Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • Rhistin sighs: "Norwick will never be the same. I'm glad Star talked me into moving to the Gypsy camp in time." She walks to the inner camp and lingers in the newly found piece and quiet there.

  • Star just watches her go from the shadows <rom>"Oathbreaker"</rom>

  • _A Gali known as Harmony,
    once often seen in company,
    with fellow Romani and Gali in harmony.

    But in one early dawn when birds yet to sing,
    seen she was taking her modest travelling sack,
    depart she did southwards to a town known as Norwick.
    Her oathe returned to the camp,
    a Gali she no longer is.

    Whispers amongst the Romani,
    whom may had enjoyed her company,
    spoke of Harmony with a new responsibility.
    One that Norwick had entrusted her,
    accept she did thus left she chose.

    The camp now be quieter it seems to be,
    For a presence missing and laughter also,
    one that brought a form of warmth once to the camp it did._

  • Rumour has it that the human wizard known as Ezachiel made a visit to the camp, though it is said that he didn't look like he really wanted to be there, more as if the people with him had taken him with them. However, not long after entering, without him having taken any hostile actions, the guards opened fire on him. Many of their arrows splintered as they touched him, but some did hurt him, and after around 2 dozen had been fired at him, it is said that he vanished from sight. One might wonder why a wizard of the power he is claimed to have did not retaliate.

  • _After taking a trip to Norwick, Lilin returns to camp looking somewhat dour, and slips into her home without her usual stops at the fires, and isn't seen for several days, though this is often times typical from her. When she is seen, she is gun-shy about straying to far from her home, though she seems happy, if not a little girthier, she asks any other problems are directed to the other Elders for now.

    Rumors circulate about what exactly is going on in the tent 😉_

    //I'll be back. I'm going to Float on the Buffalo River in Arkansas for a week. I'll see you all soon.

  • There's some talk amongst the guards of how a lady and two dwarves carried a bloodied dead winged gnoll out of the camp and south down the Nars.

  • Rumour in the Camp itself amongst the Gali and Rom is certainly highly unfavourable of the pale skinned mage in question. It seems his self-congratulation on his minor aid to the cursed has backfired again.

  • Rumour has it that the male human wizard some might know as Ezachiel was kicked out off the camp by a group of Gali. Even though he appeared willing to leave at first, the mood turned foul when one of them kept calling him Banite, which appeared to anger him greatly. In the end, even though violence appeared likely, the man left without any blows being struck. Some might remember him as the man who helped when a number of people were struck with a deadly curse, and who was even then kicked out off the camp.

  • _Matters of the violence,
    that happened in the camp recently so,
    involved it did of three women it is,
    troubled one known as Harmony so greatly.

    For seems the matter had been handled,
    quietly amongst the elders it had been,
    announcement of their decision,
    never once shared with the Gali or Romani.
    Wonder she does,
    if a resolution is made at all,
    that may bring sense of comfort and security to all,
    that such matters will not happend again within the camp.

    Approached an elder she did,
    one known as Lilin she.
    Inquire and discuss much they did,
    in hopes understand is made.
    But discussion it ended,
    left Harmony in disappointed she is in.

    For the decision is made that is one,
    when the situation is not made clear and understood.
    Ask Lilin Harmony did,
    why make a decision when one is,
    still uncertain of what exactly occured.
    A shrug she merely did,
    an answer she give.

    An expression of disappointment Harmony wore,
    express openly she did as a Gali in words,
    the disatisfaction of the reasoning Lilin gave.

    The discussion is then ended,
    with Lilin seemingly to be in uncared manner,
    and Harmony with one that has lesser faith of the elders.

    For a proper resolution is not made of a serious matter at hand,
    how can she be assured that such matters,
    will not be repeated again in the future to come?
    How can she feel confident,
    of the future challenges that the elders face make in time to come?

    Walk along she does,
    a heavy sigh she gives.
    Responsibilities of an elder she feels,
    one must be properly taken up,
    or trust will be gone,
    between the elders and people who follow them she feels._

  • _The recent sight all sees,
    upon the song giver she,
    different she be for the skin she wears.

    No longer she wears robes or gowns,
    one that reflects her modesty self.
    Now she wears an armor often so,
    ceremonial one it is with symbols it carries.

    Color it reflects,
    deep crimson, black and grey it shows.
    Symbols upon its emblem shows,
    a flaming bird with wings outstretched,
    with a red crystal amulet by its chest.
    One that looks eerily familiar so,
    to one that song giver wears upon her slender neck also.

    Expression of discomfort she often carry,
    for the weight of the armor used to it she is not.
    No longer a bamboo umbrella she carries in hand,
    only a bamboo pole of what be left of the tool it was.

    In the morning dawn where the dew is fresh,
    on the petals of the flowers it rests.
    Song giver she is often seen to be,
    perform in the ways of martial arts she does,
    with a combat dummy in the camp,
    as her sparring companion it becomes.
    Swinging the bamboo pole in hand of hers with grace,
    more like a dance than a means to refine,
    better ways for one to kill.

    One wonders why,
    the sudden change of song giver she,
    in the life she choose to abandon of once she walked upon.
    Now she seems like,
    courting the path of swords she be.

    Face of hers,
    smiles be rare now.
    What remains left on it,
    a weight of burden it shows,
    like one whose spirit be weary,
    of a responsibility it carries._

  • It seems that Winter, a common sight in the Camp and in it's defence has taken to sitting by the watchfire outside the Camp itself when in the vicinity. She still pops in and out of the Camp, pausing first to tie a peace-knot on her sword, and still seems as cheerful as ever, but does not sit at the Camp fires as was her wont.

  • rilia pipes up on one of her visits to the camp, something about Dart being gravely injured by spider bites and venom. She further states that oddly lumpy spiders attacked and at their death lots of smaller spiders appeared. Someone said they were babies, but I have never heard of a baby spider. They just appear full grown by lloth I am certain.

  • A faintly bemused Wren Halfabrick is heard to mention at the fires that the spiders seem to have entered some sort of breeding cycle, and to be careful in the woods…


  • Raver's sound trouncing seemed to have an unexpected effect on her…..
    She's seen daily, hard at work with her men, not only practicing what she learned from Camina, but working on it with her Warriors.

  • _Word spreads of a pretty middle aged woman with brown hair who wandered into camp, looking like she has been traveling for some time. Not long later she was seen entering the spiders woods with Raver to fight some spiders.

    Raver, William and the woman emerged from the woods a short time later, the two women heading for the training grounds and having a friendly sparring match which didn't last to long, Raver ending up face first in the dirt a few times.

    The woman is seen over the next few days, watching Raver and her men train, a quarterstaff in her hand. Always smiling to any who come close and seeming quite talkative.

    The woman introduces herself as Camina and seems to be staying awhile while she raises some gold to continue her travels._

  • Two Romani guards are seen asking questions, and talking to Jonni. Both guards don't look particularly happy nor does Jonni himself. It's rather clear they are planning on finding anyone involved in this matter of violence, and are asking rough questions around the camp.

    ((those involved, start PMing me.))

  • _The Song Giver she,
    hears of such plight.
    One that involves,
    violence in the sight.

    Romani camp has been known to be,
    a sanctuary of peace.
    Peace now broken,
    by acts of two she heard,
    and victim of one.

    Concerned she be,
    ask the people she did who speak,
    words they give in forms of rumours weaved.

    Inform the elders she does,
    with hopes intervention of theirs,
    peace will return into the camp,
    like a family it once began.

    Quietly the song giver prays,
    that the victim served,
    by the two assailaint sent,
    safe and sound she is as she currently searches,
    the name and location of hers._

  • It seems cruelty in the camp has become so common place, two muscular and tall women cornered a much smaller one, one of the two hitting the smaller one's face repeatedly while the other one brutally stabbed her with a sword.

  • _Sightings of a drider,
    once again by travellers in idle.
    Adventures they did not expect,
    in the group that comprises of four.
    For purpose of theirs was,
    simply to venture into the land of gnolls,
    wood to collect for one known as Zee.

    Beknownst to them,
    gnolls and and driders quietly watch,
    in the shadows that hid their form.
    Under the rustling canopies of the trees,
    cover the sounds of movements they make.

    And then they struck out of nowhere!
    A gnoll amongst of them with such size,
    make most giants look so meager and harmless!
    The adventurers of four armed with courage,
    spirit that wield in whatever they had to defend,
    welcomed the onslaught that came upon them

    Gnoll after gnoll fell,
    the earth slowly turned red,
    as sign of dread,
    cries were heard that are known as death.

    When the gnolls stopped coming,
    what seemed to be a moment of respite for the group of four had,
    the drider appeared from nowhere it did!
    Attacked it did with ways of devious means,
    honor it has none and fought as a beast than one of a warrior.

    But the courageous three that walk on the path of swords,
    give up they did not and choose to end with a battle they made!
    With the songs by one known as a Song Giver to be sung in the battle,
    the three known as Zee, Ragnhild and Suldin,
    fought on with might and courage!

    The battle finally ended,
    with the drider chose to flee,
    and the group of 4 chose not to pursue.
    Returned to the camp of the Romani they did,
    with the warm greeting sun shining upon the weary faces of theirs.
    Tales of the encounters they had,
    shared they did to the faces by the fire who wish to listen.

    When night falls,
    uneasiness comes again.
    For all know that the drider lives still,
    peace cannot come till it cease to live._

  • _Dwin and 4 norwick Guards are seen entering the gates with a small cart filled with some kegs and what appears to be food-stuffs. They go straight to Cave Duj.

    The four guards emerge shortly thereafter with the cart and head back towards Norwick._