for you to deal with, I suppose.

    Call me when you require me.

    Edit: And Sil, for the record....the saurials are nothing to my patron. Ubtao created dinosaurs, not dinosaur-men. If you wish to speak to a servant of their patron, find Zyphlin, or Sierra, if she is still about. I care about them because they are people and slaves, and because so few other people seem to. No other reason.

    Oreth turns, and heads for the bridge away from the camp

  • Sil, taking Oreth aside, speaks so as not to be overheard.

    "Oreth, please do not make so many assumptions about our intentions here. For now, we wish merely to build a shrine for the deceased, and honor the land.

    We do not wish to provoke either the Saurials or the Yuan-ti. The reason we have sought the Circle - and your - aid in this matter is that we hope that you might conceal the shrine we will construct with your nature magics, so as not to bring down the anger of the yuan-ti.

    As for what you call colonizing, the Shesae do not hold any authority over the elves that dwell [deeper] in the Rawlins. If at some time they return to this place, your concerns lie with them and not with us.

    Perhaps elves in force may be able to resist the yuan-ti directly, without killing the slave saurials. If this is the Circle's intent as well, you will surely have our aid.

    Our intentions now are simple, and we cannot be certain of the future. As Meril said… please, have some faith."

    edit: She adds "I know you have fought long and hard for the saurials, and that they are a chosen people of your patron. I know that you must do what you do, but please understand - we only want what is best."

  • Oreth turns slightly to look at Alvar, and replies in elven as well

    That…doesn't even make any sense. The circle made no effort to stop the reclamation of the gali camp...and I don't even speak for the circle here...I have not consulted them on this. I don't speak for some desire to keep settlements out of the woods, and I have no regard for who I think will be "better neighbors". This is not about politics or convenience. I speak for what is right. And I quickly tire of having that thrown in my face as though it were some madness of mine that I care about the innocents involved in these affairs.

    He shakes his head disdainfully, and turns back to Meril

  • Alvar almost laughs and jabs another elf next to him in the ribs:

    "See, politics versus passion," he says in elvish. "I even heard a few druids critique our plans to reclaim the Romani camp as well. Now the druids have a problem with this place too. Seems if it's in the woods, and it's not druid, it shouldn't be. I think they want us all walled in where they can keep track of us." winks

    "You'd think a few elves would make better neighbors than lizards. I remember not too long ago the entire forest was filled with these Yuan-ti and their slaves. Now that they've been forced back a bit, an outpost seems more than appropriate to keep that distance."

    "It's what I've been saying for years. Passion should guide our military strategies. Is it right to keep the Yuan-ti back? Then make it so. Politics of this is my ground, that is yours, have no place in nature."

    "Except in the Romani camp," he grins. "That was ours dammit!"

    He takes a swig of freshly made Romani wine.

  • In response to Rando's words, Oreth says…..nothing, because he's miles away, and it's completely irrelevant

    Oreth looks relieved upon seeing Meril, and listens to his words carefully, finally tilting his head and replying, the previous anger diminishing slowly

    I take it from this amount of protestation that you are planning on colonizing this camp.

    And you can vouch for everyone here, Meril, that they will attempt to subdue the saurial strike forces that come this way? Because they will come. Can you say that when your brethren are threatened, they will care about the safety of their attackers?

    He shakes his head, and speaks softly, the anger fully drained away

    Bowing to the yuan-ti's demands is one thing, but the yuan-ti aren't forcing you out of anything. There's nothing here. No one lives here. You're not surrendering anything if you finish cleaning up here, and colonize somewhere else…if you can promise that they will do their absolute best to see that the saurials are unharmed, despite what the snakes may order them to do...then very well. I trust you, Meril, and I know you won't make that promise unless you believe it can be carried through. But if not, I ask you...please, just pick another location.

  • A tall man can be seen watching the elven camp being built from somewhere a little off in the woods. He seems intrested and slightly surprised about all the work. He, however, leaves quickly seemingly slightly annoyed when he hears most of the elves are acting on behalf of the Shesae.

  • _As word spreads about Oreth's discontment, Meril finds the druid, and responds with a few words of his own.

    "Our activities do not extend into lands the saurials occupy, Oreth, as you can see. And we have no wish to harm them than can be helped - certainly those skilled in combat amongst us are capable of rendering the children unconcious should they attack us, and you are welcome to then come take them to the glen to have their bruises looked after. If we do not take them there ourselves."

    "But continued bowing to the demands of the Yuan-Ti, based on the fact they hold hostages, cannot continue. If they can take lands as their own simply through taking hostages, we only give them cause to continue with these tactics. How long before other races are enslaved in such a way, or their demands increase, as they realise just how effective it is when we face a foe we are all unwilling to fight?"

    Then, with a smile. "Have a little faith, Oreth, that elves do not act with cruel intent, or without consideration for these things. I think our presence here may even aid your goals, not hinder them."_

  • Rando Chuckles when word come to him of the words and activity in the former Elven camp and says to Milshot who is near him

    "make sure the Guards know that any lizard comes within sight of the walls is to be killed…. collar or not. they are nothing more than vermin"

  • Oreth raises an eyebrow, and speaks with a fair amount of anger in his voice, though the direction of said anger is…hard to judge

    Andu'mien thought it better to kill them than expend even the slightest effort on freeing them.

    At this point, Oreth visibly bites back about eight other remarks on the subject

    But he is no longer archdruid. Were it up to me, the glenn would have been….momentarily surrendered, then.

    The Yuan-ti matter is being worked on. Perhaps if I didn't have to spend half of my time saving the saurials from the "good" peoples of this land, I would have more time to work on the evil ones, yes?

    But this is all moot, because you're not colonizing here, right?

  • _*After speaking briefly to Vell'cam, and to her sister Sil, the young elf Lyte seems relieved and pleased. She passes through those working, to the charred remnants of a now destroyed wooden pavilion, and going to a spot just behind it, quietly digs up a very small, elaborately carved wooden box, which she places into her pack.

    She the prays to her Goddess, her head bowed piously.

    Seeing Oreth carrying on about the Yuan-ti for the hundredth time, she asks him if the Glen was moved by the druids, when it was much more closely surrounded by sauruses than this place is….sauruses so close they walked on his doorstep, and into the glenn itself...this at a time when the glen was being enlarged and improved...rather than being moved to "save the lives of innocents".

    She points out, without emotion or anger, that the only reason Oreth and the other druids are not utterly surrounded with sauruses still, much more so than this camp is, is the fact that goblins took over that section of the Rawlinswood, and that the druids have not dealt with the Yuan-ti at all, choosing instead to chastise others who are attacked by the enslaved sauruses, and are defending themselves, instead of dealing with the true evil behind the problem.

    This evil seems to be ignored.

    "Why, Oreth, is the Glenn still located where it is, if you were so concerned with the welfare of these sauruses? Did I not see Andu'mien and Malika and others defending themselves to the death against these creatures when they were attacked on the doorstep of the glenn?

    As I see it, you are tossing rocks for doing the very things the druids have done in the past…except that the glen was located much, much closer to the sauruses than this more out of the way place.

    If you want to truly protect these creatures...why not toss those rocks at the evil yuan-ti themselves?_

    she bows her head almost imperceptably, touching the tsuka of her sheathed katana

    "I offer the Circle my blade in this yuan-ti matter, should you find it a worthy enough cause to direct your rocks toward, and you form a plan."

    Lyte takes her leave, once Oreth says his piece, and begins to patrol the camp, making sure the workers are protected. If she should come upon an errant saurus, she knocks it unconcious with the flat of her blade, and removes it's collar. If it's a bugbear soldier, may whatever evil god it worships have mercy on it's foul soul, for she savagely cuts them to pieces.

  • I would deny them their former home if I thought that it would endanger other, innocent folk.

    Anyone living here will provoke the yuan-ti. When the yuan-ti are provoked, they don't send evil snakes to clean up. They send enslaved innocents.

    I'm not willing to see innocent lives paid so someone can "take back" a patch of land they believe they have some birthright to.

    But that's not happening now. Until that time…what do you need?

  • Sil replies to the cynical druid:

    "Our intent here is to honor the dead and to care for the wilds. We would welcome your aid in this.

    This is not the home of the Shesae. We are individuals. The survivors who called this home in the past have not returned to dwell here, nor do they seem to intend to.

    But If at some future time the former residents wish to return, would you deny them their land, their former home?

    We are both aware of the dangerous yuan-ti, and I share your concern. An elven foothold here is a threat to them, as they are a threat to us."

  • //edit: Blah, I shouldn't try to narf and post at the same time. Only skimmed, and wrote some things that weren't really relevant.

    Oreth turns back, and shrugs

    If you're just trying to speed the process of nature reclaiming this settlement, call on me all you want. I'll help.

    If you're going to try to resettle, as I've heard several imply, that is another story entirely….

    And I'm not worried just about you. I'm worried about them.

    He gestures east and west into the forest

  • _Vell'cam, the elf in light blue and silver armor with markings of Corellon, observes those that come to visit. He smiles warmly to the elves that seem to be drawn to the rumors, pulling each aside and assuring them that the group means only well. He introduces them to the others of the Shesae that are about and extends wishes of seeing more of them as the work progresses. Those that are willing to help, he sets to one task or another under the direction of other elves already at work where their skills can be of best use.

    Vell'cam inclines his head to general Lyte out of both politeness and earned respect._ "I will always remember that you stood at my side on the bridge against terible odds sister. You are welcome here to observe both as brethren and i hope a friend." He glances around slowly and directs one elf or another towards a different task, and scans the nearer woods carefully with his attentive gaze. "I imagine our presence here is close to your heart. I know you once called this home. We can speak more in a lull of activity if you wish to know more of our presence here."

    _He pulls Alvar to the side when he arrives and tells him to find him or another of the Aredhel sometime in a lull of activity so that they can discuss his interest in the Shesae. Until then, he is welcome among them along with his relative Llach. Vell'cam also mentions that he would like to speak with Llach sometime while Alvar is present.

    He meets Calendel at the bridge and for the briefest moment seems saddened by the holy markings he wears. Perhaps because they are not of a Seldarine. A smile does however quickly replace the look and he welcomes the elf to help and spend time with them while he is in the area.

    Vell'cam observes Oreth carefully until his intent is clear. He is quiet and waits until the druid has finished talking before addressing him._ "Perhaps you are right tree brother. But what place in these lands is free of threat? In my time i have seen nearly every town burned to the ground and rebuilt. I have seen two the druid glenns fall or burn; one perishing not far from here to be left while the other was healed. All but one have been reclaimed despite the threats and difficults that seem to make it impossible. One threat or another." He shrugs and smiles, a feel of paitence to him. "You do not just ignore a gapping wound or pain; you soothe it and put it to ease, repair it if you can. Perhaps we will rebuild and perhaps not. But closure and soothing of a painful memory is a good thing most often. Perhaps, if you have more concerns, you should talk to one of us directly instead of addressing the sky. Your help would be welcome here so long as it is constructive" He incline his head briefly to the druid out of respect and then moves back to the work at hand. At no time does he seem insulting or even irriated by the druids actions that others may have taken as rudeness. Instead he just seems to be resepectful and friendly.

  • Oreth, during one of his patrols, walks through the camp with a very odd cadence. He moves to a point, then looks east, then west, peering off into the distance, then moves to another point, and repeats. If anyone asks what he's up to, he doesn't look up, just remarks…

    I'm trying to see if there's a point in the camp from which I can see both yuan-ti patrol routes…so far I can usually just see one or the other....

    He moves to another point, stands up on a stump, and glances east and west

    Ahh, there we go. Can just see both of them.

    So umm….why did this sound like a good place to live, again?

    He shrugs, and walks off, back into the northern woods

  • Those venturing far south enough, out of idle curiousity or while hunting goblins begin to hear the haunting crystaline notes of an elven flute from the south, for where there are elves there is always music…

  • Though unable to do much a small gaunt red haired elf clad in a blue and white robe frequently seen offering to do small light jobs and be of use how ever she can.