Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories
Will stops by to visit Jerr often on his way to or from home, bring him blankets or anything else he needs to be comfortable, as well as fresh food and water.
Master bowyer Ginger Tealeaf is seen quietly going to the pixie roost. She brings Jerr a bag full of items: a clean and new-looking leather armour in red, gold and black, some rings, and a badge.
Those who ask find that Jerr is up in the pixie roost in a cold camp. Any fire up on the roost is kept as far as possible from the skald. He will not yet sleep in a tent and is nervous if more than one or two people are near.
Telli's been wandering asking to see Jerr. When asked why she simply replies.
"I heardededs he gots rescued and his skins is all burnts ups… I'd gonna try ta helpededs hims grows somes news skins backs....grins dopely clutching a piece of bark oddly...
((Those wishing to take actions related to the missing children, please PM me. Apologies to those who posted their actions in this thread already, I tend to sometimes miss things posted in town rumours threads from time to time.))
::Alfgeir can be seen helping around the camp his massive strength aiding in many tasks around the camp. He seems to be working on some form of wooden structure…a home maybe?::
Lycka is only too happy to spend her time on duty in the vicinity of Alfgeir, her curiosity about the traditions, history and lore of his people seemingly endless. When not talking the giant's ear off, she sings and plays for him while standing guard.
Jonathan, after a heated discussion with certain Elders, calls for extra Warriors in the Camp area, most especially close to the new guest of the Camp, Alfgeir
_Tall, blonde and with a special grudge against frost giants, the warrioress Ragnhild's first meeting with Alfgeir was predictably less than cordial, despite the fact that her daughter Lycka was blithely walking next to the giant, chatting amiably.
After repeated reassurances of Alfgeir's upstanding character and quite a lot of nagging from her daughter's side, Ragnhild grudgingly layed the initial hostilities aside and offered the giant a traditional welcome by rolling out a barrel of fine dwarven ale from her tent. Though nursing a gargantuan headache the next morning, the barbarian woman now seems to have thawed considerably towards the camp's new guest._
After more recent bouts of her curse keeping Cherry down for the count or missing entirely, she enjoys a whole three days before almost any mention, sight or scent of food sends the lavender-haired girl running to empty the contents of her stomach away from the eyes of others. She is pretty certain this has nothing to do with her family curse.
It seems a large and tired looking group entered camp late one night.. that in itself isn't a rare thing, but along with them was a Frost Giant named Alfgeir that apparently will be staying in the camp for some time. Some of the group stayed and talked to him while he settled into his corner of the camp until something can be built for him to sleep in.
Oreth comes out from the inner camp, tilts his head, and sits
Dondiah. What's happening?
((PM me))
Sara spends some time with the bereaved families that recently lost children asking, in her own way, if there is anything she can do to help them, but withdrawing if her presence seems to worsen things.
Dondiah is seen wandering in and asking if anyone has seen Oreth, she then sits and waits, often glancing at the Romani a bit nervously, as she is an outsider.
Some tongue wag about two elves camping out near Raver and William's house. Some of the young warriors swear they saw some skin. Others pooh pooh the idea and say that the elves were friends of the Morrison's clearly waiting to see the new baby.
With increased clarity of mind, Cherry is found helping her grandmother more often than not when spending her time in Camp…especialy helpilng her in whatever way with the lost children.
A great rumbling sound is heard coming from the gnoll woods followed by a handful of frantic looking adventuers including Z, William, Kara, Dietrick, Gears and Reilash running fast as hell from that direction towards the camp. Rumours go about that the great cold caves have collapsed.
_With slow, weary steps, Lycka returns from one of her frequent visits to Norwick. Her pack is unusually bulky and heavy seeming, something inside emitting a low, snoring noise. Dragging her helm off to wipe back a few sweaty strands of silver-white hair from her forehead, Lycka sets the pack down to catch her breath.
As she murmurs the word "diet" under her breath, the pack suddenly squirms frantically and a very, -very- fat squirrel tries to make a break for the nearest tree, collapsing and wheezing before it gets half-way there. With a soft sigh, Lycka goes to attempt to get the squirrel back into her pack, with visible effort, only really managing to roll it over onto it's fuzzy back. The exhausted young bard kneels next to the pudgy creature, pleading:_
"Come ooonnn Portly.. let's get you inside to meet the others.. there's -food- there, nuts and berries, even more torti fruit, promise! Just get in the pack.."
At the word "food", the squirrel lifts his head, then squirms his large bulk back into the pack with a small burst of renewed energy. Lycka breathes a sigh of relief, then hauls the pack down the stairs to Shady's tree as gently as possible.
//kudos to LD for cracking me up with the "Fattest squirrel you've ever seen", weighing in at around 50,5 pounds
Oreth stomps out of the woods, covered in bits of zombie, goes to Jeni for purification, then becomes a raven and flies off to the south.
Tala seems very concerned over the missing children. She works to comfort the families as much as possible in this time checking the sites of the abductions of tracks and prints trying to chase down any leads