Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • Though delayed with an enchantment project, Elor has finally departed the camp, heading south through Norwick and the Rawlinswood, leaving Narfell.

  • Tala has been seen to be spending more time by the fires. Often she has her younger children in tow. The run around as the other rom children do like crazy heathens covered in mud and half naked. Before heading home Tala dunks them in a stream. Oddly when the children follow their mother out of the cave they are clean and their hair braided and pulled back. It never seems to stay that way though… such is the way of children who are very serious about their play.

  • Raver is seen more and more in the colors of the Gypsies, her dark head blending in with the dark heads of the Warriors more often than not.
    Laughter rings out from the training grounds just as much as the ring of steel is heard, as well as shouts of encouragment from her men to each other.
    Even as they wait for war, the warriors seem upbeat, their sense of "compania" reinforced. The Camp is beginning to mend.

  • A golden haired elf has been seen in the gypsy pass. She seems to be spending time there with Sara.

  • One of the Gypsy Warriors tells Genzir to talk to the Warrior named Orgal. He can be found on duty near at the Long Road

    (Genz, let me know when you're on… DM assistance is needed for this one)

  • Genzir visits the camp one day, and asks to talk to the guards. Apparently he is interested in any signs of orc activity in the area, especially regarding any reports of orcs coming to talk with the hobgoblins.

  • Will puts the word out that he has a Masterwork Steel chain shirt for sale.

  • _Will is often seen coming into the camp from patrols, staying only long enough to sell things to Shady, then bind his wounds and rest briefly before heading out again.

    The remainder of his time in Camp seems to be spent training with the Black Armbands, whenever Raver is about. If he sleeps at all, it is in cat naps between tasks but if tired, he seems as happy as he's ever been.

    Those with sharp eyes who go under the tree before Raver rises some time before dawn, might notice flowers laid at her doorstep. If asked about them, Master Nefzen just smiles and offers a game of cards._

  • Raver is seen more and more often with a flower or two tucked someplace on her person, most often tucked into the clasp of her cloak.
    Just today she's seen with a just-kissed look on her face, and a rose sticking out of her pocket.

  • Elor's been cleaning out his tent and arranging his few posessions for a long trip. Apparantly, he has decided to leave the camp and Narfell alltogether, and is now making preparations for the long journey south, to Yuirwood, and saying his goodbyes.

  • *The Legion General and Sgt. of the Watch of Jiyyd, Lyte, is rumored to have briefly appeared at the fires at the Camp, smiling. Her face was reputedly blackened with soot, and her ashened covered plate had wafts of smoke trailing up into the night air.

    Reportedly, she offered many thanks to the rom for their kindly efforts and continuing assistance to the town of Jiyyd with their many orc problems.

    She then, it is rumored, borrowed a canteen, as hers was seemingly reduced to a charcoal briquitte, took a long drink, and strode back off, the way she came, puffs of smoke emanating from her boots, grumbling about something that sounded like "herzous and hobgoblins".

  • A ragtag team of Black Armband militia are seen sneaking up on William at the fire and carting him off to the training grounds. It seems they feel he's one of them now, and pummel him accordingly.

  • The happier William seems the further from him Sara is.

  • _Some might notice that William is seen about Camp even more than usual - and that he seems happier than he's been in years.

    He also seems to have developed a recent habit of grinning like an idiot when he thinks no one is watching._

  • Alexi can be seen entering Cera's tree looking for Jeni, with a hopeful smile, a much larger bag of apples than normal as well as more presentable clothes upon him as not a single tear or hole from any travel tumbles can be see on them, though perhaps the most noticeable thing as for once Alexi is not bleeding. Not even a scratch or bruise. It is not quite sure if the results of these changes are from a fluke of nature, or perhaps just the result of Alexi's wife's gentle guidance.

  • The swordswoman known as Sara hears the rumours and smiles gently to herself, then moves to sit in her usual rigidly austere posture, watching the two units of Gali guard training.

  • Rumors run rampant about the Camp… wild speculation is whispered over the fires. The normally reserved, if hotheaded, Raver was seen kissing a man in Jeni's tree. In front of many witnesses, no less.
    Surely a declaration of some sort on her part.

  • _Rumour has it the human Sylvain kissed an elf, and she tore off his pants in desire. And that after just one kiss on the cheek.

    Rumour also has the elf got offended and just ran him through.

    And another rumour states she got offended and wanted to… deal with him.
    She found him to be a eunuch, however, and decided to leave it at that..._

  • Alexi can been as always delivering a nice sack of apples to Cere's tree on a regular fashion though lately it can be noted that he is more antsy than normal and restless. When asked he gives odd answers ranging from something about ear tuffs to some something up in pelt to something in Norwick.

  • William is seen on occasion, training with the black armbands.