Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories
tala is seen standing guard over the now fully uncovered pillar
all these foreign folks coming in tring to capitalize on something that has been decades in t he making. I don't like it Jonni. I just don't like it.
They might try to vadalize it…
watches the people taking rubbings very carefully, anyone moving too fast near the pillar or pulling out any tool other then paper or charcoal meets with a grumpy tala
The new Gali Elor watches all the commotion, only moving to study the writing on the pillars when the others have moved on.
_On hearing about the 'clambering bards' Celebring seems 'very' annoyed. He is skeptical of all the sudden interest at this very pivotal point in the research, when for so long he found no one at all seemed to care…
Grumbling that his research cannot be conducted in total comfort, now instead with a sense of urgency, he nonetheless collects the rubbings from each pillar, using some charcoal and a lot of scroll paper. He tucks the pages away into his spellbook carefully, departing to begin his study._
Jonni finishes his clearing of the pillar and it is rumored that a bard was literally clambering all over it fascinated with the runes. Word is sent for Celebring to get his rubbings of the pillar as well as the other two, and seemingly bards from the bard college have been flocking to get rubbings as well. It almost seems a race to see who gets the first translation out, but Jonni seems more concerned with the accuracy rather then the speed.
Oreth blinks several times, squints at the man to make sure he sees his chest rising and falling, then, assured that he's still alive, shrugs, and goes back to sewing
The young man, failing to notice the bottle in time, takes the bottle directly to the face and is knocked into blissful unconciousness
A man in dark leathers, accented with dark orange and bright blue scale patterns tosses a bottle of wine at the half-elf from his resting place under a tree by the bonfire
Pull up a…..mass of dirt....and stay a while, Gaje. What can we do for you?
A young, somewhat strange half-elf wanders around and around the camp, looking for someone who looks important to talk to.
Lilin returns after a short absence and quickly joins (or rejoins) Jonni and Celebring's little research party
_At night voices can be heard whispering in the air in and all around the Camp if one listens carefully. The Voices always fade with the next dawn. Cera is often heard around Camp aplogizing for letting the Voices of Mojo outof her head.. If questioned, she explains it has something to do with her deal with Selune to be Guardian of lands of the Camp and its peoples. The connection established between herself and the land brings certain Voices to spill from her mind for all to hear. Though she surmises these Voices are only those of those who themselves have a connection tot he Camp itself through death.
On that hcipper note she ends most inquisitions with pout about how she amde the deal out of desperation to help win back the lands fromteh Gnolls and Yeenoghu and now she is stuck with her end of the bargain for the next 100 years at least. Still she would do it all over again if she had the chance._
In a scene comparable to how King Horgan spent his last few living months, Jonni has been seen working carefully on the rock outside the old King's tent with a hammer, a fine chisel, and what seems to be a vial of acid. Bit by bit he seems to be uncovering runes that appear to have been carved within the rock itself.
Lately, the scholarly elf who had previously been asking about the history of the camp, has been seen working alongside Jonni. Many know him as Celebring, and he observes Jonni's work for the most part, offering insight and certain expertise as he can, clearly quite interested in the rune pillars as well. Once or twice, if one is listening or watching closely enough, the term 'Ward Magic' is used. Or perhaps 'War Magic'? either way… The elf speaks with a certain confidence regarding the subject.
In a scene comparable to how King Horgan spent his last few living months, Jonni has been seen working carefully on the rock outside the old King's tent with a hammer, a fine chisel, and what seems to be a vial of acid. Bit by bit he seems to be uncovering runes that appear to have been carved within the rock itself.
Jonni, Wolf, and Syrano ventured to the spider pass. They found the camp, deep in the pass, full of webs and cacoons. It appears the spiders had made a nest there, so the three burned the webs and cacoons, filled with eggs and the corpses of the unfortunate adventurers. Jonni may mention that renders had attacked them. To those who know lore on renders, would think this is unusual.
Rumors spread through the camp of adventurers finding signs of drow activity in the forests - an adandoned campground centered around several cocooned people.
Rumours spread of a pale figure in blue armour, known to many, wandering the spider pass, humming badly to himself and killing spiders with a sparking hammer, if interupted by a small number he'll smile happily and say hello, and proceed to munch on a spider venom sack before continuing on his way. Attempt to track him will reach a sudden end as he vanishes from the middle of the spider pass seemingly.
_When Jeni asks for Verivan Roots and Fenberries, Lilin is seen heading into the spider pass with Wolf, several hours later, Wolf hurriedly returns without Lilin. A group is gathered to travel into the crevasses in the deep spider woods to rescue Lilin
When she returns, she sits with Star for a brief while, obviously exhausted and a little shaken, and then goes to speak with Jeni. She emerges a few hours later looking suprised.
For anyone who asks, Lilin tells of another Grey Render, that captured her when she was dazed and took her down into the crevass. She says it locked her in a cell, then a drow came and spoke with it in harsh tones, it then set up to blow Lilin up, the group did not manage to arrive before the Kegs of oil exploded, but thankfully it did little more than destroy the bars of the cell.
Lilin is seen carrying a map, and waiting to talk to Jonni, and later does as Jonni gives Horgan's theory on the history of the camp as Lilin Nicahh Nox and Belin listen, Jonni leaves and Lilin can be seen hustling after him, then from there, its rumored that Jonni locks himself in his tent, Nicahh picked the lock, Lilin went in and came back out a while later talking about Polar Bears_
Belade goes around telling people that the final date for their entries is fast approaching, and that even if they don't have any talent for art, why not give it a try? 4000 gold is a nice sum to win, along with a secret price by Lacey…
//you have 'till thursday people, come on
Gray Render. Big things. Usually have a wierd protective relationship with….some animal or another. Tend to wander around in forests protecting flocks of geese or herds of deer or the like.
This one seemed to be looking after those six-legged tentacle cats. I liked the six-legged tentacle-cats. I wish we'd actually been able to get one or both of them out of that pit.
Fad seems rather…intrigued, by the report of the grey beast, and asks for any information that any involved can provide
_Everyone's favorite new swordmaster was seen pushing Equinox Stargazer over a cliff (with the neccesary safety procaution of a rope), and then sending Nicahh Oreth Amiwyen and Lilin in after him to explore the crevass just south of the communal tree.
Tales spread of a massive strange grey beast with many yellow beady eyes, keeping two displacer beasts as pets, and hundreds of spiders, as well as some fire loving drow.
There has also been an increased amount of activity in the spiderwoods as of late._