A Cauldron in the Camp

  • A veiled woman draped in a shawl with dark brown eyes seems to now reside in the camp. She cooks for all who toil, humming soflty as she works. From her caudron she produces some most restorative stews and from her kettle, invigorating dark teas. She does not speak much but when she does, the heavy accented words and low throatiness of her voice leave an unshakable impression upon most listenners. It is said by some, that those who eat from her fire, heal faster and rest easier for it. Often though when she studies someone closely with those dark eyes, some seem unable to eat fast enough and move along. Rumors say she touches the weave and some claim to have seen her perform small charms. Those who know Tseris Recognize her easily.

  • As the weeks pass many grow comfortable with the Lady and her cauldron, eating at her fire often. Rumors say she has been seen late at night studying curiuosly, rune carved bones cast on a cloth before her in the flickering firelight. It is said she often nods slowly to herself at these times and quickly wraps the cloth around the bones and puts them away if any approach.

  • In the dead of night, when all the cooking is done and the cauldron left with everyone turned in for the night a short cowled figure with broad shoulders under their cloak approaches the cauldron just like any other camp dweller, sniffs it, mutters something about… Amateurs, noones going to grow strong on that... in a strange accented common and scuttles off to a quiet place behind any large tree.

    If anyone chooses to follow the figure, one seems to be sure he disappeared around the back of a particular tree hmm or was it that tree... or that one. hmm.