Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • _A curious sight could recently be observed near the heartfires as Asha, Lycka and Rhistin sat in deep concentration, bent over some apples with various cutlery in their hands. Whatever experiment the three were performing seems to have had only limited success, as apple after apple was discarded or simply fell apart from the treatment. Spirits nonetheless seemed high, and in the end a visiting red-headed swordsman provided some useful aid, Lycka beaming and packing the cutlery away afterwards.

    Apple experiments aside, Lycka appears to focus most of her time on martial training lately, either working relentlessly at the combat dummies with sword, axe and flail, or headed out into the pass on long patrols._

  • _The very same trio head straight for Cera's tree after a trip out to the Nars pass, looking thoughtful and concerned. The wolf's health seems the major worry, but after a check-up by Jeni, Limp is declared free of any ailment. Ragnhild and Asha head back out to sit by the fire, speaking in low tones for quite some time. The talk appears quite emotional, though in the end, a tearful Asha wipes her cheeks and smiles to her mother before all three retreat to their tent and some well needed rest.

    Word is later spread of how Ragnhild and Asha, along with a paladin of Milil encountered the woman known as Taly Blackhand out in the pass, after a swarm of spiders attacked them there. It is said Limp was bitten and diseased, but strangely enough appears to have been cured by none other than Taly herself. According to Ragnhild, Taly told them she is seeking a cure for the blight of the forest that she has now claimed as hers, and warns others about setting foot in that territory due to the dangers there.

    Ragnhild for her part does not encourage anyone to trust the woman, but advices against downright attacking her too without knowing the truth of matters._

  • Ragnhild smiles softly to Asha, wrapping a warm arm around her shoulders, her other hand ruffling Limp's fur. The sense of sadness slowly fades as mother, daughter and wolf sit in companionable, thoughtful silence. Finally Ragnhild leans down to kiss Asha's hair, before rising and returning to their tent, low conversation and the clatter of tea mugs coming from within.

  • Elusive and plump Asha finds her way to Ragnhild's side, her limping wolf accompanying her even there. The young woman just hugs her arms around her foster mother, the wolf resting peacefully next to them. Sensing the sadness perhaps, neither wolf nor girl emit a single sound, they merely stick close to the tall barbarian woman.

  • Late one evening, Ragnhild walks from a secluded part of the camp to a nearby stream, a simple club known to some as the "Husband Tamer" in her hand, the stone head of which is stained with blood. The blonde warrioress kicks her boots off to kneel in the stream, cleaning the club with a pensive, almost sad expression on her face. She remains sitting at the bank of the stream well into the night, the club cradled in her lap, light blue eyes distant, lost in thought.

  • The past month, Rhistin's been seen more and more often with Sald at her side.

  • _Lycka often seeks Cherry out when in the camp, offering to spar or just talk. She never presses the issue of Cherry's departure from the group though, merely demonstrating that in her eyes, nothing has really changed between them.

    For days, Lycka also appears to be steeling herself for something, the reason perhaps apparant when raised voices are heard from Ragnhild's tent one late evening. The argument appears long and sometimes heated, though it ends seemingly peacefully, mother and daughter embracing before Lycka trots off towards Shady's with a light pack. After a visit to the college, she brings a small, portable easel, brushes and other tools of her trade to the same location under the tree, humming happily._

  • _Cherry confirms any word or rumors of her departure fromt he Warriors. Sullen when the subject is broached she says little else.

    She still trains on her own when the Warriors have finished their group sessions. Quite often she scouts out and patrols the nars on her own as well, shouting out and reporting to her former fellow Warriors where and how many hobgoblisn she ran into or anything else unusual seen or encountered.

    In Camp, Cherry politely excuses herself whenever she crosses paths with Raver or Aelthas or just detours around them if not with anyone else at the moment._

  • _Dwin Dolvak was seen entering the Romani Camp alongside a notable Peltarch Senator and another male human.

    Upon passing the newly arrived Chessentan, Dwin smiles and mimes playing a lute, apparently asking the young musician if he is still playing music for events in the area._

  • The red cloaked Chessentan Andreas was seen entering into Cera's tree some days ago. Shortly later he emerged and set up a small tent of stitched animals skins off to the edge of the vally.

  • Aelthas smiles a bit at Cherry.

    Congratulations sister, I am glad you are happy.

    With that said, he pats her shoulder lightly on his way out to the pass, sword and shield in hand.

  • Lycka hugs Cherry tightly upon hearing the news, spinning her fellow warrior around in a celebratory dance before admiring the diamond ring. Her light blue eyes go wide and dreamy as she listens eagerly to every small detail in Cherry's tale, asking a myriad of questions along the way.

    "Was it someplace -romantic-, like, near a lake at night, under the stars and moon, or ooo, in the sunset? Was he down on one knee and everything? Were you surprised when he asked, and oh, OH! When is the wedding??"

  • Cherry continues to disappear from the Camp and even the entire region days, even weeks at a time every couple months. Always when she returns, if asked at all where she was, she replies imply, "In the Wind."

    Cherry returns this latest time, with a diamond ring of engagement worn on her left hand. With alll the Gali and Romani around her own age, she shares all the details and gushes on how romanic Aramuil was proposing during a whole arranged picnic. And how he waited all this time until he could get the blessingof her parents in person. That being all the way back west in Silverymoon.

    With the older Romani and Gali, except her grandmother, Cherry sparest he the sickening details of her engagement to that "dandy" elf. She politely accepts any congratulations from the "old fogies", if any is given at all. Grumbling, snide or otherwise negative commentary, Cherry ignores, hoping and assuming it was not meant for her ears.

  • At the suggestion of the Druids, Raver posts another squad of men at the other side of the Spider Pass, though they do not as yet have the same orders to shoot if Gaji pass through

  • _The four treants now staying in camp occasionally uproot from near the pixie glenn and wander around the camp, staying well away from the fires, their leaves rustling a bit as they walk past them. They stop and talk occasionally to the Gali or Romani, though not for long, still getting looks of amazement before heading back to the entrance of the glenn and rooting back into the ground.

    There also seems to a be a pretty Kelemvorite paladin, named Helen in the camp now, who stands guard at the gates to the spider woods to cure any who come through of any disease they might have gotten out there. She seems to be getting along quite well with most of the Romani._

  • _Now proudly wearing the colours of a full Warrior, Lycka cautions travellers to Peltarch to be wary, especially at night. The city narrowly avoided being set under martial law, but the unrest appears to be continuing, with further attacks taking place and numerous guards slain.

    Lycka also informs the elders that the temple of Kelemvor wishes to send one of their knights to the camp, in order to help protect its residents from the mysterious disease in the forest._

  • Tindra recommends to all those in the camp to be careful when traveling to Peltarch. The recent assassination of a senator followed by escaping criminals has gotten the city going a bit crazy, and that she's heard talk of martial law.

    "Now, I'll admit my memory of it is a bit fuzzy, but I seem to recall the last time martial law was declared in the city, all hell had broken loose."

  • Upon returning from a hunting trip near the ice lake shores together with Aelthas, Ragnhild lets it be known that Ael has now been granted permission to court her eldest daughter Lycka. Judging by the light bruises and the scraped skin on the barbarian woman's knuckles, most people will surmise that such a permission is not won without a certain amount of pain on the part of the suitor.

  • Two Squads of Gypsy Warriors have been posted at the wall in the spider pass, with orders to shoot anything coming north, in an attempt to make sure that the disease in the forest does not make it into the Camp

    //If you enter the spider pass (Hidden Pass), please RP that the area between the wall in the west pass and slightly south of the bridge to the cat cave, is burned to grey ash and black earth - devoid of life. Also, please exit the pass from the eastern side, as the archers will have orders to shoot those coming from the diseased area. //

  • _Romany and Gali alike gossip of four walking trees that stalked north and east through the Camp just before the burning began, escorted by Will, Raver, Mecizq, and a female elf in black.

    Some whisper that there were originally five, but one succumbed to disease and madness…_