Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • Raver turns that cold eyed rage on Jerr when she hears his statements

    You got my men killed because of some farkin' sense of some one else's honor? They are monsters, out ta kill human's an' elves an' yer precious tribe..
    an' you want ta give them back to raise them an' set them to killing again???

    Ye want honor…. protect your own, an' let the monsters worry about theirs.

  • Jerr, in a discussion around the fires is heard to react to Ravers pulling of the gypsy guards from the Jiyyd battle front.

    "Good, they are needed more at home, pull them all, I say."

    Later, when asked he explains . . .

    "The defenders are beginning to burn the bodies of the giants, this is no longer and honorable battle and I will not ask that the camp pour our blood onto their soil. That being said I will also not forbid anybody from going if they chose to volunteer. Jiyyd gave us support when we retook our camp, without asking for repayment. They housed some of us when we were displaced. Each of you may make up yoiur own mind, but I do NOT think that the Elders have a right to assign men and women to man isolated posts of their battlefront."

  • Raver's cold rage at the death of her Warriors sent even the bravest men scuttling out of her way.
    Making her way to the Jiyyd defensive walls, a long intense discussion ends with Raver stalking off, and pulling all the gypsy warriors off the Long Road hills.

    I pledge my blade ta this fight, but you're not gonna be abusin' MY Warriors. They'll go home an' defend what's theirs.

  • _Aelthas, Star, Kull and Sul'din were seen entering the camp with four dead blackarmbanded Gypsy Guards in their arms. They brought them to Jeni and all left, heading back to Jiyyd. Aelthas was seen re-entering the camp once again awhile later, another body in his arms which he brought to Jeni as well.

    He was seen heading off to his tent to see his daughter and wife right after he spoke to Jeni._

  • Raver and Aelthas' Warriors are seen going out on patrols and coming back beaten and bloody.
    There are reports of hobgoblin raids and orc scouting parties through out the Pass.
    Though the Warriors maintain a presence near the Long Road, more and more they are sticking close to the Camp, patrols within and around increasing.
    Raver is often seen stalking the Pass between Peltarch and Norwick, prowling into areas not normally walked, a worried expression on her face.
    She's overheard telling Jonathan that the Camp needs to be bringing in more supplies, and be preparing to defend the Camp.

  • _Ragnhild lets it be known that she and her fellow Guardians have good experience in protecting caravans in the past, and will gladly assist in safeguarding any supplies that are needed in the warplagued south.

    When not running back and forth to Norwick and Jiyyd, Ragnhild can usually be found in the camp with her children. Of late, her maternal efforts have extended not only to the children from the sisterhood, but also to the redheaded warrioress known to most as Melody. Ragnhild keeps an ever watchful eye on the latter, who seems to spend most her time absorbed in dropping little pebbles into the water._

  • More and more reports have been coming in from scouts as well as a few of the guards stationed in the pass of ogres harassing travellers and caravans along the road south from Peltarch. Small skirmishing usually scatters the ogres, but it is clear that they are targetting caravans of supplies heading south above all else, with hit and run tactics.

  • A beaming Star, newly wed to Llach Blackwood in a ceremony at the Wolves Den after the Festival there, keeps a close eye on all the children, whomever is looking after them. Her gaze as often outwards to the Pass as inwards to the Camp.

  • Ragnhild welcomes any children brave enough to stomach her cooking to stay with her, Lycka and Asha. While her husband Zoma is away fighting the orcs, she seems to have chosen to stay with the children at the camp - no doubt a difficult decision to make for the fierce warrioress. As the life of a house wife is ill suited for her restless nature, Ragnhild soon makes up games for all the children to play, all of a somewhat rough-and-tumble, martial nature. The present favourite seems to be mud ball war, a game that leaves all participants incredibly dirty and also scores many casualties amongst innocent stand-bys.

  • tala makes her cave open to a few of the children and seem to be busy tending the twins and the orphans. She seems to mutter about making more soup already and didn't we just deal with the dieing. He mutterings seem to just be her being her and not particularlly ill natured

  • Many of the younger children are housed in the large tent of Jerr, one of the eldrs of the camp as well as a Sister. The rest are spread through the camp with families and taken well care of.

  • _Early one morning the camp wakes to a bunch of refugees around the fire, being given food and drink by the Romani. The fifteen or so children and the twenty or so women from the sisterhood have been evacuated to camp by the gypsy guards that Aelthas had stationed near Jiyyd. The women being led by Nicahh herself.

    It appears the orcs may be on the move and it doesnt take long after the guards say what may be their final words to friends and family, that they are seen leaving camp once again to head back to Jiyyd to stand with their Commander and the rest of their fellow soldiers.

    Word is also left that Aelthas needs Raver in Jiyyd as soon as possible._

  • Amazingly enough, Raver doesn't seen to mind all the saluting, she just smiles broadly at the pink armbanded warriors and goes on about her business.
    She is seen, however, in a deep conversation with her men that may have something to do with Aelthas….. as several of them are seen looking his way and laughing heartily.
    If some one were also to happen to glance her way whenever Aelthas salutes, they'd see her salute right back, one fingered of course.

  • _All the pink armband gypsies seem to be saluting Raver everytime she walks by them. After she passes, they can be seen chuckling a bit, but move along quickly to get some distance between themselves and her.

    Oddly enough, they are never seen saluting Aelthas and even he is seen saluting Raver with the men, joining in the laughter afterwards._

  • Attached to a few trees near the outer camp are some of the following posters.


    Midwinter Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

  • Will spends some time in a small room under a different tree, once cured.

    Anyone who asks is told he is recuperating from the curse.

    When not there, he and Raver are seen about the camp sitting close together, talking quietly, laughing or joking, but usually sharing a cloak.

  • _News quickly spreads that the cursed ones have been cured, but not before a heated argument took place as to what to do with the bones that were discovered. Eventually, they came to an agreement, which ended up to be the right one and all the afflicted slowly regain their old strength.

    Its now safe to give, all those who were cursed, a big hug_

  • tala thanks Elissa and offers her a smoked deer shank and some trail rations

  • Hearing about those unfortunate souls, Elissa calls at the camp and begins to spread that she's more than willing to part with specially prepared herbs that can ward off misfortune in exchange for minor gifts. She mentions that while wine would be acceptable, she'd prefer it if not everyone gave her that in exchange.

  • _Ragnhild is very distraught to hear of Lilly and Serenity having fallen sick too, as well as continuing to worry about her other friends in the same situation. To protect her family, Lycka and Asha have been strictly confined to the inner camp. The two lively girls are less than happy about this, causing much headaches for Zoma, who can be seen dashing about in a flowered apron trying to keep them under some sort of control.

    Ragnhild paces around the camp, spear clutched in her hands. Circling Cera's tree at what she believes to be a safe distance, she calls out:_

    "I kan not read, and uhm, my sort cooking not ever helped annione get better, but please know that I here iff need me. Iff there something that need smacking, you have my speer."

    Sabre has not been seen in the camp since she stumbled out into the pass after Raver and Williams wedding feast, too drunk (and possibly unwilling) to accompany the now cursed adventurers down to the cold caves.