Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • Raver snorts as one of Ael's men relays his "command", and continues on about her business

    Tell the boy that if he asks nicely, I might come visit him after he's had his nap.

  • _Looking tired and like he has travelled a lot, Aelthas enters the camp after being gone over two months. Strapped to his back is a greatsword that seems to be made of silver, small elvish letters etched upon the blade. His usual clean shaven face now covered by a small beard, his shiney armor dulled and dented as if not taken care of that well in the past few months.

    As he makes his way through camp, he stops to talk to some of his men for a short time, his eyes still looking towards his tent as he gives them a small tired nod. When asked where he was, he simply waves a hand and says it is good to be home before continuing on towards his tent.

    When he finally gets to his tent, his armor comes off quickly, being put into a messy pile just ouside the tent, his swords just tossed inside carelessly as he collapses to the blanket inside, his wet stinky dog curling up beside him, he is heard yelling to one of the nearby guards._

    Get Raver here as soon as possible!

    With that he seems to fall asleep immediately, a few of his men walking up near the tent and leaning against trees, maybe waiting for the chance to smack him upside the head for leaving without a word, or maybe there to keep most people from disturbing him.

  • One afternoon, Zyndel arrives early with a basket full of goodies. She seems to be more relaxed than she normally is. While she is cooking, she sings a soft elven song about the moon, song, and dance. She makes a larger than normal meal of venison roast with potatoes and veggies. While the meal is cooking, she bakes extra bread and around 4 dozen oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

    When everything is done, she prepares the basket with plenty of dinner for two, a fresh loaf of bread, and a dozen cookies. The next 2 dozen cookies she wraps in a small package. A small smile crosses her face when she slips the package in her bag. After leaving Aelthas’s dinner as she usually does along with the last of the cookies, she delivers the basket to Will and Raver with a short note of “Thank you again for your kindness”.

    While Aelthas is gone, Zyndel continues to cook his dinner making sure that the girls eat at least a little bit of something. She tries to reassure them that Aelthas will be fine and will return home soon. She goes out of her way to make them little cakes and treats to try and keep their spirits up.

  • _Despite brighter than normal moods in Cherry's demeaneor. heavy concern grows upon her face anytime she or anyone else speaks of Aelthas. It cannot weigh as heavily upon her as it clearly does Lycka and Charlie, but because she considers them best friends, Cherry spends a few of her evenings wih them outside Aelthas' tent. She even gets used to the small that dog, petting off and on once it lets her.

    Scruffing her fingers al through the dog's fur, she whispers sometkhing into its ear. Then as if it understood what she whispered, it behaves as a wel-cared for and loved, not-a-care-in-the-world puppy for the time being. It's tail wagging the back end of its body gently, the wet stinky dog of Aeltahs' perhaps goes between the other girls looking for pets and slobbering sintky dog kisses on their faces.

    Cherry offers Charlie and Lycka each a hug when she comes tos it with them. Hugsthat oddly offer a renewed sense of hope, ordninary hugs alone don't do that. weird.

    Cherry otherwise justs ists there as quietly or as talkitive as the other girls tend to be, getting to pet the stinky dog at times._

  • Charlie reacts in much the same way as Lycka to Aelthas disappearance, and is usually to be found of an evening sitting near his tent and eating the other meal Zyndel prepared. Sometimes the girls exchange words, sometimes they sit in silence.

  • For each day that Aelthas remains gone, Lycka grows visibly more and more anxious. Rumours of his death will invariably bring a deeply stricken look to her face, though she'll dispute such claims fiercely, almost angrily. More than a few of the young woman's evenings are spent sitting and waiting outside Aelthas' tent, her arms often wrapped around the Wet Stinky dog despite the animal's less than appealing scent. Ragnhild seems to allow Lycka her time alone, occasionally stopping by the tent to speak softly or merely squeeze her shoulder. Luckily for both girl and dog, the meals provided by Zyndel are a good enough excuse to decline the warrioress' ill famed polar bear steaks.

  • _The times that Rhistin visits the Camp, she takes care of the obviously very hungry stinky dog. Though the dog is hesitant at first, she manages to feed him properly by tossing it leftovers, gradually winning his trust with each meal she provides.

    One evening she just sits with a bowl of meat next to her, until the little stinker comes forth. As he's eating, she manages to stroke it behind the ears without it cowering off._

  • _A tenday has gone by and Aelthas has not be seen in camp, he was last seen heading out of camp with Peppy, his Aunt Nicahh and an elf named Curufen to the south. Some of his men reported him walking back towards the city a few hours later.. from there he just disappeared without a word.

    Although some have already begun to whisper that he may be dead, others simply think he went for a long walk to take a break, even though it's odd he told no one.. one thing is for certain, his Wet Stinky dog has been snffing around his tent, possibly hungry, whimpering most days as if waiting for Aelthas to come back._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Gears can be seen asking Charic Fetter how much booze he's got stored up, how much it would cost to be bought in bulk, and whether delivery is free or even available.

    ((DM feedback appreciated))

  • ICC

    *If asked about Aelthas, the gipsy guards say that they saw their leader heading to the woods with a huge half orc by the name KULL, next to him. The reason why this two warriors went to the woods was to spy on some bugbears that have found a secret trail throo the rawnlinswoods to the gipsy camp woods.

    It also seems that Aelthas has asked Kull to avoid patrol the woods for bugbears becouse the presence of a big militaty contigent in the gipsy camp woods on a regular basis might be seen as hostile by the local gipsy camp citizens.

    Few hours later, these two wariors have been seen by the gipsy camp guards arriving to the woods, with out a single injury on them but with alot of spider webs glued on to their boots and legs*

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • Ragnhild smiles to Jeni, her face softening slightly and her eyes growing warmer, though no less attentive, while they talk. Upon hearing affirmation of the papers authenticity, she simply nods, commenting in a calm, confident tone:

    "Aelthas vould not lie to me."

    At Jeni's last comment, Ragnhild again nods calmly, replying in a low voice:

    "He is, or he vould not be standing today. Vhether he vorthy and suitabel match remain to be seen."

    With that, the tall warrioress turns her attention back to the training area, where her daughter is hard at work sparring with Jaiden. Lycka screams in frustration as she picks herself off the ground again, but as she meets her mother's eyes, the young woman grits her teeth and lifts her sword to try yet again.

  • A deadly raid on the camp by bugbears tonight ended in the bugbears being hunted down through out the camp and the Hidden Pass. 3 deaths were attributed to the bugbears attack, a visitor to Romani lands, a Rom guard and a member of the Camp. Alas, the guard was too far gone to save and he chose to meet his family on the other side of the Wall of Souls.
    Strangely enough, 3 elves were seen coming from the Pass just before the attack, and now the Rom are beginning to question why they didnt' warn of the bugbears massing inside the Spider gates, or at least aid in defending the camp

  • The guards are warned that a very dark knight with a glowing red sword and the ability to speak to people's minds was seen at the bottom of the cat cave. Word also goes he was easily 7 feet tall.

  • Word travels of a gnoll headsmen ramming his way through the bridge gate and into the inner camp in pursuit of an adeventurer. All in all two adventurers are rumoured to have been beaten down by the beast, along with one of the guards. Rumours also spread of a purple hin that somehow arrived inside the camp to get rid of the thing. However, most people just laugh at the idea of a purple hin… or at least until they think of the trouble a gnoll headsmen could have caused running around inside the camp...

  • Jeni finds Raginhild early one afternoon and they both stand observing the Warriors and Lycka in their training. Jeni gives Raginhild's free hand a squeeze before being overheard telling her that the papers dissolving Aelthas' marriage were real and binding. She goes on to explain to Raginhild why she and Jonni agreed to dissolve the marriage and that Aelthas had been made to wait a good 3 years before, in case Gen came back.

    Added in a low voice, that only a few closest to the pair might have overheard

    He's a good man, Raginhild and one of honor.

    Jeni smile gently and turns, making her way back to her tree-home

  • Raver welcomes the trainee in to her band of men with a grunt, motioning her to train with Jaiden and Ari for the time being. She gives a nod of understanding to Ragnhild, not uttering a word as the protective mother keeps an eye on one of her chicks.

  • _Raised voices can be overheard from Ragnhild's tent well into the night following the duel with Aelthas, mother and daughter engaged in a heated debate. Lycka's strong voice carries further than her mother's, sometimes going high and shrill, exclamations like "It's not FAIR!" and "But you and dad did!!" sometimes audible above the din. These youthful protests seem to carry little weight with Ragnhild though, as Lycka can be spotted leaving the tent in the morning with her shoulders slumped in resignation, headed straight to Raver to begin training with the black armbands. Though clearly not happy about it, she avoids Aelthas over the coming weeks, stealing a glance or trading a quick, bright smile with him only when she thinks no one will notice.

    Ragnhild's raptor-like gaze seems to miss precious little though, the tall warrioress always looming in the background, watching Aelthas in particular as if sizing him up._

  • The purple haired Charlie seems entirely unsure how to react to her father's mood and the flying rumours about him and Lycka. However a letter arrives at camp for her and she seems deeply troubled by it, spending time watching Aelthas as if trying to decide how to talk to him about something.

  • _Word spreads that Aelthas and Ragnhild had duel in the Warriors training area after a VERY long talk in the camp. Even though Aelthas was beaten down after barely scratching the strong barbarian woman, she was seen giving him a small smile and patting him on the shoulder.

    Many whisper that it had something to do with Ragnhilds oldest daughter, Lycka and the fact that she is now seen wearing a black armband and Aelthas tends to avoid her most times over the next few weeks makes the people believe that Aelthas has done something naughty.

    Either way, Aelthas is seen with a small smile on his face most days, occasionally glancing at Lycka when he sees her training, the smile getting a bit bigger, although he tries to hide it as best he can._

  • Zyndel cautiously makes her way out to the wall dividing the woods from the camp. Her silver eyes dart around warily. She eyes the gate briefly before going to the wall. She puts her hands on the wall for balance as she goes up on the tip of her toes to try and peer over it. Her eyes just barely see over. The tiny elf scans the woods, and her shoulders slump when she doesn’t see what she was looking for.

    Noticing the lateness of the day, she hurries back to camp. She doesn’t slow until get gets to Aelthas’s tent. She tosses some bread together and sets it to rise. Deftly, she chops up veggies and some rabbit. She slides it all in a pot and puts in on the fire. The bread goes in next. After the bread is done, she leaves the rabbit stew to simmer, and wanders wearily to the inner camp.